Michael Shindler
A Bird of Prey (August 2021)
Mother’s Home (July 2021)
The Fisher’s Loveluck by Karl Gottfried von Leitner (June 2021)
A Willow Branch & There is a Fire (May 2021)
Lovers Dancing & A Lone Thief (April 2021)
Two Poems of Hoffman von Fallersleben (March 2021)
A Fruit Tree, A Clocktower, & Women Wailer (February 2021)
Night Birds (January 2021)
A Great Ox, A Purple & A Satyr (December 2020)
Wormwood (November 2020)
Four Poems (October 2020)
Three Poems by Clemens Brentano (September 2020)
On the Water’s Face (August 2020)
Four Poems (July 2020)
The Trees (June 2020)
Four Poems of Gabriele D’Annunzio (May 2020)
Wonder the Dead & While the Wilds (April 2020)
We Had Heard Them (March 2020)
When I Grow (February 2020)
A White Stag (January 2020)
O, a King (December 2019)
A Boy in the Sea (November 2019)
Yet the Fruit (October 2019)
Go and Gather Me Flowers (September 2019)
Morning’s Work (August 2019)
Ash and Asphodels (July 2019)
Two Poems of Friedrich Rückert (June 2019)
My Daughter (May 2019)
Two Poems of Gabriele d’Annunzio (April 2019)
We Walk (March 2019)