Warning! Terrorists Ahead!
by Jerry Gordon (June 2011)
The Terrorist Next Door: How the Government is Deceiving You About the Islamist Threat
by Erick Stakelbeck
Regnery, 2011
Jamaat ul-Fuqra terrorist facilities located throughout the US under the control of shadowy Pakistani jihadist Sheikh Muburak Gilani. He addresses the risible threat of a nuclear Iran’s growing influence in the Western hemisphere and the failure of the Obama Administration to engage the Iranian Islamic Republic, shunting aside support for regime change and leaving our special ally, the Jewish State of Israel, to seek its own means of combating this existential threat.
Stakelbeck is one of the few who, by dint of education and experience, knows the threat of Islamization in America and Israel. He didn’t start out his journalistic career after graduating college in the late 1990’s with that in mind. Prior to the watershed 9/11 date, Stakelbeck, a former high school and college basketball player, was bent on a sports writing career and ended up covering the NBA for a publication in New York.
I interviewed Rutherford County mayor Ernest Burgess, who told me that the ICM received no special treatment and that the county had also welcomed Buddhist and Hindu temples in the past. I pressed Burgess further, asking whether he knew about the rampant Saudi funding and Muslim Brotherhood penetration of U.S. mosques.
interviewed about the severe culture clash in the community.
Welcome to Shelbyville” aired on PBS Open Lens in late May, 2011. Prepared by leftist immigration reform supporters, it aimed to vilify Shelbyville and journalist Mosely for their concerns over the Somali cultural issues. Several hundred hollow-eyed Somali women attired in Sharia compliant burkas also showed up in the halls of the Tennessee state legislature in late April protesting a state Material Support for Designated Entities Act. They could barely speak, let alone understand English. That didn’t stop the protest leaders from screaming at passers-by, “Racist Christian bigots!”
“Foot Soldiers of Islam”, he notes how prescient we were.
Londonistan. Primary among these are an al Qaeda supporter and Saudi ex-patriate Saad Al-Faqih, founder of the Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia who was granted sanctuary in generous Britain and Anjem Choudary, a British born and educated lawyer and jihadist preacher who has a large following among native born South Asian Muslims.
Tower Hamlets in London replete with trafficking in sex slavery and drug trading. The English Defense League (EDL) has risen up to oppose native jihadists in several major protests. The EDL is composed of more than working class types, and includes, blacks, gays and even a Jewish division. Choudary is considered,“Great Britain’s most hated man.”
al-Muhajiroun and spokesman forIslam4UK is chillingly on display.
At the conclusion of the Londonistan discussion, Stakelbeck has a number of lessons learned from his interviews that constitute a warning to America.
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