Revisiting the Founding Fathers

by Armando Simón (October 2024)

Writing the Declaration of Independence, 1776 (Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, 1900)


The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite. —Thomas Jefferson



Recently, I have been looking at the Founding Fathers in a new light. I knew that they had been wise men, but until now I had not realized just how wise they had really been. I saw things I had not seen before, but which had been in front of me. My admiration for them has increased.

What brought this to my consciousness was, of all things, a meme that had pictures of Jefferson, Madison, Franklin and Washington on one side. It stated that the Founding Fathers had created the Constitution to protect us, the people, from the likes of Pelosi, Biden, Soros, Schiff, AOC, pictured on the other side.


In the beginning

When the country became independent, the leaders were faced with a momentous question: what kind of government would they create from the ashes?

They were starting with a blank slate.

Furthermore, there was no pompous aristocracy to deal with.

They could follow the standard of the day and create a monarchy, which would be a kinder, gentler monarchy—for a while. But, as with the Romans, the word “king” had a bad taste to it. At first, they created The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, but that experiment went up in smoke. In their intense dislike of abuse of power, they had created a government with no power. So, they tried again.

They looked to examples in the past and the lessons to be learned therein. Rome, Ancient Greece and the Renaissance had the only types of government that had existed. An actual democracy was out of the question; it works in a small locale but not on a national scale. An oligarchy was, likewise, out of the question. The alternative was a republic. Yet, republics in the past degenerated. They realized that, with time, all governments by their very nature become autocratic and corrupt. Power is intoxicating. George Washington himself pointed it out: “Occupants of public offices love power and are prone to abuse it.”

Think of it as a bureaucracy. All bureaucracies, be it educational, business, governmental, military, philanthropic, NATO, etc., tend to expand in size and in power. It is in their nature.

So, they went about to put obstacles to this tendency. They realized by not having power centralized in one entity, it would disrupt the possibility of tyranny. They also had a natural advantage in that power was split up into 13 different governments, actually 14 with the federal government, each one protective of its own jurisdiction, customs, etc. The Supreme Court has steadfastly reaffirmed that distinction.

They further split up the federal government. There would be an executive (whose power has consistently grown over the years and continues to grow), a legislature (which was further split up into two entities), and an independent judiciary. Though seemingly a typical republic, it was nevertheless, unique. As Marquis de Lafayette put it, “In the American colonies, the main problem of liberty has been solved, demonstrated and practiced in such a manner as not to leave much to be said by European institutions.”

The Founding Fathers also knew that under the power of demagogues, ordinary rational, peaceful citizens could become an irrational, violent mob. Historically, it had happened in ancient Greece and Rome, it had happened during the Renaissance, it had happened decades before in Holland, and it had just happened in France with the Terror. It could happen here.

After they finished putting together the Constitution, Franklin was asked what kind of a government we had. His famous response was, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Nonetheless, the words “democracy” and “republic” have been used interchangeably since the beginning.

At first, the range of persons who could vote was limited, but soon it began to steadily include more and more persons.

Four things must be kept in mind. One, they all knew the new country was “an experiment.” Washington called it “this grand experiment.” Lincoln, and many others after him, likewise called America an “experiment.”

Two, a traditional suspicion and resentment of the federal government’s power has remained. As Thomas Paine put it, “Government is best which governs least.” That sentiment has reverberated down through the centuries, as exemplified by Henry David Thoreau who wrote, “the best of governments is the one that governs the least,” Ronald Regan’s favorite remark, “Government is not the solution to the problem. Government is the problem.”

Third, one of the underlying philosophical principles was that free citizens could lead their lives best without government interference, even in the form of help. Many areas of the continent lived in true anarchy, but without the usual violence attributed to that word. It used to be that one could build a home, build a business, sell things, own livestock just by doing it. These days, one needs permits and licenses galore from the government. Now, one even needs a license to go fishing or hunting. If any novel enterprises arise there is an immediate cry for “regulations.” Children have been in trouble with the law for having a lemonade or ice cream stand on the sidewalk without an adjoining bathroom or some such regulation.

Four, it was both stated and assumed that the federal government had been assigned certain powers, and those powers not stated were reserved for the states; with time, that concept has evolved into one where the central authority has all powers not negated to it.

