What Rep. Peter King Could Do About Radicalization of American Muslims

by Jerry Gordon (January 2011)

In a NewsdayOp ed published on December 19th following Representative Peter King's election as US House Homeland Security Committee Chairman, he laid out the case for conducting investigative hearings on radicalization of American Muslims:

Long Islanders, prominent Long Island Muslim leaders were insisting there was no evidence that al-Qaida was responsible for the attacks – even saying it could have been the CIA, the FBI or the Zionists!

Even more troubling is that to this day, no Muslim leader has denounced those vile remarks.

This noncooperation was perilous enough in the years following 9/11, when the main Islamist threat to the homeland emanated from overseas.

Mr. King, a New York Republican, is no stranger to bluster, but his sweeping slur on Muslim citizens is unacceptable.

The Hillreport King replied:

letter to Newsday:

Robert Mueller, who testified to the Muslim community's patriotism, cooperation and support before House and Senate committees in 2008 and 2009. Mueller told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Muslim community “has been tremendously supportive and worked very closely with [the FBI] in a number of instances around the country.”

letter, from a West Hempstead, New York constituent, Marshall Bozzi, pretty well summed up the feelings of many Americans about your leadership on this issue:

Our national inability to discuss religious issues honestly is keeping American Muslims from having to accept the reforms needed to defeat political Islam and bring our faith into modernity. The victimization mantra feeds more Muslim isolation and radicalization.

A recent global study by the Pew Research Center showed that Muslims are aligning themselves more and more with Islamism. Of course, most major American Muslim groups, such ISNA, CAIR and MPAC, were built on some strand of that ideology. But knowing where most American Muslims fall in the spectrum of Islamism-vs.-liberalism, as King hopes to find out in his hearings, would be a key step toward countering radicalization.

Did the Times editorial writer who denounced Peter King weigh the warning of Attorney General Eric Holder, as reported by the New York Post on December 22, 2010? The article stated:
“In a blunt, urgent warning, Attorney General Eric Holder said the threat from homegrown terrorists has increased significantly – and the prime cause is a fanatical US-born Muslim cleric. ‘It is one of the things that keep me up at night,” Holder told ABC News.

Concerned American Citizens in opposition to the construction of the Temecula Grand Mosque. Bakh and his CAC members applaud your efforts for the forthcoming hearings. Like the vast majority of 1.5 million Iranians who live and work here as refugees from the totalitarian Islamic Republic, Bakh, a former Muslim,  believes in American values of freedom and liberty under our Constitution. He vigorously opposes the stealth Jihad agenda of Muslim Brotherhood groups in America. He wants to see a free secular Iran that values its ancient Persian traditions of human rights for all.

  • the irony of homegrown Muslim terrorists given save haven as refugees in America.

  • Infiltration of DHS by the Muslim Brotherhood

    Michael Leiter, Director of the National Counter terrorism Center (NCTC).  We respectfully recommend an additional witness, Arif Alikhan, Assistant Secretary at DHS for Policy Development. Alikhan was one of two Muslim appointees to the DHS by President Obama. The other was Damascus-born Kareem Shora, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)'s national executive director, to the Homeland Security Advisory Council.

    Note this comment by Vincent diGoia on the episode in a Right Side News article:

    LAPD officials said that it is crucial for them to gain a better understanding of isolated parts of the Muslim community. Those groups can potentially breed violent extremism, the LAPD said in its plan.

    “This is not . . . targeting or profiling,” Police Chief William J. Bratton in defending the program. “It is an effort to understand communities,” he said.

    But the effort sparked an outcry from civil libertarians and some Muslim activists, who compared the program to religious profiling.

    Deputy Police Chief Michael P. Downing, who headed the counter-terrorism operation in testimony before congress said.

    “While this project will lay out geographic locations of many different Muslim populations around Los Angeles, we also intend to take a deeper look at their history, demographics, language, culture, ethnic breakdown, socioeconomic status and social interactions,” he said. “It is also our hope to identify communities, within the larger Muslim community which may be susceptible to violent ideologically based extremism and then use a full spectrum approach guided by intelligence-led strategy.”

