Remembering Denis Healey’s Quote

by Kenneth Francis (July 2024)

Donald Trump, assisted by U.S. Secret Service (Reuters)


It was a Theatre of the Absurd day on July 13 last in Pennsylvania, when the ghost of Lee Harvey Oswald met a heavily armed, over-medicated Forrest Gump with an AR-style rifle on a slanted flat rooftop in Butler Farm Show Grounds. Asperger Gump turned up the volume on his boombox belting out Jimi Hendrix singing, ‘Hey Joe,’ before aiming his rifle at a Big Bad Orange Man some 400 feet away, but failed to kill him.

But gallows humour aside, which helps me cope a little with the horrors in this insane world: Thank God, Trump was not killed (with condolences to the death of an audience member and two others injured). And with acres of copy written about the attempted assassination, I will reserve comment and await till further revelations unfold before I speculate on the bizarre incident. As they used to say on the news desks of yesteryear: “This story has legs.”

It is not easy finding true answers to world events, especially from the lying propagandised main stream media. We are constantly being misled most of the time, and although the corrupt elements in the Establishment lie to us every day, especially on socioeconomic and political issues, sometimes they tell the truth to cover their cosmic rear end.

The late co-founder of the Bilderberg Group, British MP, Denis Healey (1917-2015), once said:


World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings.


Healey forgot to mention those shadowy multi-billionaire managerial figures who pull the puppet strings attached to the politicians, and the State PR/stenographer traitors in the de-facto communications departments of the demonic mainstream media. I believe Healey is right but most politicians do not want to admit to certain truths.

Denis Healey

He probably stated the above quote by way of “Revelation of the Method”: Unburdening himself from bad Karma, thus projecting it onto those receiving the message by making them unwittingly complicit in deceptive anti-human deeds. It is moments like this when a politician will tell the truth, with a hidden Karmic motivation for being honest.

But aside from the July sniper incident, one question we can ask now as “Orange Man Bad” mania is slowly subsiding: What was the motivation behind ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’? Why, especially amongst the vindictive types of the Far Left, was (and still is to a lesser degree) there such deep vitriolic hatred and persecution aimed at this man since he became President back in 2017? Most of it seems to be coming from the Far Left media.

According to Taki Magazine editor, Taki Theodoracopulos: “I’ve been in this business more than fifty years now, as a columnist for EsquireThe Spectator, London’s Sunday Times, the New York Post, and so on. I learned long ago that the fix is in, and will not soon forget what a billionaire publisher told me long ago: ‘One controls the editorials, but 90 percent of the hacks are left-wing even in conservative publications.’

The media’s demonising of Trump is nothing short of a moral abomination, and the same would apply if Joe Biden was persecuted. Besides Trump, I cannot think of another American presidential candidate who was mocked, subjected to lawfare, impeachments, indicted, intimidation, given death threats, and persecuted more by the vicious Woke Left who lack geopolitical discernment. However, that is not to say some presidents in the past were also not the subject of hate, on a less hysterical level.

Those American leaders who have been assassinated, and those who have been wounded include: Lincoln (1865); Garfield (1881); McKinley (1901); Kennedy (1963) Roosevelt (1912), former president while campaigning; JFK (1963); Reagan (1981).

But the biggest and most-memorable assassination of the 20th century was that of JFK. For Gen-Z people who happen upon this essay and are unfamiliar with the 1960s: The precise historical month and date is November 22, 1963, and the location is downtown Dallas, as JFK and his wife, Jackie, travel in an open-roof convertible limousine through streets packed with thousands of cheering supporters along the sidewalks.

Leaving aside justifiable, legitimate conspiracy theories (which are now spoiler alerts) about no lone gunman and secret service/political involvement, everything looks normal, to those lacking Secret Service security discernment, except for the mother-of-all hypothetical oversights: The open-roof limo with the bubble top down.

Did the then Secret Service, the best in the world, lack security discernment with America’s then most famous man, who was targeted by many enemies? Did they not anticipate a potential sniper attack on JFK, with the memory of Lincoln in mind, as Jackie might be asked by a reporter if the worst happened: “Other than this, Mrs Kennedy, how was the car ride?”

As JFK was shot in the head by a sniper with a powerful rifle, a bulletproof vest would have been of no use, but a bulletproof bubble top (or non-bulletproof top) could have saved his life.