Presently, a tremendous leap to halt, and in fact, reverse this trend would be by eliminating altogether several useless, worthless branches of the bureaucracy, such as HUD, Dept of Energy and the Dept of Education. To do so would encounter a howl of protest and insults and statements that those bureaucracies are vital to society and eliminating them would be disruptive to society and even result in the apocalypse. Nonetheless, it can be easily done, if the legislators have the will. It was recently done in Argentina with a minimum of disruption and with instantaneous beneficial results to all—except the bureaucrats.


The mass media and secular fanaticism

Now, we come to the present situation. The Founding Fathers could not possibly have anticipated two threats: the mass media and secular fanaticism.

The independent news outlets have become what I refer to as a hivemind. They are the demagogues the Founding Fathers feared. The reason for this moniker is that all of its components think alike, talk alike, have the same opinion, live in the same neighborhoods, have the same friends and acquaintances, ignore the same facts, listen/read each other’s propaganda, they echo each other, they want to make others be like them but they expel and demonize people who can think for themselves, they look down on the people. They are an early version of the Borg. Its components think of themselves as immaculate journalists but are simply propaganda peddlers who censor opposing viewpoints and unpalatable facts. Charismatic and verbose, the effect they have on the public is horrendous. This was noticed as early as 1838 by, among others, James Fennimore Cooper: “The press, so efficient as the opponent of tyrants, may become despotic itself; it may substitute new errors for those eradicated, and like an individual spoiled by success, may generally abuse its advantages.”

Now for fanaticism. It is true that the Founding Fathers knew of religious fanaticism but, despite the French Revolution’s Terror, they did not truly understand there was a fanaticism at work there. They just thought the Terror was due simply to mob action. Since then, we have all become well aware of the phenomenon of fanaticism.

Fanaticism leads to totalitarianism.

At the present time in the United States, there exists a deeply entrenched oligarchy imbued with a multifaceted ideology which it fanatically promotes. As is true of all versions of totalitarianism, it censors opposite viewpoints and discordant facts, and persecutes and demonizes dissenters. In all this, they are relentless (that is the nature of fanatics). These elites realized that whoever controls the media in a democracy controls the population—but not all citizens, some are actually immune—and can therefore recruit followers. And these elites have the utmost contempt for the rest of the citizenry.

The catalyst for this sudden upwelling of fanaticism was the election of one Donald Trump to the presidency. Psychologically, it was as if a switch had been flipped in the minds of many.

It is a highly curious parallel that the reaction by Democrats to Trump becoming president was identical to that of Lincoln becoming president. The reaction in both cases was sparked by statements by both individuals, in the latter that slavery was evil and should not be allowed to spread to the territories (the first presidential candidate to say so), and in the former that illegal immigrants were committing crimes, and entrance to the country should be better managed. Likewise in both cases, Democrat politicians and the media spewed forth a torrent of hatred for those men—constantly. Their characters and their physical appearances were described in the most insulting, revolting manner. This hatred spread to parts of the population. Also in both cases, apocalyptic predictions of their administration became accepted as valid. Demands were made they be killed. These bizarre, almost psychotic, reactions continued nonstop throughout their administrations. Several states removed their names from ballots during elections.

The last time that the Democrats were this angry was when their slaves were taken away.

An attempted assassination of Lincoln at Baltimore by Democrats was avoided prior to assuming the presidency, but another one succeeded years later. Two attempted assassinations by Democrats against Trump failed. More is certain to come.


The 2020 election

In the 2020 election, a well-organized silent coup d’etat was implemented. The participants were Democrats, with the tacit approval of various Republicans who despised Trump. There may have been others involved. During his administration, he had alienated many by refusing to engage in one of the “endless wars” that had taken place for years by previous administrations, both Republican and Democrat, thereby angering the military-industrial complex. He had angered the Deep State in many ways. He had also angered NATO allies by insisting that they pay for their own defense instead of relying entirely on the United States to save them. He had halted the influx of Muslims thereby halting terrorist attacks. He had also angered the Chinese by essentially having a backbone to confront their soft aggression and had retaliated with tariffs, (and, unlike the Bidens, by not accepting their bribes); incidentally, the covid-19 virus originated in China at the beginning of 2020. He had also bypassed the ruling elite (since 1980, every ticket had had either a Bush or a Clinton on it). He was an outsider. His emphasis on the welfare of working people instead of the business elites by forcing the latter to bring back jobs to America from overseas did not make any friends in that area.

