Martin Buber and the Holocaust: Some Reconsiderations

by Richard L. Rubenstein (November 2012)

to Buber for whom the relationship between man and the Eternal Thou is utterly without mediation.

consequences of impotent servility.27

political Zionism had arisen.



Religion (New York: Harper and Row, 1952).

8) Buber, Eclipse of God , p. 129.

p. 164.

26) Neusner, lac. cit .

 29) Buber , “What is to be Done” (1919) in Pointing the Way, ed. and trans. Maurice Friedman (New York:  Harper and Row, 1963), p. 109. 

  30) This statement is  cited by Greta Schaeder  ,  The Hebrew Humanism of  Martin Buber, trans. Noah J. Jacobs (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1973), p. 197.

32) Tillich, loc. cit.

33) Tillich, loc. cit.

Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1970).

Richard L. Rubenstein is President Emeritus of the University of Bridgeport. His latest book is Jihad and Genocide (Rowman and Littlefield: 2011).

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