In November 2013, CBS Evening News’s Bob Schieffer wrote:


Jim Lehrer was at Love Field assigned to cover the president’s arrival for the Dallas Times Herald. He remembers seeing the bubble top on the presidential limousine.

He said, “I asked the agent, a man I knew, who was the agent in charge of the Dallas office of the Secret Service, you gonna leave the bubble top up? I’ll never forget it, Bob, he looked up at the sky and [said], ‘It’s clear.’ So then he turns to the other agents who were all there by the car … and he said, ‘Lose the bubble top.’


According to Schieffer, Jim Lehrer ran into that same Secret Service agent later that evening at the Dallas police station. He recalls that the agent came up to him and said: “Jim, if I just hadn’t taken off the bubble top.”

The question on any intelligent person’s mind should have been: Was JFK’s assassination an inside job or an enormous oversight? Same applies to JFK’s brother Bobby, the greatest American president that never was (IMO). He was also denied a metaphorical ‘bubble top’ protection when he was shot in the neck and other parts of his body when assassinated (at point-blank range in a section of a hotel) by, what was reported to be, a lone gunman called Sirhan Sirhan in 1968.

How did Bobby’s Secret Service not anticipate an assassin could get so close to Bobby and murder him in a crowded place? Why weren’t effective security perimeters not established? Were there any background checks for those in attendance?

More: Why weren’t the attendees, in close proximity to Bobby, not frisked beforehand? Would the highly intelligent and best security personal on the planet during that time have been so naïve and careless in the aftermath of JFK’s assassination? Anticipating a potential assassination, was there a trauma room on standby in the hotel or an ambulance parked outside the entrance? To the best of my knowledge, there was not.

Bobby was alive for a while after being shot but died hours later in hospital. Was Bobby’s death circumstances a security lapse, staged inside job, or an oversight? It is difficult to say.

But back to Healey’s quote regarding world events being staged. I stand agnostic and retain a healthy scepticism, despite leaning slightly on the words of Healey. In other words, I am pessimistic on such worldly matters and am more inclined to smell the dung from a Trojan Horse than think something is morally positive or a coincidence.

To quote the character Big Daddy in Tennessee Williams’s Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, a microcosm of the dysfunctions of family life: “There ain’t nothin’ more powerful than the odour of mendacity. You can smell it. It smells like death.”

Regarding those who pointed to incompetence and a lapse of security during the Trump rally last month, it would be unfair to point the finger entirely at the Secret Service DEI F-Team of diversity/ponytailed hires, as there is good, evil, and incompetence in almost all groups, institutions, and races. Even within most families there is a mixture of obnoxious, rogue members and good people.

In fact, although I believe in the Nuclear Family, some of the worst types of selfishness and nastiness on fellow human beings are staged amongst parents and siblings, regarding jealousy and those holding the purse strings. Consider Luke 9:57-62; 14:25-30, where he says we must expect the loss of the respect and association with those we feel the most affection for, family members. They are not going to appreciate the changes we have made in our lives if we follow God. And on a worldly, political level, support for The Donald has broken up many families containing TV-brainwashed citizens who worship the Establishment, State, celebrities, Woke singers, and Hollywood.

In The Devil’s Notebook (1992), the founder of the Church of Satan, Anton LaVey, said: “The birth of TV was a magical event foreshadowing its Satanic significance. Since [April 30, 1939] TV’s infiltration has been so gradual, so complete, that no one even noticed.” LaVey referred to a TV as a Satanic altar in a room.

If LaVey were alive today, his two favourite TV shows would probably be Channel 4’s Naked Attraction and Sex and the City. As for his choice in news channels, it would have to be CNN and the BBC. And if Denis Healey were alive today, I wonder would he agree with such a speculation on LaVey’s choices.


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Kenneth Francis is a Contributing Editor at New English Review. For the past 30 years, he has worked as an editor in various publications, as well as a university lecturer in journalism. He also holds an MA in Theology and is the author of The Little Book of God, Mind, Cosmos and Truth (St Pauls Publishing) and, most recently, The Terror of Existence: From Ecclesiastes to Theatre of the Absurd (with Theodore Dalrymple) and Neither Trumpets Nor Violins (with Theodore Dalrymple and Samuel Hux).

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