Australia: Ashlee Brown Converted to Islam, Married a Muslim, And Now Is Dead; Her Husband Gets Off With a Plea of Manslaughter Based on Negligence

A disturbing story from Australia; and perhaps the most disturbing aspect of this story is the slap on the wrist received by the husband and/ or the utter incompetence of whoever had the job of a/ interrogating the husband (and I would have included an interrogation of his entire extended family, wherever they are) and b/ doing the forensics on the scene of the crime, which happened to be the house and garage.

The husband pleaded guilty to ‘criminally negligent manslaughter’; the Crown, seemingly, told the victim’s mother that “they didn’t have enough evidence to successfully convict him of murder”.

I will provide the account of the case that appeared in the Daily Mail – Stephen Gibbs reporting – on July 10 (h/t jihadwatch; I must confess I did not come across this story on my own) before reproducing a couple of reports that describe the sentencing – and the accompanying protest rally held by the Australian Liberty Alliance (ALA) – that took place in Melbourne today.

I believe Islam Killed My Daughter”: A Grieving Mother Tells How Her Daughter Cut Off All Contact With Family and Friends To Marry An Older Muslim Man, Who Left Her on a Bathroom Floor for FIVE DAYS to Die.”

“Siobhann Brown had not heard from her eldest daughter since she called five years earlier, saying that she was converting to Islam to get married and have her first child.

‘Then two Victoria Police detectives arrived at her door.

“Ashlee Brown, 25, had been found dead on her bathroom floor, with more than 100 blunt and sharp-force injuries covering most of her body.

Anyone who has read Phyllis Chesler’s numerous articles discussing ‘honour’  murders – which she also defines as ‘horror’ killings – will recognise the pattern here; the pattern is ‘Overkill”.  Not just to kill someone, but to kill them torturously, with extreme violence; to make them deader than dead.  This case is no common-or-garden Domestic Violence incident such as, alas, we have too much of within our own society; it has the hallmarks of the ‘honour’ murder, which is something else altogether. – CM

“The mother of three children under five had been bound, gagged, and had her long strawberry-blonde hair cut off.

Did the forensics team look for that cut-off hair? Where is it? – CM

‘Ashlee’s husband, Mohamed Naddaf, 37, told police he had found his wife in that state in their garage about five days earlier, but chose to “care” for her in the bathroom rather than call Triple O.

I bet every word of that statement is a lie.  I bet he did it. Or if it were not he, it was another mohammedan mobster, or mobsters, possibly another family member.  Were his family, his clan, interrogated, in the course of the investigation? – CM

‘Ms Brown had to run out of her house in disbelief when she heard how her daughter had died.  She is now faced with Naddaf pleading guilty to manslaughter without ever going to trial.

“Ashlee was a fun-loving girl”, Ms Brown told Daily Mail Australia.  “She was giving. She was loving.  She loved the sun, the beach.  She loved singing, dancing, having fun.”

‘Ashlee had been raised in country Victoria as a ‘typical Aussie girl’, and gradually grew restless as she hit her late teenage years.

‘She took increasingly regular trips to Melbourne, once returning to introduce her family to Mohamed Rannaf (sic: Rannaf or Naddaf? – CM) when she was about 18.

I would very much like to know whether anyone has tried to find out when – precisely – and where, Ashlee Brown met ‘Mohamed’.  Because in the light of what we know of the modus operandi of the ‘grooming gangs’ in the UK, it is quite possible that she was targeted some years earlier, while still a schoolgirl. – CM

‘She introduced him as “Macca”,’, Ms Brown said.  “It was very brief.  He seemed like a nice, very polite, young man.  It pains me to say that.  I didn’t see him again after that.”

‘There was no communication for some time before a phone-call came ‘out of the blue’ that would herald the end of all contact between Ms Brown and her daughter.  

‘When Ashlee was about 20 she rang to say that she was pregnant and wanted her mother’s blessing to convert to Islam and marry Mohamed.

