Stand Up and Fight Islamization of the West: an interview with Paul L. Weston of Liberty GB
by Jerry Gordon (April 2016)
Paul L. Weston of Liberty GB at Winchester Guild Hall
April 26, 2014
founder of the Liberty GB party, was arrested at Winchester Guild Hall in London for reciting an excerpt from Sir Winston Churchill’s River War, attacking the barbaric Islamic Qur’anic doctrine. The River War concerned the British campaign in 1898 that defeated the Mahdi’s Jihadi army in the Sudan which had enslaved Sudanese Africans and subjected all in his conquered realm to a brutal form of Salafism. The Mahdi’s jihadis had killed and beheaded legendary Major Gen. Sir Charles Gordon at the siege of Khartoum in 1883. Gordon who was immensely popular in Britian had been sent to the Sudan by the Khedive of Egypt to reign in the Islamic enslavement of Africans.
Paul L. Weston of Liberty GB being arrested
Winchester Guild Hall April 26, 2014
Source: Daily Mail UK
wrote at the time of Weston’s arrest in 2014:
At around 2:00 pm Mr. Weston was standing on the steps of Winchester Guildhall, addressing the passers-by in the street with a megaphone. He quoted the following excerpt about Islam from the book The River War by Winston Churchill:
Reportedly a woman came out of the Winchester Guildhall and asked Mr. Weston if he had the authorization to make this speech. When he answered that he didn’t, she told him “It’s disgusting!” and then called the police.
Six or seven officers arrived. They talked with the people standing nearby, asking questions about what had happened. The police had a long discussion with Mr. Weston, lasting about 40 minutes.
At about 3:00 pm he was arrested, charged with a violation of Section 4 for Racially Aggravated assault. They searched him, put him in a police van and took him away.
He was briefly held overnight and released the following day.
cited May’s anti-Islamist proposals:
The home secretary has pledged that a future Tory government would — among other measures — ban Islamic hate preachers, shut down extremist mosques and review whether Sharia courts in England and Wales are compatible with British values.
May has also promised to crack down on Islamic extremism in British prisons, to monitor how police are responding to so-called honor crimes, female genital mutilation and forced marriage, and to change the citizenship law to ensure that successful applicants respect British values.
It is obvious that the Cameron government has evaded May’s proposals following the May 7, election results. Moreover, he has gone on record endeavoring to make the city of London the center of Sharia finance in a 2013 speech before the World Islamic Economic Forum.
Liberty GB. Like Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom Party at the Hague Parliament, Weston is focused on the issue of Islamization of the UK from both legal and illegal Muslim immigration. His freedom of speech and those of his fellow citizens have been muzzled by the politically correct multicultural policies of the current Cameron government. These include recognizing Sharia law and ineffective counterterrorism policies toward those homegrown Muslim rejectionists of liberal British values and laws – some of whom have committed horrendous terrorist attacks and slaughter on the streets of Great Britain, killing dozens and injuring hundreds. Then there is the abysmal history of Muslim gangs controlling prisons. Weston noted in his interview that a leader of the anti-Islamist English Defense League, Tommy Robinson, had been purposely placed in the same cell with these jihadis in the hope he would be silenced by hands other than theirs. He was also savagely attacked by jihadis in his home town of Luton in February 2016. Nevertheless, Breitbart UK reported Robinson officially launched the UK branch of the pan-European Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (PEGIDA) movement on January 4, 2015, along with Weston and Anne Marie Waters. Weston reported the first rally of PEGIDA UK on February 6, 2016 in Birmingham to be following by another there in April.
Weston is concerned about the third generation of Pakistani communities who have succumbed to the anti-Western Deobandi Islamic and Salafist Wahabbist doctrines espoused by radical imams in Britain’s 3,000 mosques significantly funded by the Saudis. He estimated that over $800 billion has been spent by the Saudis in funding madrassas and mosques in both the Muslim ummah and the West. Despite periodic media and select Parliamentary investigative reports, he pointed out the misogynist behavior of Pakistani émigré men who continue to engage in gang rapes, sex grooming, torture and prostitution of young Hindu, Sikh and white girls in local Labor Councils throughout the country. The sorry record of media cover-up, limited arrests and convictions of these Muslim sex gangs is depicted in graphic detail in the recently published NER Press exposé by Peter McCloughlin, Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal. Add to that emergence of informal Sharia monitors in predominately Muslim areas in the UK like Tower Hamlets in London. Hundreds of young Muslim men and women in the UK have left to join ISIS. Some, like the late “Jihadi John,” have been prominently featured in ISIS videos beheading UK and American captives. He noted that MI-5, the national intelligence and counterterrorism force has done an effective job of preventing many mass transit attacks following the 7/7/2005 attacks in London. However, he suggested that it cannot keep up with the workload.