    As Alikhan had a hand in the demise of the Muslim Mapping program in Los Angeles aimed at targeting extremists, the issue is why did Napolitano appoint him? That is a question for both her and Alikhan to answer.

    Indicators of Radicalization among American Muslims: the Mapping Shariah project and the Freedom Pledge of Former Muslims United

    In the December, 2010, New English Review, we interviewed prominent anti-Shariah litigator and researcher, David Yerushalmi, Esq.of Long Island, New York about the design and findings of the Mapping Shariah project.

    Yerushalmi defined Shariah and the threat to America, thusly.

    The fundamental principle of Shariah is that no law can coexist much less reign supreme over Shariah.

    Thus we have a principled or theoretical threat in that Shariah must reign exclusively over every place Muslims live. We have a method, at least in speech, to achieve that end or purpose which includes violent jihad.

    They are engaged in a full scale global war against the United States outside our borders and they successfully recruit and infiltrate our borders with home grown terrorists all the time. So the answer to your question is yes, I consider Shariah a threat to our way of life.

    Gordon: Given your involvement in the Mapping Shariah Project, what are the principal findings and in particular, degree of Shariah compliance in American mosques included in the survey?

    Salafi mosques, which are the more orthodox or puritanical sects of Shariah-adherents. 

    Family Security Matters article about the Freedom Pledge and Imam Feisal Abdel Rauf of the ground Zero Mosque noted the prevailing Sunni doctrine regarding apostasy.

    Al Azhar University, the closest Muslim equivalent to the Vatican, and the Mufti of Lebanon, each, respectively consigning a renegade Muslim to death if they “do not repent.” Perhaps “a misunderstanding on his part may have taken place, and there would thus be an opportunity to rectify it,” intones the Mufti. But he must do so within three days, or die

    Nonie Darwish. The Freedom Pledge was sent in three waves in the fall of 2008 and in 2009. Among the recipients of the Freedom Pledge were White House Advisory council on Faith-Based and neighborhood Partnerships Council Member, Dalia Mogahed and Imam Feisal Abdel  Rauf and his wife Daisy Khan of the controversial Park51 'ground Zero Mosque in lower Manhattan.  Only two positive responses were received, one from M. Zhudi Jasser of the AFID and the other from Dr. Ali Alyami of the Washington, DC – based Center for Human Rights and Democracy in Saudi Arabia.  Nonie Darwish commented:

    Here is why Yerushalmi thinks it could work and avoid Constitutional clashes like the one that occurred in Oklahoma when a popular anti-Shariah referendum was passed and immediately became the subject of a federal court legal action brought by the state Chapter of CAIR.

    Gordon: What states have successfully enacted anti-Shariah legislation and are they models for adoption elsewhere?

    An Act to Protect First Responders Against Terrorism

    An Act to Protect First Responders Fighting Terrorism that was subsequently introduced during the 111th Session by Republican Rep. Sue Myrick of North Carolina and head of the House Anti-Terror Caucus.  

    Zeyno Baran of the Hudson Institute gave testimony at a hearing on “the roots of violent radical Islamic extremism and efforts to counter it” chaired by Sen. Joseph Lieberman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Committee. Baran had the courage to tell the truth about the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) infrastructure in America and how they have intimidated Federal and local counterterrorism efforts. As an IptNews report noted:

    Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as “completely self-defeating” as FBI agents might be taught to be overly sensitive and may avoid asking certain questions during investigations that they should be asking.

    So what is the solution to this MB intimidation bulldozer directed at our first responder community in America? It is a federal law to cut off the threats of civil complaints and lawsuits by MB fronts aimed at counterterrorism agents.

    US CODE: Title 8,1189</a>; (2) defines workplace harassment and identifies applicable federal, state and local first responder agencies.

