Omar Khadr’s Hail Mary (Allah) Pass at GITMO Tribunal
by Jerry Gordon (April 2011)
out of the water, and his admissions were to come before the jury. Khadr had fired still another pair of devoted defense attorneys in order to stage a “cry for help” to his conspiratorial supporters that he could not get a fair trial. All of this while the Parrish court contorted itself to give him every allowance and legal assistance he could receive, including three mental health expert witnesses. Parrish even gave the defense the jury they wanted, despite prosecution challenges. After years of phony torture and mistreatment claims, including a self-serving video in which Khadr played up his plight for the United Nations, the Military Commission finally went to trial.
Ezra Levant speculated about how the Obama Administration basically threw the Khadr fight. One should question how Omar Khadr – admitted Jihadist who made bombs and admitted murdering a US soldier as an al-Qaeda loyalist — got so generous a plea deal as eight years, with only one additional year to be served in GITMO.
“not dangerous.” Xenakis was put forward as a former US Army Brigadier General who was moved by his conscience. (Xenakis, never did testify in court, kicked to the curb by his own defense team even after they went so far as to trumpet him in their opening statement).
American Academy of Forensic Sciences this year, a past President of the organization lauded his work as “meticulous” and his reports “amazing quality of detail.” ABC News has made him the most visible forensic psychiatrist in America. We greatly appreciated his fine written examination on psychopathy, media, and the psychology at the root of terror. We have long been impressed with his clear and incisive thinking and open-minded way of studying cases wherever the evidence leads. We personally recommended him to Senator Joe Lieberman last year to assist in their inquiry of the Nidal Hassan massacre at Fort Hood.
The jihad apologists among the media covering the Khadr proceeding responded bitterly to the effect that Welner’s testimony had on the jury’s sentence. They embarked on a cynical campaign to delegitimize his testimony – and now, Dr. Welner himself. First came longtime Gitmo detainee reporter, Carol Rosenberg of The Miami Herald, who lied to her readers when she “quoted” Welner calling Khadr “irredeemable.” Then came Michelle Shephard of the Toronto Star, the longtime cheerleader for the Khadr defense team. She managed in a single article to misrepresent nearly every reference to Welner’s testimony, capping it with a completely false and shocking headline of Welner’s testimony being based on inbreeding research.
Guantanamo’s Child: The Untold Story of Omar Khadr –a fawning paean for a convicted terrorist. Shephard has even spoken at a rally to free Omar Khadr. The Toronto Star effectively sent Shephard, an auxiliary of terrorist Khadr’s defense team, as its “national security correspondent” to cover a trial as “news” without disclosing the patent conflicts of interest. We had written about Shephard’s jailhouse devotion to Khadr in our coverage of the recent news of the Federal Canadian Justice Ministry appeal of an Ontario court decision of August, 2010 freeing his older brother Abdullah from the prospect of extradition to the US on unrelated terror charges.
Leaderless Jihad: Terror Networks in the 21st Century whose research and findings, especially his blind “bunch of guys” theories have been disputed by noted counterterrorism expert, Bruce Hoffman and others. Sageman has profited from feeding this bafflegab to feckless officials in the US Government.
“scoop” against the prosecutors and Dr. Welner. Of the clemency motion, Shephard wrote:
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