The Case that Lev Built
(dedicated to our legal and media types)
This is the case that Lev built.
This is the law that supports the case that Lev built.
This is the judge who rules against Lev by ignoring the law
That supports the case that Lev built.
This is Lev who is suing the judge for ignoring the law
That supports the case that Lev built.
This is the law that allows a judge to ignore any law
That supports any case that anyone builds.
This is a judge who uses that law to dismiss the case
That was filed by Lev against the judge who ignored the law
That supports the case that Lev built.
This is Lady Justice
That promises us courts’ respect for the law
That supports any case that anyone builds.
This is Lev who is suing US to dump Lady Justice because she misleads
That judges respect and follow the law
That supports any case that anyone builds.
This is a judge dismissing the case to dump Lady Justice because she misleads
That judges respect and follow the law
That supports any case that anyone builds.
This is Lev contacting press to alert it that judges concocted a law
That allows them to ignore any law
That supports any case that anyone builds.
This is the Editor of The New York Times
That suppresses the news that there’s a law
That allows a judge to ignore any law
That supports any case that anyone builds.
This is the public that likes to think
That it is protected by “rule of law”
That does not exist because of the law
That allows a judge to ignore any law
That supports any case that anyone builds.
This is the site that Lev built
That’s on internet that bypasses the press
That suppresses the news that there is a law
That allows a judge to ignore any law
That supports any case that anyone builds.