Opposing Islamization
by Rebecca Bynum (October 2009)
Remarks given at the launch of “Stop Islamization of America” in Washington, DC., Rayburn Building, Sept. 25, 2009
Indeed, many among our leaders seem to believe in the idea that beliefs do not matter and that personal religious beliefs have no consequence. But I say those who traffic in such notions, those at the highest levels of our Churches, Synagogues and State are fools.
It matters that Muslims believe non-Muslims are inferior human beings.
It matters that Muslims believe women are inferior to men.
It matters that Muslims believe obedience and worship are the same thing and that conformity is equal to morality.
It matters that Islam requires territorial sovereignty.
It matters that Muslims believe that leaving Islam is equivalent to high treason.
It matters what Muslims believe just as it matters what communists believe and what neo-Nazis believe.
And what is most important for Americans to understand is that the purpose of Islam lies not in the health happiness or spiritual progress of Muslim, rather the purpose of Islam lies solely in the spread and perpetuation of Islam itself. Muslims are expendable for this purpose. And though it may be somewhat difficult for Westerners to understand Islam as a religion because it is so alien, we can easily comprehend it as a political ideology of which it is primarily comprised. As such, Islam poses an existential threat to Western civilization.
Since we can clearly see that the situation in Europe was caused by mass Muslim immigration, we call upon this Congress to consider taking steps that President Bush should have taken immediately following the harrowing attack on our nation of September 11, 2001. We call on Congress to sharply curtail Muslim immigration to our shores. This can be done by banning immigrants and refugees from the 56 member states of the Organization of Islamic Conference. Exception should be made for refugees comprising religious minorities who suffer oppression under Islamic law and for apostates from Islam. Apostates should be cherished for the insights only they can provide and their words heeded the way Soviet dissidents were heeded at the highest levels of our government during the Cold War.
Secondly, on the domestic side, Congress should consider banning all foreign financing of mosques and Islamic schools in America. If, to accomplish this, it becomes necessary to ban foreign funding of religious institutions in general, I believe we could live with that. Congress should also consider extending this ban to the foreign funding of our institutions of higher education which have become corrupted by the large sums lavished on them by the oil-rich Gulf states and wealthy individuals seeking to extend the influence of Islam.
And thirdly, we have to do something about recruitment in our prisons. A growing number of violent offenders have shown themselves all too happy to commit acts of violence in the name of Islam upon their release. Congress and the States should consider ending tax-payer funding for the chaplain system in our prisons and our military. Perhaps we should consider segregating Muslim prisoners as well.
Protecting America means more than protecting our physical safety. Protecting America means protecting American culture, values and tradition. It means taking measured steps to insure the continuity of our nation.
God bless America. Long may she live.
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