Muslim Assault Against Apostates: The Rifqa Bary Case

by Jerry Gordon (September 2009)


recently beheaded by extremist terror group Al Shabaab in that war torn country.

An article on the disclosure published in the student newspaper, The Crimson, fanned the controversy.


radio interview, that perhaps Obama should have been hugging Miss Bary.

the event sponsors speak of what motivated them to stage this event:

The event will not include political speeches or placards, just prayer, said Hassen Abdellah, president of Dar-ul-Islam [Mosque] and a main organizer of the event, which is scheduled for Sept. 25.


There is increasing interest among some Muslims in more fundamentalist versions of Islam, and there have been violent clashes between ultra-orthodox and Sufi movements. This kind of violence remains limited and most Muslims show considerable tolerance to other sects and other faiths. Nevertheless, the conflict is at least partly responsible for some Muslims channeling their frustrations and identity issues into religious disputes.

report on asylum for foreign battered women, an immigration counsel discussed the daunting threshold conditions that result in up to four fifths of such requests being rejected by immigration courts in this country:

Articles On faith:

Daily Mail article on the CSC report noted:

Teachers, police and councils are afraid to take action against so-called honour crimes for fear of being accused of racism, it is claimed. Women are also being betrayed by community figures who believe those who break traditional taboos deserve to be punished, the report found.

Researchers say taxi drivers, police and government workers of Asian origin are returning women to the domestic abuse they want to escape. The report by the Centre for Social Cohesion think-tank voices the concerns of activists who say they are seeing more women fleeing “honour-based” violence.

The Crown Prosecution Service says about 12 women are victims of honour killings in the UK each year. The researchers fear the real figure is much higher.

The study found that honour crimes are being carried out by third and fourth generation immigrants.

Phyllis Chesler brought this issue to the fore in Ken Timmerman’s, account of the Rifqa Bary Orlando court hearing on September 3rd:

But domestic violence cases bear little resemblance to Muslim honor killings, which tend to be premeditated and involve several family members of the victim, usually a young girl or woman.

The experiences of apostates in Muslim countries are blatantly at odds with their rights as guaranteed under international law. Most Muslim nations are members of the UN and have ratified international human rights treaties. However, these nations and the international community have failed in their duty to uphold the rights of apostates by neglecting to guarantee their personal safety and their full and fair participation in society.

What Rifqa Bary is being subjected to by Islamists in the Orlando court proceedings is an assault on all apostates. Her life and freedom to choose her belief must be preserved. That is what is at stake.


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