Weakness is not Respected by Americans or Islamic Jihadists

by Dave Gaubatz (June 2009)

Delivered to the NER Symposium in Nashville, TN. May 30, 2009. 

During the last several months I have begun to witness a growing pusillanimity, or weakness, displayed by those Americans whose job it is to protect our country and our children.  Weakness from U.S. corporations such as Nashville’s Loews’ Vanderbilt Hotel is to be expected. The Islamic organizations have ties into many private companies and the management of this hotel knows they may face bad publicity from one of the phony nonprofit organizations that somehow manage to serve as apologists for Jihad. They are subject not only to threats actually made, but to their own perception of threats that while not made, are easy to imagine being made, or being thought about being made. Even this is a lame excuse and this hotel should be exposed and a lawsuit should be filed against them by the inoffensive. American citizens, exercising their free speech rights, whom Loews has so offended. 

The Council of American and Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a group some of whose members have been imprisoned for supporting terrorism, and which actively seeks to encourage not collaboration with the FBI, but rather Muslim protests against the slightest hint, in CAIR’s view, of unfair treatment, which unfair treatment, in CAIR”s view, includes “singling out” Muslims by those responsible for protecting us against terrorism. Yet across America hotels welcome CAIR with open arms. If, however, you have speakers who have served their country on the front lines and some having demonstrated their willingness to give their life for all Americans regardless of race, religion, and culture, they can find themselves turned away.


This is pathetic and a sign of weakness. Of more concern is the same behavior from our elected officials and law enforcement officers nationwide. Most are well intentioned and hard working, but they are living in a state of fearfulness themselves.  

Our country was attacked on 11 Sept 2001, by murderers supported by Saudi Arabia. The attacks initially pulled Americans together, but this lasted only a short time. CAIR and other Islamic organizations used this attack for their own political purposes. Almost immediately the leaders of CAIR such as Nihad Awad and Ibrahim Hooper began building their statistics to exaggerate incidents involving ‘hate crimes’ and/or crimes of religious discrimination against Muslims. I have reviewed hundreds of allegations made to CAIR by Muslims, and the vast majority had nothing to do with discrimination or “hate.” CAIR encourages Muslims to report any incident if a Muslim is simply fired, or is stopped by the police for any reason, or evicted from an apartment, or even if turned down for a job.


CAIR and their leaders do not care for these Muslims; they simply need high numbers of reported incidents. CAIR leaders then go to our law enforcement and elected leaders and claim they had a 50% increase (for example) in hate or discrimination incidents against Muslims since 2001. The higher the number the more sympathy and money they can get not only from terrorist supporters in Saudi Arabia, but from our own government through grants. Seldom does CAIR inform the public how many allegations made by Muslims are looked into, and then rejected for lack of even the most minimal evidence that might legitimately trigger a lengthier investigation, or rejected because what evidence there was was  proven to be false. To CAIR it doesn’t matter. They want Muslims to file incident reports.


Since returning from Iraq in 2003, I can now see the fear in the eyes and facial expressions of many good American people. The moms try to ignore the possibility their loved ones could suffer another attack, the fathers try to put on brave faces, although inside they are worried because they know in reality if a biological or dirty bomb were detonated in their city/town, there is nothing they can do to prevent it and they know their own government is not prepared to handle the devastation. What disturbs me the most is the fright in children’s eyes. The American child sees, reads, and hears about news accounts of terrorism-related incidents around the world and the people who are being apprehended in America for planning to blow up buildings. Parents do their best to shield their children from Islamic terrorism, but there is no way to avoid it. My heart sinks each time I see the little faces of children when they look at a television replay of how the ‘Twin Towers’ fell down on 11 Sept. 2001.


Adults need to ask themselves how old they were before they ever heard the word terrorism. There are people who are supposed to be strong, and instill a sense of peace for our innocent children. Our politicians and law enforcement (LE) are the prime examples. 

Children look up to those in law enforcement and believe they will always be there to protect them. The parents though no longer want our LE (law enforcement)  to respond to incidents. Rather, they want prevention of such incidents. As a parent I do not want to see the red and blue lights flashing and sirens blaring as they respond to a terrorist incident possibly involving our children. The time of responding to events and receiving handshakes for getting to the scene so fast is over. We do not want to watch the ‘news hounds’ flash their ‘Breaking News’ stories advising of an Islamic terrorist event killing tens, or hundreds, or thousands of innocent people.


Americans are now demanding elected officials and LE begin being more active and use our existing laws to prosecute Islamic scholars, Imams, and their supporters who advocate treason and sedition against our country. Simply because they now package their ideology in nice DVDs and manuals printed in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia does not mean advocating killing innocent people is covered under the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment. U.S. law does not allow Islamic scholars to beat innocent Muslim children at any U.S. mosque.


Americans want our LE to spend more time investigating Islamic leaders who advocate hate and killing of innocent people. Most are becoming very disappointed in officers who spend 95% of their time writing tickets for seat belt violations and minor speeding violations. If they have time to write a seat belt violation, they have time to read a few paragraphs of Abdul Maududi (terrorist organization Jammat Islamia founder). You do not need to travel to Pakistan to pick up these how to manuals to destroy America, you need only ask your local Imam for a copy, or contact CAIR.  


My first-hand counter-terrorism research in Nashville is an example of what I am finding in many major U.S. cities I have visited. Our LE do not understand the Islamic ideology, do not receive the proper training, and spend too much time visiting Islamic leaders during ‘Interfaith’ meetings. I have spent 15.5 years as a Federal LE officer and the management of the Nashville Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is failing to protect its citizens from terrorist threats. When a department accepts a counter-terrorism grant they need to use the funding for the purpose intended. Most American taxpayers will agree having our LE bowing and smiling to Islamic leaders who are laughing behind their backs and sway them with talks of peace, is not how the money should be spent.


Americans want our LE officers trained to understand the enemy they are supposed to be fighting. The LE officers must understand the mindset, ideology, and tactics used by Islamic terrorists and their supporters. This will require 100 of hours of self study by reading and listening to the materials abundant in virtually every Sunni mosque across America, on their internet sites, and in Islamic bookstores. If you want to understand what a particular Imam is advocating, go to the Quran. Look at the individual materials they use to simplify Islamic issues for their worshippers (including the children). One need only pick up one of their manuals on polygamy, apostasy, or homosexuality. Sharia law advocates killing apostates of Islam and homosexuals. Look on the mosque shelf and see what is being taught on violent Jihad. Review the lectures on implementing an Islamic Ummah (Nation) under Sharia law worldwide, and yes,hat includes Nashville, Tennessee.


True Americans have one thing in common with Islamic terrorist leaders: Both despise weakness and neither will tolerate it for an extended amount of time. 



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