    S. 879 and H.R. 1343: First Responders Fighting Terrorism Protection Act of 2009 sponsored by Rep. Sue Myrick (R- NC).

    WSMV-TV Channel 4 report in Nashville. That occurred at the Tyson Foods  facility in Shelbyville, Tennessee. A recent documentary film about the alleged plight of Somalis in Shelbyville, Welcome to Shelbyvillecreated by liberal multi-culturalists and pro-immigration advocates, tried to paint the community as bigoted towards the Somali community which was brought to Shelbyville after Tyson was fined by the US government for hiring illegal Hispanic aliens. That flagrantly biased film premiered in October in Shelbyville and is being shown at US Embassies around the world and will appear on the PBS Open Lens program in the Spring of 2011.

    AP-award winning Shelbyville Times Gazette journalist, Brian Mosely to question whether there was some truth lurking behind this story. On January 2nd he wrote:

    If the alleged graffiti did not include the reported threatening words, what exactly was written that would require the involvement of federal authorities? And which federal agency is now looking into this matter?

    [. . .]

    Instead, the lack of disclosure over what appears to be a minor case of vandalism has only incited more speculation and rumor over what goes on inside the plant.

    Grand Island, Nebraska. There was even an honor killing perpetrated by a JB Swift Somali worker on his stepsister in Fort Morgan in 2009.  In January, 2008, Tyson Foods closed its Emporia, Kansas meat packing plant in the wake of community debates over the Somali workers and evidence of a public health hazard. Tests conducted by the Kansas State Public Health Department revealed that fully 160 Somalis out of a work force of 500 had a virulent form of TB at a rate nearly six times the incidence for the state as a whole. Clearly there was a problem with Somali meat packers and poultry workers who had primitive personal health standards and had come to the US without any health screenings and virtually non-existent health records.

    But there was more.

    One history professor at Normandale commented:

    For all practical purposes, this meditation room is essentially a Muslim prayer room, said Chuck Chalberg of Normandales history faculty. Something this unprecedented goes beyond religious toleration.

    Las Vegas resident, Hassan Abdulla Omar, was caught with 161 pounds of the drug in a combined Police Counterterrorism and Narcotics, ICE, FBI sweep in January, 2010.

    fraudulently through deceit and misrepresentation using the P-3 Family Reunification Visa program or portraying them as disadvantaged Bantu slave minorities. Somalis already in the US have been paid upwards of $10,000 per case to fraudulently sponsor non-relations. Some fraudulent applicants may even be involved in polygamous relations with US Somali sponsors. Ann Corcoran of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog estimates that fully 36,000 Somalis may have entered the US fraudulently based on DNA tests conducted by DHS ICE teams at refugee camps in Africa. That estimate excludes several thousand Somalis who have entered the US illegally via Latin America seeking asylum through the generosity of our immigration law courts of the ICE of DHS.

    were killed when they ultimately reached Somalia. One angry relation of a youth recruited and killed in Somalia accused local Imams at a Senate Homeland Security Hearing in March 2009 of threatening Somali families and youths with retribution if they spoke to federal investigators tracking down recruiters of these home grown terrorists.

    FBI Director Mueller in a Council of Foreign Relations speech on Global Terrorism underscored this cultural divide:

    Americans should brace for a coming swarm. Right now, most of our cities would be as hard-pressed as Mumbai was to deal with several simultaneous attacks. Our elite federal and military counterterrorist units would most likely find their responses slowed, to varying degrees, by distance and the need to clarify jurisdiction.

    Nightmare possibilities include synchronized assaults on several shopping malls, high-rise office buildings or other places that have lots of people and relatively few exits.

    Here are some further suggestions for the HHSC to consider.

    In view of the public health threats from undetected contagious diseases among refugee communities, we suggest both mandatory health screening and quarantines be mandatory before admittance to this country.

    We should establish caps on Somali refugee quotas and negotiate possible diversion to other countries under the control of the UNHCR.

    Overall, we need a comprehensive counter-terrorism strategy which includes tackling Muslim immigration as a whole. The US is vulnerable to home-grown Jihadis initiating devastating Mumbai-type swarming attacks.

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