Nevertheless, among the public, in 2020 he was, according to a Gallup poll, the most admired man in the United States, despite the unrelenting venom directed at him during four years by Democrats and the media hivemind.

Democrats have sporadically engaged in the past in electoral fraud here and there, only once before on a national level, in 1960. Ever since, there has been a running joke that voter registration by Democrats takes place in cemeteries. In the 2016 primary, the votes for Bernie Sanders were discarded by the elites, i.e., electoral fraud. At the time, Trump pointed it out, but was ignored, and this was confirmed much later by a Democrat, one Donna Brazile. However, some people to this day find it difficult to believe that Democrats who in the past owned slaves, initiated a bloody civil war, created the Ku Klux Klan, carried out lynchings, passed and enforced Jim Crow laws would stoop to indulge in voter fraud. But there it is. The data is quite clear.

Boss Tweed (a Democrat) once stated: “As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it?” Ironically, Josef Stalin said the same thing, “It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes,” a principle that Democrats have taken to heart to this very day.

At any rate, for the 2020 election, the elites chose a breathtakingly corrupt Democrat who had twice before ran for the presidency, exhibiting the beginning signs of dementia, as their candidate, and who “campaigned” from his basement. The vice-president chosen was an individual who had ranked terribly in the primary. The fly in the ointment was that, in the case of Biden having onset dementia, he occasionally opened his mouth when he should not: “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

The electoral fraud was carried out in several ways, all of them breaking the law in the full knowledge that if caught it would result in nothing more than a slap on the wrist. Voting machines were sabotaged, thousands of mail-in fraudulent ballots (outlawed in every country except here for obvious reasons) were counted for Biden, votes for Trump were discarded, ballots filled in for Biden were transported across state lines, Republican poll watchers were ejected, etc. Even now, evidence is still being uncovered.

They overdid it. Supposedly, Biden received more votes than Barak Obama.

And anyone who afterwards pointed to the electoral fraud was condemned as spreading “misinformation.” This accusation continues to be made. A Democratic governor and potential vice-president, Tim Walz, recently stated on this very issue, “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, especially in our democracy.”

The media hivemind’s position regarding the 2020 electoral fraud has been, “Nothing to see here. Move along, move along.”

The Democratic Administration subsequently demanded a list of names of people who said the election had been fraudulent. This request has been frequently updated.


The Constitution as a Barrier to Absolute Power

The presidency was not enough. Driven by fanaticism, this time they were going for the whole pie. The fanatics had control of the executive, the legislature and most of the bureaucracy and they set to work to make their rule permanent.

Except … for the courts.

True, over the years they had placed fellow fanatics in various courts, but it wasn’t full control.

The government ordered various internet entities (Google, Facebook, Twitter) to impose censorship on their outlets. It ordered Amazon to censor books. And they complied; the elites in those agencies too happy to do so. It also extended across the border to Canada to help the Trudeau regime. But the fanatics lacked total control over the internet, and censorship by the hivemind could be bypassed. There were independent sites which allowed heretical opinions and otherwise simply disseminated facts and news suppressed by the hivemind; they were continually slandered as “far right” and giving “disinformation.” These sites were sneered at by the true believers who, to this day, avoid them like the plague.

Individual politiciansall of them Democratsrepeatedly advocated censorship, though they would never use that word. They prefer “regulation” and “restrict.”

Benjamin Franklin warned us, “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.” And, again, “Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins. Republics and limited monarchies derive their strength and vigor from a popular examination in the action of the magistrates.”

Nevertheless, a rush began to transform American society through indoctrination in schools, government agencies, the police and the military with euphemistic maneuvers, such as DEI and CRT. In large Democratic cities prosecutors and district attorneys destroyed the rule of law by refusing to arrest or prosecute criminals, and as a result crime skyrocketed; this was a tactic employed by the totalitarian regime of Venezuela which helped to break the cohesiveness of society which thusly became more malleable. Previously pristine American cities became pigsties and dangerous.

