
by Len Krisak (February 2013)

Out walking at that time of morning when

The dawn has barely slipped away from night,

I spot a ghost go gliding through the light,

But upright, stiff, upstanding. No good guess

Available, I stumble on . . . not zen,

Bunraku maybe? Or some spectre, white,

Erect, and surely off the mist-veiled ground

That turns the weightless feet of figures foggy.

He seems ascendant in my line of sight,

And up the hill ahead, without a sound,

How could a climb so fast and effortless

Be anything but . . . now I see it. Yes!

No genie breasting a hill would have to lean

Reveals that what till now has strangely thwarted

My earth-bound vision is no visitation

By angels, or some wraith-like apparition,

But one lone Segway. Now, in this transition,

University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010

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