You Shall Reap What You Sow

by Bob Madison (August 2024)

The Sower (Vincent van Gogh, 1888)



The farmer plants kernels in the spring, seeding fertile mother earth, knowing he will harvest corn in July. He knows that some of the seeds will not germinate, so he plants many, knowing that the cycle is inevitable. When you plant seeds, you will have a crop to harvest. This is the way of all things.

There are many different types of seeds. Like the farmer, democrats and their vast army of media friends have been busily planting seeds for the past eight-plus years. Unlike the farmer, whose seeds produce crops that feed and nourish humanity, the seeds that the democrat/media complex have planted, produce only division, violence, hatred, and death.

There has been a near constant, steady, sowing of seeds composed of toxic verbiage claiming that Donald Trump and his supporters are fascists, nazis, white supremacists, Russian spies, war mongers, a threat to our democracy, and on and on, ad nauseum. No derogatory remark was too low when it came to painting Donald Trump as “literally Hitler.” There have also been various opinion pieces in the mainstream press claiming he would institute a dictatorship and virtually calling for his death as being perhaps the only way to “save” America.

Year after year after year they have pummeled Donald Trump with these utterly false and baseless accusations, but because the media is, for the most part, a leftist echo chamber, very little opposing thought was heard. Additionally, the federal government colluded with various big tech companies and social media providers to quash anything and everything that ran counter to the desired democrat narrative du jour. It was as though they thought George Orwell’s ‘1984’ was an instruction manual rather than a cautionary tale.

Pointing out that during the four years of Donald Trump’s presidency, there was no evidence of anything fascistic or racist, etc., was disregarded. Diplomacy that resulted in four peace treaties between Israel and Arab neighbors was ignored. Opportunity Zones to encourage business and create jobs in poor urban minority areas, was ignored. The First Step Act to help free unjustly imprisoned non-violent (often minority) offenders to re-enter society, was ignored. Securing long-term funding for historically black colleges and universities was ignored. Tough economic sanctions against Russia were ignored. Lessening of tensions with North Korea via a personal visit, was ignored. Trade deals with China that benefited US farmers were ignored. The near destruction of ISIS was ignored, as was the gradual withdrawal from Afghanistan with a negotiated ceasefire from the Taliban. No, the verdict was already in: Orange Man Bad!

Many otherwise well-meaning people, after so much exposure to these toxic seeds of hateful nonsense, began to believe it. When something is heard from seemingly all directions, it must be true, right? It became almost a religious tenet. An article of faith. So much so, that any mention of Donald Trump on social media was required to be negative in nature. Anything positive said about the man was not only instantly rejected, but the person making a positive statement was often “cancelled” and lost their voice entirely, if not their job, for daring to have a differing opinion.

These toxic seeds did not only reach good, well-meaning people. They also germinated in the minds of extremists, as well as the unbalanced, mentally unstable, and deranged.

It all came to fruition on July 13th, 2024 in Butler Pennsylvania, at a Trump rally, when a young man named Thomas Matthew Crooks, exploited an egregious and inexcusable gap in security, climbed onto a nearby rooftop, and opened fire on Donald Trump. The would-be assassin only managed to hit Mr. Trump with a grazing shot to his right ear, thanks to Mr. Trump inadvertently turning his head slightly as the shot was fired. Had he not moved his head, he would not have survived. Tragically, two people behind Mr. Trump were hit, and one other has died, at the time of this writing.

How much more will there be of this bitter harvest? How many more radicals like Thomas Matthew Crooks are waiting in the wings to take their shot? Probably more than democrats who will admit that their many years of toxic gaslighting has brought about this violence.


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Bob Madison, born in the hills of West Virginia, and raised in the New York City area, leads a quiet life in New England after a rather varied career spent in such diverse pursuits as music, publishing, mechanical consulting, software development, and technical writing. Occasional bursts of political commentary are the result of a lifelong interest in foreign affairs and domestic politics.

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