Pilar Rahola, Woman of Conscience
by Norman Berdichevsky (July 2012)
The Left is Seldom Right (New English Review Press, 2011 and see interview with me by Jamie Glazov in FrontPage Magazine, Oct. 31, 2011) deals with three outstanding women journalists and writers who were once saluted by the political Left internationally only to be later abandoned and then subjected to invective and scorn which the Left traditionally uses to castigate “turncoats and traitors.” Their record of integrity and courage deserves to be better known. They are Orianna Fallaci, Pilar Rahola and Sigrid Undset. I will deal with each one in turn in subsequent articles.
El País, is consistently the most extreme in its constant criticism and often demonization of Israel and Zionism; Jose Maria Bastenier, its international affairs editor, has frequently published invectives against the Jewish state, and portrays the Israelis as planning the “final solution of the Palestinian question.”
The Left is Seldom Right.
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