At The French Lycee In Kuwait, The Blacking-Out Factory

The pictures show what happened. The bare breasts of Liberty, in Delacroix’s famous painting of the Revolution, Liberty Leading The People, have been blacked-out in the French schoolbook. Blacked-out, too, are the illustrations accompanying a text in biology class about reproduction.

The know-nothingsĀ  — all seventeen of them in these United States — who are still rootiing for William Jennings Bryan over Clarence Darrow in the Scopes Trial and think evolution should be taught merely as “one theory among many,” have had their views, once widely shared, mocked into oblivion. Why, then, do we not see the entire country of Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan, and Sudan, and other Muslim countries where such censorship takes place, as mockable, and see those Muslims, not “all nine of them” but at least 900 million of the 1 billion or so, as absurd. Why should not the amusement, contempt, possibly disgust, of the advanced world not be communicated, so as to demoralize Muslims, forcing some at least to distance themselves from, even if they can’t quite admit it, Islam itself. That would be an achievement.