Along the same lines, a semi-paramilitary branch of the Democratic party called Antifa, dressed in Blackshirts, attacked anyone deemed a threat to their ideology, their unstated motto being “Your free speech is violence, but our violence is free speech.” Almost none were arrested or prosecuted, even when committing crimes in front of police.

Furthermore, a divide and conquer tactic was implemented by setting one side of the population against the other in attempting to convince black citizens that they were still being suppressed, repressed, and oppressed, that the country was still in the 1920s. As a result, a handful of blacks called for the genocide of white people and/or spewed forth racist insults. This, predictably, created a resentment by whites, albeit a simmering one. It was the eternal tactic of divide and conquer.

Parents opposing indoctrination of their children were labeled “domestic terrorists,” so was a critic of the government and anyone who felt that abortions were morally wrong. Calls were also raised for establishing “re-education camps” for political dissidents (namely MAGA voters).

As is the case in other totalitarian countries, America’s history was falsified, and the Founding Fathers demonized (for the same reason that the Constitution and the Supreme Court have been besmirched). Nor was it restricted to America. Other historical figures were likewise distorted, as was the case with Christopher Columbus who was said to have carried out genocide in North America (he never set foot there) and in the Caribbean, contrary to all historical records. Famous persons who had firsthand knowledge of totalitarian regimes warned of this danger, e.g., George Orwell (“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”), Alexander Solzhenitsyn ( “To destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.”) and Milan Kundera (“The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history. Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. Before long that nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was. The world around it will forget even faster.”). Along these lines are the attempts to abolish Thanksgiving, Christmas, Columbus Day, Halloween, Valentine’s Day and the Fourth of July.

Hand in hand with the above, was the constant broadcasting of propaganda through the various media outlets (films, television, newspapers) that opponents were racists, Fascists and Nazis, while simultaneously not broadcasting the more unpalatable actions and results of the elites’ policies. As happened in totalitarian countries, few people went to movies with propaganda in it, and the producers lost millions. Newspapers well known for printing fake news (e.g., Wahington Post, New York Times) saw their readership plummet.

Former residents of communist countries have cried out that what happened to their countries is taking place here. Myself included.

On top of everything, in order to perpetuate their rule while seemingly being a lawful republic, in recent years, Democrat have coordinated for millions of aliens from decrepit countries to enter America illegally, ordering the Border Patrol not to interfere. Tens of thousands have even been flown in by Democrats at taxpayers’ expense. Some of these illegal aliens come directly from prisons. The Democrats are now giving them the right to vote in elections. The House passed the SAVE Act, which prevents illegal aliens from registering and voting in federal elections in order to perpetuate the rule of the elites. The bill received support from 216 Republicans and 5 Democrats. It has not been enforced as of this writing.


The Courts

Without doubt, the courts, particularly the Supreme Court, have been the sole source of frustration to those striving to do away with their opponents and establish a permanent rule. It has been the hope of people resisting the fanaticism.

Persons who have been persecuted, fired from jobs, etc. for exercising their freedom of speech in public areas (particularly universities) have taken the respective fanatics to court and won, albeit after a few years, citing the Constitution. Sometimes they have failed at the local courts, only to be vindicated at a higher court. Sometimes, they have not, depending entirely as to whether the particular judge was one of the true believers or one who believed in the rule of law.

Democrats want courts, especially appeal courts, to rule according to ideology, though unconstitutionally, as was the case when the Colorado Supreme Court approved the state government from prohibiting the citizens for voting for a candidate of their choice

But it is the Supreme Court which has especially become the target of the totalitarians within the Democratic Party. Court rulings stemming totalitarian goals and tactics have been speed bumps in the fanatics’ goals. Even so, several Democrats have come out either threatening individual judges or the Court itself, with some advocating outright assassination, or have threatened to restructure it to be more in tune with their ideology, including the threat to use military force against the Supreme Court. Biden even threatened the Court during a State of the Union Speech while looking straight at the justices’ faces. The Democrats were even able to appoint an ideological follower to the Supreme Court, who complained that the First Amendment (free speech, free press, free religion, free assembly) was an obstacle to the government, a woman so stupid that she could not even define what is a woman.