In the latest Lisa Benson Show interview, Weston indicated that virtually half of the more than 800,000 legal and illegal immigrants annually entering the UK are Muslims. They have entered under both fraudulent temporary marriages to EU citizens from the Balkans and Eastern Europe and subsequently via family reunification involving multiple wives. This has, according to Weston, accelerated the growth of the Muslim population, resulting an enormous increased welfare system burden and security costs.
Weston also discussed the Orwellian perversity of the British version of “countering violent extremism” campaign. He noted that two examples of Neo-Nazi propaganda cited in the “violent extremism” report were comments made by him. We conducted this latest NER interview with Weston in the midst of his tour in the US and Canada with stops in Long Island, New York, Montreal and Toronto. He told of the police being called to the original hotel venue in Montreal because of allegations that those gathered to hear his presentation were “fascists.” Those attendees queried by the police dismissed the allegations. Nevertheless this was instructive that the new Trudeau government policies attempt to muzzle the free speech that had been a hallmark of the former Conservative Harper government. The attendees decamped to a private residence to hear Weston speak of the dangers of Islamization in the UK and Europe, as well as address questions about the threats to Jewish communities.
Watch the Vladtepes YouTube videos of Weston’s Montreal remarks and question and answer responses, here and here.
When asked by host Lisa Benson on her eponymous program on March 20, 2016 about what might be possible solutions, Weston responded, “put a stop to both legal and illegal Muslim immigration.”
Against this background, we interviewed Paul Weston.
Jerry Gordon: Paul Weston, welcome back.
Paul Weston: Jerry, thank you for inviting me.
Jerry Gordon: You are a founder of Liberty GB modeled on the Dutch Freedom Party which was founded by Geert Wilders a decade ago. When was the UK variant founded and what are its guiding principles?
Gordon: Is Pegida UK, like organizations in France, Germany, and other EU countries dedicated to citizens’ action against Islamization in Britain? If so, when was it organized and what actions has it undertaken?
Gordon: The New English Review Press has just published Easy Meat by Peter McLoughlin. It is about the 25-year hidden story of Muslim sex grooming, rape, and prostitution in the UK. Who coined the title of McLoughlin’s book and why did you endorse this exposé?
Gordon: What can you tell us about the extent of predatory behavior by South Asian Muslim men towards their victims vulnerable Sikh and council housing young girls?
Gordon: What is the record of investigations leading to arraignments and convictions of gang members in Crown Courts?
Weston: The Rotherham events did not lead to large amounts of arrests. The official figure is 1,400 young girls in Rotherham and probably more than that. Even the police are saying this is just the tip of the iceberg. We have had hundreds of perpetrators across the country. Not just young Muslim guys. Some of these Muslim men are in their 60s and they’re engaged in this. There have been hundreds arrested and prosecuted. According to police figures, the amount of people involved runs into the tens of thousands of abusers and rapists. We only have at the moment some hundreds who have been actually convicted. It is a start, but as I said previously, which having hit the headlines has now faded. In fact the authorities are saying thank god for that, we don’t want all this stuff out there embarrassing our multicultural values. I imagine that any pending cases are probably being quietly dropped. Every time they come up they do get into the media and this reminds people about what the political class has covered up in this country. They are quietly dropping an awful lot of these charges because it’s very embarrassing for both the media and Labor-dominated Councils. Councils which is where these things are happening.
Gordon: Have there been any significant parliamentary investigation committee hearings? What were their principal findings and recommendations? Have any of the latter been adopted?
Weston: A select parliamentary committee was set up in I think 2013, and this was following an independent inquiry by Professor Alec Jay. It is called the Jay Report. One of the counselors at Rotherham, Sean Wright, was also on the police and crime commission. Even after these revelations came out and he admitted that they had known about it, he eventually was tossed out of his position because it was obviously indefensible. He tried to the bitter end to stay because these people have no sense of shame at all. In terms of recommendations, they are basically that the police should be more aware of what is going on and they should do more to tackle it. There was never anything in the select parliamentary committee findings that suggested why it was only Muslims that were doing this. Nor any link to the teachings of Islam within the Quran or the Hadiths that were leading Muslim males to behave in this way. All of the really important things were obviously left out. The British government and the British establishment do not want people to understand that this terrible, grooming, rape and torture that had been going on for two or three decades is acceptable, mandated, condoned behavior under the teachings of Islam. If that is held back by a select parliamentary committee, the only truth that needs to be told will not be told. Clearly things are going to go on and this is all part of the continuing capitulation before Islamic aggression in Britain. Despite the parliamentary committee, we haven’t made any headway at all, because the only truth that needs to be told has not yet been told.
