The Guests At The Garden Party

by Hugh Fitzgerald (Nov. 2008)

“The British Empire just before the Great War was like some never-ending garden party.”  
–from an article in the London Times


Crackenthorpe, David. Dean of Salisbury, Rector of St. Mary’s Colchester, Vicar of Broadchurch; Rural Dean of Colchester, Hon. Chaplain to Bishop of Hereford: b. 18 Oct. 1865; s. of Rev. Charles William Crackenthorpe, late Rector of Great Littleton-sopra-Mare. m. Louisa Fanny Hilliard. 5 d. 1 s. Educ.: Winchester; Balliol College, Oxford. Clubs: Reform, National Liberal, Athenaeum. Publications: Sermons Without Soda Water, And Gladly Preach, Monumental Brasses of Colchester. Address: The Deanery, Salisbury.

De Horsey, Edmund. s. of Lord le Power and Coroghmore, and of Arabella Le Fanu Skipworth, Count of the Papal States (this Barony is under attaint on account of the so-called rebellion of 1688): Knight of St. John of Jerusalem. Educ.: Privately. Married Arabella, 2nd d. of Duke of Ormond. Served in the last Carlist war. Recreations: hunting, shooting, driving four in hand. Club: Carleton. Address: Glen Barrahane, Castletownsend, Co. Cork.

Disraeli, Sir Lionel. Born 1828 in Mannheim, Germany, s. of Lessing and Minna. Educ.: Christ’s Hospital, Peterhouse College, Cambridge. Married to Emmeline Tibbetts, 2s. 2 d. Entered merchant banking, Goldsmith & Montague, 1852. Helped finance Suez Canal, railroads in Canada and the Argentine, Alaskan gold mines, Malayan rubber. First to introduce ostrich farming in South Africa, 1907. Clubs: Reform, Athenaeum, Brooks. Recreations: angling, reading. Publications: A Browser in Browning, A Pisgah Sight of Palestine. Address: The Albany

Fenchurch, Sir Redvers. b. 1872 in Virginia Water. M. Clarissa Tapworth, 1890, 2 s. 1 d. Educ.: Privately, then Balliol College, Oxford. Studied with Wilamowitz-von Moellendorf and Fraenkel in Gottingen 1895-97. Returned to Balliol as lecturer, then professor of Greek literature. Regius Professor of Greek, 1911–present. Five volumes of planned seven-volume work on the Greek particle have appeared. Awarded the Ashburnham Medal of Royal Philological Society. Honored by Greek government for essay on rough breathing in Festschrift for Max Müller (Leipzig, 1903). Clubs: Athenaeum. Foreign member, Royal Academy of Milan, Academie française, American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Address: Balliol College, Oxford.


Gowers, General Sir Alexander Percival. cr. 1902. b. Leamington Spa, 9 Feb. 1838. 3rd s. of late Colonel Charles Henry and Matilda Augusta. Three s., 4 d. Educ.: Harrow. Entered army 1856. Served Fenian invasion of Canada, 1866. Served with King’s Own Scottish Borderers, Suakin Field Force, 1888. Served in Soudan frontier, 1889. Fought in Matabele and Kaffir wars (despatches, medal with five clasps). Served in Boer War: Jameson’s Raid, Relief of Mafeking. Author: A Pedestrian Tour of Dorset, Caviar for the General. Address: Hartley Down, Purley, Surrey. Club: United Service.

Hartlepool, General Sir Arthur D’Arcy. B. 1848, son of Henry David Hartlepool and Adelaide Constance French. Entered army 1868. Served N.W. frontier of India as Col. In 27th Dogrs, Hazara (1868, medal with five clasps), Dour Valley (1872), Afghanistan (1878-79), Waziristan (1881, despatches, medal with clasp). China (1900-1901). Recreations: hunting, angling. Address: Nowshera, India. Author: Jaunts in Jalalabad, In the Footsteps of Alexander, Let Rome in Tiber Melt.

Nasruddin, Sayid Ali. M.A, (Catab.) b. 1862 Delhi. Educ.: Patna Coll., Bankipur. Studied at Lincoln’s Inn (1890-1892). Dragoman with Indian Army, later student of geology at University of London (1895-1899). Entered service of H.H. the Nizam in 1900, helped organize cabinet of curiosities into Natural History Museum of Hyderabaad. Awarded the Cooper Medal of the Royal Geological Society. Served 1902-1908 as Private Secretary to H.H the Nizam. Recreations: walking. Address: Pook’s Hill, Trimulgherry, Hyderabad, Deccan, India. Club: Athenaeum. Author: The Indian Contribution to Civilisation, The Life and Remains of Sir William Jones, The Geological Formations of Hyderabad.

Quibble-Quip, Sir Arthur. b. Wibble-sur-Wold, Berks, 1853. s. of Henry, Former Master of the Cinque Ports. Educ.: Eton, Trinity College, Cambridge (2nd Wrangler). Member, The Apostles, Professor of Anglo-Saxon Literature, Peterhouse, Cambridge. Author: With Kitchener in Provence, Quibbles and Quodlibets, How To Be Happy Though Automobiling, But the Wine was Chambertin. Colley Cibber Prize of the English-Speaking Union for study of Anglo-Saxon verse, Silence, Exile, and Kenningar.

Waddington, Rear Admiral Frederick. Born Southhampton, 1842. Entered navy 1856. Served in Crimean War aboard the “Steadfast,” survived hurricane in Balaclava, when ship narrowly escaped destruction, took part in operations at Kertch and Sea of Azov. Received gazetted promotion before end of war. With Scoresby on first expedition to the Arctic. Address: Mon Repos, La Croisette, Cannes, France. Club: United Service. Author: Cloudesley Shovell, Alfred Thayer Mahan, A Galeotto Was the Boat, and He Who Rowed It.

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