“She said to me, “Mum, I need your blessing to become Muslim.”  She said, “I’m three months pregnant and I’m engaged to Mohamed.  I would really like to marry him, mum, and settle down and have a baby”.

“I said to her, “Darling, I don’t know anything about the Muslim religion.  As long as you know what you’re doing“.

But Ashlee, it seems, didn’t know, and her mother didn’t, either.  In the case of Islam, ignorance – on the part of its intended kuffar victims – is deadly. – CM

“I said, “Do you have to wear one of those burqas or hijabs?  I didn’t know what they were called”.

“She said, “No, mum, only when I go into the mosque, because it’s disrespectful for a woman to show her face before God”.

So that was what she was told by the Muslim dawa artists, was it?  That their god who, they claim, created human beings, is offended by the sight of a woman’s face?  Nota bene – “when I go into the mosque”.  Ashlee converted to Islam: when, and where, and in front of whom?  She mentioned going into a mosque.  What mosque did she and/ or Mohamed attend?  Were they married in a mosque? By an imam? Was the marriage registered officially? Were the births of the children registered?  Where were they born?  Does anyone know?  Did those investigating this woman’s death even attempt to find out?  And… where are Mohamed’s family, in this picture? His parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers…?  And whatever mosque they’re associated with? So many questions.  – CM

“I said to Ashlee, “As long as you’re making a fully-informed decision, and it’s what you really want”.

But, manifestly, it was not a fully-informed decision.  I’d bet my bottom dollar that Mohamed and whatever other dawa artists were involved in this sordid business did not tell Ashlee Brown about the apostasy law, say; or about Quran 4.34 that permits a man to flog his wife if he even so much as imagines that she might rebel. – CM

“Ashlee said that it was.

“There was a pause after that”, Ms Brown said.  “She said, “Thank you, mum.” And then her voice seemed to change, and she said, “It’s Islam”.  That didn’t mean anything to me at the time.  We said goodbye to each other, and we hung up, and I didn’t hear from Ashlee again.”

I bet every word that Ashlee said to her mother in that conversation was dictated to her by her Muslim master. I bet she didn’t dare say anything else.– CM

Ms Brown said she was convinced the lack of subsequent contact with Ashlee was solely down to her religious conversion and Rannaf (sic) controlling his wife.

She is most likely correct.  Muslims are not supposed to befriend non-Muslims, except feigningly and temporarily for Muslim advantage; they are, indeed, supposed to regard non-Muslims with “enmity and hatred”, even if those non-Muslims are their (the Muslims’) close kin. – CM

“I believe Islam killed my daughter”, the 46-year-old said.  “If I could have taken that phone call back, I would not have given her my blessing.  I would have said, “No, sorry, love”.  I’m not against Muslims.

Please.  This is silly.  This is like saying that “I’m not against Nazis or Fascists, I just don’t like Nazism or Fascism.”  It is rational, if you are being targeted for death or subjugation by the active adherents of a violent, supremacist ideology, to practise a healthy caution toward known adherents of such an ideology. – CM

That’s not what it’s about.  I’m not telling Ashlee’s story to make friends.  I don’t want to tell lies, I’m not going to sugar-coat it.  I’m telling Ashlee’s story for it to be known.”

Infidel Aussie girls, beware. Do not convert to Islam; because if you have second thoughts later on, and decide to leave, the sharia assassins may come after you to kill you. And do not marry a Muslim man, because his cult says he can flog you if he even imagines you are likely to be insufficiently submissive.  Even if he says you can keep your own beliefs… the reality is that, if you do that, if you are his non-Muslim wife, he is taught, by his cult, to make use of you, but to hate you, all the while he uses you as broodstock, or to gain a visa, or whatever.  Here is Raymond Ibrahim’s discussion of that ugly aspect of Islam.

‘Police initiailly charged Naddaf with assault and false imprisonment, after paramedics (called by whom? – CM) found her dead in the couple’s home at Craigieburn, in Melbourne’s north, on November 6, 2016.

