The Aftermath of Islamic Terror on 9/11
by Jerry Gordon (September 2011)
See our interview in this edition with David Beamer, father of Todd Beamer, one of the Flight 93 heroes. Watch this You Tube video of the Paramount/Universal Production of Flight 93.
Atiyah Abdal-Rahman. This article also discusses the rise of al Qaeda affiliates who continue to threaten this country and the world. New revelations about Iran’s and Hizbullah’s involvement in training and facilitating the transit of the 9/11 Islamic terrorists towards their objectives on that fateful day are also covered.
A Memorial to those killed at the Pentagon was dedicated by President Bush in 2008. The New York 9/11 Memorial will be dedicated on the tenth anniversary of the attack. The Memorial to the Flight 93 has just completed its first phase.
Islamic Terror Hits America.
Two Heroes who died in the World Trade Center attacks
Rick Rescorla and Morgan Stanley security officials lost on 9/11
Heart of a Soldier. Rescorla, a retired and much decorated US Army Colonel became head of security in 1990 for the investment banking firm Morgan Stanley that occupied four floors in the of the World Trade Center. His security team had analyzed the vulnerabilities of the World Trade Complex to a possible terror attack prior to the 1993 terror bombing. He and his team eerily predicted in 1998 what happened on 9/11. Rescorla and his team following the 1993 bombing undertook relentless drills to assure that Morgan Stanley employees could vacate their offices in the event of a subsequent attack. After assuring himself that the 5,700 Morgan Stanley employees had been safely evacuated in the 9/11 attacks, he returned to make sure that all had left the destroyed building safely. He and two of his colleagues involved in the evacuation were inside when the building collapsed. Watch this History Channel You Tube video on Rick Rescorla and 9/11: The Man Who Saw it Coming.
John P. O’Neill was another ironic victim of 9/11. He was the somewhat controversial former FBI Counterterrorism chief during the Clinton Administration who relentlessly pursued and eventually captured Ramzi Yousef, the perpetrator of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Yousef was arrested in Pakistan by the much-maligned Inter-Service Intelligence agency and brought to the US for trial and ultimate conviction. The bombing had involved several others, including the blind Egyptian Cleric Abdul Rahman. Khalid Sheik Mohammed, Yousef’s uncle funded the bombing in which seven died and thousands were injured. O’Neill’s pursuit of the 1993 World Trade Center perpetrators was chronicled in Lawrence Wright’s 2007 Pulitzer Prize non-fiction work, The Looming Tower. Andrew McCarthy, author and counterterrorism authority was a federal prosecutor in the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing trial. O’Neill had been appointed as FBI Chief of Counterterrorism in 1994 in Washington, DC. O’Neill was involved in the investigations of 1995 Khobar Towers attack in Saudi Arabia, the investigation of the April 1995 domestic terror bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, and the 1998 al-Qaeda bombings of the US Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Saleem in Tanzania. The African Embassies investigation led to Osama bin Laden being posted on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list. O’Neill retired from the FBI and assumed the post of security director for the World Trade Center in August, 2001, only to lose his life while at his desk on the morning of 9/11.
The 9/11 attack and its aftermath
The Death of Bin Laden and al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan
seized the high walled compound occupied by bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan, killing the tall al Qaeda leader and others. Upon their departure, the raiders took with them a literal treasure trove of electronic intelligence. The site of bin Laden’s secure complex was located within a short distance of Pakistan’s Military Academy. That close proximity raised questions about how complicit Pakistan, and in particularly its Inter-Service Intelligence agency, had been in protecting bin Laden’s identity and whereabouts for many years following the 9/11 attack. Nonetheless, the intelligence obtained in the raid led to the killing via a drone attack in Pakistan in late August, 2011 of Atiyah Abdal-Rahman, a Libyan and No. 2 in charge of operational planning for al Qaeda. Abdal-Rahman had been in frequent contact with the late Osama bin Laden prior to the latter’s death on May 2.
However, Ayman al- Zawahiri, who succeeded the fallen bin Laden as Al-Qaeda head, remains at large urging further attacks against US assets in the Middle East, South Asia and here in America. He has received support from the world wide web of Al Qaeda affiliates in the Mahgreb, The Arabian Peninsula, Somalia, the Taliban in Pakistan and the Philippines.
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and Connections to 9/11
an investigation into these allegations. Al-Awlaki met three of the five 9/11 hijackers on Flight 77. Al-Awlaki had been invited to prayer meetings by Muslim staffers on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, and attended events at the Pentagon following 9/11. Mysteriously, Al-Awlaki was permitted to leave the US for Yemen in 2002 following FBI interrogations. He rose to prominence in the AQAP as a radical preacher with global influence spread in part by English language tapes and publications. Further, it is alleged that Al-Awlaki influenced several Nigerian, Pakistani-American, Palestinian–American and home grown terrorists who undertook bombing attempts and killings of US military personnel. The failed bombing attempts include the Nigerian Christmas, 2009 bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and the Pakistani–American Times Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad in May, 2010. Among the murderous Jihadis influenced by Al-Awlaki are Palestinian-American Maj. Nidal Hasan, about to be tried and sentenced in a US Army Courts Martial, who committed the Fort Hood Massacre in November, 2009. A second Jihadi acolyte is convert Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, aka Carlos Bledsoe, who killed a US Army recruiter and wounded a second at a Little Rock, Arkansas mall in June 2010. Bledsoe-Muhammad had gone to Yemen for training. Within days following bin Laden’s killing in Pakistan, a US drone attack in Yemen took out two of Al- Awlaki’s aides, but failed to get him.
The Iran-Hizbullah Connections to 9/11
Fiona Havlish et al., v. Sheik Usamah bin-Muhammad bin-Laden et al.
Counsel noted the objective of the Iran Links case:
9/11 Commission Report had asserted that there was “strong evidence that Iran facilitated the transit of Al Qaida members into and out of Afghanistan before 9/11, and that some of these were future 9/11 hijackers.”
As noted by Timmerman, the 9/11 links case filing revealed the following:
Islamakazes who went to great lengths to kill tens of thousands of innocents during this decade of Islamic terror. If we have learned something it is that we should never forget what occurred that day in America.
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