Palestinian Muslims Pelt French Tourists and Blame it on the Jews

by Nidra Poller (October 2009)

intervention of the international community” and warns that these actions “destroy all efforts to bring peace and establish an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.”

Granted, these extravagant declarations are the stock in trade of Palestinian leaders and their international fan clubs. But what exactly is the war crime that was committed on the Temple Mount / Mosque Compound on the 27th of September? Countless newspapers big and small picked up and retailed the story in French or English without giving it a second thought. If Israeli soldiers harvest the organs of their Palestinian victims and committed a variety of war crimes in the 2008 Cast Lead operation in Gaza, why question their guilt in this admittedly minor incident?

Nothing. Not an image, not a word, not the tiniest question mark. The French tourists have been erased from the picture like Soviet officials fallen from grace. And one media after another, without batting an eyelash, relayed extravagant reactions from Palestinian sources, deserving of inclusion in the Goldstone Report, without questioning the logic of it all. And no one noticed the empty place where the French tourists must have been standing.

Google finally yields the answer.

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