At any rate, in recent years we have seen a two-tier system of justice, not only in some of the courts but in the enforcement of the law, not only at the local level but with the Department of Justice. This tactic of using the courts as a tool to destroy political opponents is typical of all authoritarian regimes, from the Banana Republics to the Show Trials of the Soviet Union. We see this at the local level, where rioters and criminals (from squatters to rapists) are not prosecuted, but heroes that intervene are prosecuted (or lose their jobs in businesses whose leaders are part of the movement).

We also see it at the national level, with the DOJ’s initial refusal to investigate Hunter Biden’s numerous crimes and when finally doing so, minimizing the charges and/or the penalties. As for the Clinton’s crimes, they have yet to be prosecuted. Those were on the Federal level. Crimes at the state level by high profile Democrats have likewise gone unpunished, such as when the governors of New York, Pennsylvania, California, New Jersey and Michigan piled patients infected with covid in nursing homes among the most vulnerable population, resulting in thousands dead. In other words, they are mass murderers. But they have not been prosecuted or tried because the legal system in those states is firmly in the hands of Democrats.

On the other hand, we have seen attempts at disbarring Trump’s lawyers for representing him in courts. We have also seen a coordinated lawfare against Trump, whereby he was accused of giving money to a prostitute and, what is most horrendous of all, of borrowing money from a bank AND paying it back. All of this was an attempt to both put him in jail, thereby preventing his re-election, but also in an attempt to bankrupt him. In the former case, a preordained conviction was handed down against him whereupon, immediately after, $53 million spontaneously poured into his campaign—not from the elites mind you, but from the public, in small sums. In almost all of the cases, the judges and/or the prosecutors were carefully handpicked to be extremely hostile to the defendant and willing to ignore the law (not to mention that evidence was tampered with by the FBI) with the judges sometimes screaming at the defense, reminiscent of Vyshinsky and Freisler.

Keep in mind the Constitution prohibits Bills of Attainder.

And, then, when the lawfare persecution of Donald Trump only made him stronger and more popular, the Democrats in the Department of Justice arranged for his assassination, which miraculously failed.

Now, assuming he again avoids being assassinated prior to assuming office, there is already a plan to impeach him. Again.

Just like they wanted to impeach him before he even took office in 2016.


“The Constitution must be destroyed”

Not only is the Supreme Court under attack, the entire Constitution must be discarded, say progressives from Hillary Clinton to Bill Moyers to liberal professors and entertainers to Bill Maher to Stacey Abrams to journalists to lawyers (mind you, all leftists). They pour abuse on it, calling it anachronistic, obsolete, outdated, out of touch with the times (previously, they referred to it as “a living document,” a euphemism meaning it had to be altered). When written, it did not address the concerns—actually, the obsessions—of today. It was also written by white, heterosexual men. No women were involved, no homosexuals, no blacks, no Indians, no transgenders. Worse, it prohibits the government from openly persecuting and attacking those people, associations and institutions liberal fanatics abhor. Even free speech is protected! The whole thing is intolerable! It must be shredded and rewritten, they say. Or burnt. Or at the very least, ignored.

I encourage the reader to read the attacks to appreciate how they sanitize it.

The totalitarians, though having a visceral hatred for America, its history, and its heroes, their hatred goes much deeper: for the Constitution itself. The Constitution must be eliminated to be replaced by a government over which they, and they alone, will have power, a government which will then implement a series of mandates that have proven to be anathema to every living human being throughout history, said principles having been implemented at various points in history and have resulted in suffering and catastrophe.

The Constitution stands in the way. That is why anyone elected or appointed to government positions always has had to state, “Do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC; that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter: So help you God?”

But, like Robert Bearce asks: “Do they really mean it?”

It is obvious that the sonofabitches don’t.



If not for the Constitution, with its rigid separation of powers, we would unquestionably be at present much worse off than we are. History shows us that once totalitarians gained control of a government, either peacefully or by force of arms, consolidation of their rule followed swiftly, the establishment politicians being too stupid and/or too cowardly and/or too confused to put up any resistance. Today in America, we see the Constitution is serving as the main obstacle to absolute power. Whether it can withstand further attacks remains to be seen. It all depends on if anyone will forcefully protect it.