Gordon: Sex slavery by émigré South Asian Muslim men appears to be related to an extremist Islamic doctrine Deobandism founded in India that historically rejected Western values. To your knowledge, what Islamic centers, Madrassa and clerics propound this doctrine, and what has the UK government done to rein this in?
Gordon: In McLoughlin’s book, he cites the earlier examples of sex slavery gangs in the Netherlands in 2001. What was the record of the Dutch government in investigating and prosecuting largely Moroccan gang members?
Weston: I have been trying to find information out about this. I cannot find any hint anywhere of Moroccan Muslims in Holland in large numbers forming child raping gangs. I can find no information about these people being prosecuted and arrested. I have spoken to people in Holland, people that read the newspapers and know what’s going on, and they tell me that they know very little about it either. They are either not being prosecuted, or they are being prosecuted quietly deliberately kept away from the media. For the same reason in England where if more people wake up and understand what is going on all around them the more angry they are going get, I assume there is some sort of muzzle in the Netherlands on the press, if indeed they are prosecuting. Muzzling the press in order to keep this reality, horrible, dreadful reality, away from the Dutch people.
Gordon: The UK has rejected entry of the hordes of Syrian refugees and largely male Muslim migrants that have swamped the EU. What has the Cameron government done to prevent illegal entry of these Muslim migrants and asylees to the UK from those teaming reception centers across the channel in France and the Benelux countries?
Gordon: Astounding, as we have a fraction of that happening under our Refugee Resettlement Program here in the US which is still problematic.
Gordon: We have interviewed and published reports about the misogyny, rape, and sexual assaults on young women in Sweden, Germany, and other EU member countries. To your knowledge, how extensive has that been? Further, what lessons has Pegida UK derived from fellow Pegida groups in the EU?
Gordon: You have been convicted of alleged hate crimes in the UK that are deemed protected speech under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Has there been a formal call by civil and human rights’ groups in the UK to introduce in the Westminster parliament basic laws providing these guaranteed free speech rights under your country’s unwritten constitution?
Gordon: The Law Lords in the UK assented to the recognition of Sharia courts in specific instances. In the U.S. a number of states have adopted statutes denying the application of such foreign laws in specific instances. Have such bills been introduced in the Westminster Parliament for debate and possible adoption?
Gordon: The UK Muslim population, which accounts for five percent of the total population, has fostered jihadists who have attacked, killed, and maimed hundreds of victims. Have those victims brought causes of action against Muslim religious and cultural institutions claiming reparations for these wrongful crimes, and what if any have been the results?
Gordon: The UK Muslim population has contributed significant numbers to the ranks of thousands of foreign fighters in the Islamic state. How effective is your MI-5 monitoring of the extremist in the UK Muslim community? Further, does the Cameron government have any effective means to intercept homegrown jihadists before they strike?
Gordon: Boris Johnson, who is both a conservative MP and Mayor of London, has broken with the Cameron government’s position. Why do you think he did that?
Gordon: The Jewish community in the UK is extremely nervous these days. There are periodic stories about young British Jewish families basically saying we can’t live here anymore. What is behind their concerns and fears?
Gordon: I have used the expression that increasingly folks living in the UK and EU are facing a possible future dystopian world. That is something here in the United States that many of us have railed against. We really hope that something occurs both in the UK and the EU as well as here, to push that future prospect away from the table.
Jerry: This has been one of the more thoughtful occasions to deal with this entire topic. Not only from you in the UK but also as a warning to what could occur here in America.
Weston: I haven’t given up yet, Jerry. I think that it is quite possible that you will do the right thing in your country after you have seen something far more serious that is happening today in Europe. I think that when that point is reached it is 50/50 whether we come through it or not. However, I think you can pretty much guarantee that America is going to be fine.
Gordon: Thank you for the valued time discussing this.
Weston: Absolutely. Thank you, Jerry, for mounting all the questions and for your work involved in this. Thanks for caring.
Gordon: Cheers, and all the best.
Weston: All right. Cheers, Jerry.
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