What is happening in this country currently is not something that is simply highly irritating. Historically, it parallels the early stages of totalitarian regimes. It is as momentous as any war—for it is a war

It is possible that the republic may collapse, albeit with accompanying justifications and sophistries. Having studied history, this possibility was foreseen by the Founding Fathers: “If our nation is ever taken over, it will be taken over from within,” said James Madison. And later, Abraham Lincoln: “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

In other words, the Founding Fathers predicted this! They predicted that an oppressive oligarchy would rise and establish an oppressive dictatorial regime. They predicted the tendency for democratic and republican traits and attitudes to atrophy. They predicted it! Benjamin Franklin, for one: This [the US Constitution] is likely to be administered for a course of years and then end in despotism …  when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.” They were not worried about foreign enemies; they were fearful of the enemy within. They predicted what is going on right now.

If skeptics scoff at this, notice that the government in the form of the executive, the legislative and its bureaucracies have been implementing policies that the public overwhelmingly objects to, according to polls.

My wife and I have made America our adoptive country. We have an intense love and respect for it. We hope that dark day never comes.

As can be seen from reading the Federalist Papers, the Founding Fathers studied and learned the lessons of history and they concluded that the government they were creating—regardless of what form it would eventually take—in spite of all the checks and balances, in spite the Bill of Rights, and in spite of the country being composed of individual states instead of a monolith entity, they knew that the government would inevitably become authoritarian. They, and those men who followed, warned of this repeatedly for decades and for many more decades thereafter the warning was repeated. Washington, for one, pointed out “The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create, whatever the form of government, a real despotism.”

Likewise, they warned us that, because of the increasing authoritarianism, future revolutions would also become inevitable and absolutely necessary. Remember what Twain said: “Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.”

Should it come, the Founding Fathers saw no basis to respect and obey despotism simply because it claimed legitimacy with a pack of hyenas shrieking approval and drowning the people with a tsunami of sophistries. Should that day indeed ever come, they made no bones about what should be done.

After all, the present fanatics are not simply going to hand back power.



When a government betrays the people by amassing too much power and becoming tyrannical, the people have no choice but to exercise their original right of self-defense—to fight the government. —Alexander Hamilton

Insurrection is the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties. —Marquis de Lafayette

When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty. —Thomas Jefferson

But if the laws are to be so trampled upon with impunity, and a minority is to dictate to the majority, there is an end put at one stroke to republican government, and nothing but anarchy and confusion is to be expected thereafter. —George Washington

When all other rights are taken away, the right of rebellion is made perfect. —Thomas Paine

When the government violates the people’s rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensable of duties. —Marquis de Lafayette

We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. —Abraham Lincoln

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. —Thomas Jefferson

It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority. —Benjamin Franklin

Where are our Men of abilities? Why do they not come forth to save their Country? —George Washington

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. —attributed to Thomas Jefferson

It is the duty of every patriot to defend his country from its government. —Thomas Paine


So, start making a list.

Just in case.


Table of Contents


Armando Simón is a trilingual native of Cuba, a retired college professor with degrees in history and psychologist. He is also the author of When Evolution Stops, The Book of Many Books and The Cult of Suicide and Other Sci-Fi Stories.

Follow NER on Twitter @NERIconoclast


4 Responses

  1. Dear Armand in the post
    you wrote Croatian:
    Slavenka Drakulic: “Living under a totalitarian regime one knows censorship in and out. One can smell it from far away and I smell it in this terror of political correctness — or, if we turn it around, in the danger of expressing different, unpopular views.”
    Unfortunately, I know that you cannot know this, but Slavenka Drakulič is not a Croat, but an extremely left-wing Yugoslav who does not like Croatia or America.

  2. Donald J. Trump, Sr., is doing his damnedest to destroy what the Founding Fathers created, to have himself given tyranical powers and held accountable to no one and be able to arrest his perceived enemies for the “crime” of pointing out the actual crimes he has committed and thus far been enabled to get away with due to a excessively partisan U.S. Supreme Court and politicians who are putting their own personal power over what is best for their nation.

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