They later accused Naddaf of killing his wife, but then prosecutors agreed to let him plead guilty to manslaughter.

Why?  And how on earth could it be possible that there was not enough evidence for a murder charge to be pursued?  There doesn’t seem to be any mention of an ongoing investigation to try to find out who else dunnit, if they do in fact think he didn’t. – CM

‘Naddaf told police he found Ashlee tied up in their garage, badly beaten, and covered in blood.

I bet he lies.  Or if he says he ‘found’ her perhaps he’s neglecting to mention that he knew she was there because he put her there, in the first place. – CM

“He said he did not call an ambulance, because his wife begged him not to ask for help.

Really???  There is, of course, not a shred of evidence for her having done this; all there is, is his own say-so. – CM

‘Instead, Naddaf claimed he had taken Ashlee to their bathroom, where he set up a television and heater and tended to her injuries for up to five days, until she succumbed to those wounds.

Who did the forensics on this case?  – CM

‘During that time in the bathroom Naddaf fed his wife water through a syringe he put in her mouth.

Or he says he did.   I wonder what the autopsy showed? – CM

‘He brought her a sheet and a pillow.

‘While Ashlee lay dying, Ms Brown has been told, the couple’s children walked in and out of the bathroom.

The youngest is four.  A four-year-old can, usually, talk.  I wonder what the oldest child said to investigators. – CM

‘Naddaf said he had been asleep, having taken medication, and did not know how Ashlee came to be attacked, because he did not hear anything.

This entire story rings as false as hell. –  CM

‘The court has heard he has a significant criminal history (has he been in jail? – when? where? for what? and.. where are his family? – CM) and had been a long-term drug user, taking heroin, marijuana, and ice.

‘A post-mortem examination found Ashlee had suffered injuries to her head, torso, buttocks, and limbs.  She had been stabbed in the thighs, and had bruising to her right side, including her breast.

Overkill.  A classic feature of Islamic ‘horror’ killings.  Note- stabbed. With what?  Again: who did the forensics? – CM

‘Naddaf, who was trying to resuscitate (or was pretending to be trying to resuscitate – CM) Ashlee when paramedics arrived (who called them? – CM) told police, “I honestly didn’t think she was going to die”.

Suuuuure. – CM

“Lengths of cord matching the couple’s clothes-line were found in a garbage bin, along with packing-tape, and clumps of Ashlee’s hair.  Blood was found in their car.

The proposition that a person or persons unknown got into the house and carried out the assault while Naddaf was asleep and/ or stoned looks very peculiar, in the light of details such as the clothes-line and hair in the garbage bin – CM.  

‘Naddaf, who pleaded guilty to manslaughter by way of criminal negligence, did not stand trial for any crime.

‘He is being held responsible only for not seeking medical assistance, and insists he did not physically harm his wife.

I bet he’s lying. – CM

‘As such, whoever inflicted the injuries upon Ashlee remains a mystery in the eyes of the law.

So.. if they are going to pretend that they think someone else did get in and carry out a murderous assault… is there an ongoing investigation?   What’s happened to all the forensic evidence that, one hopes, was gathered? If they did not find even one iota of evidence – a hair, a footprint, a fingerprint – that anyone else was in the house, or in the garage, or in the car, at the time when the attack is deemed or supposed to have happened, or after, then what? – CM

‘Nadddaf’s counsel, David Cronin, has told the Victorian Supreme Court, “What occurred in the car and prior to when Mr Naddaf says that he found Ms Brown, nobody knows”.

Oh, pleeease.  In these days of dna evidence, in the light of all the many ways in which the presence or absence of a given person in a given location can be detected, when even a wisp or hair or a few fibres from carpet or clothing can tell the tale of who was where, or wasn’t? .- CM

‘The court heard Naddaf had previously been diagnosed (by whom? by a Muslim or by a non-Muslim doctor? – CM) with depression and anxiety.

‘Mr Cronin said Naddaf had shown genuine concern for Ashlee and made efforts to care for her, dressing her wounds and giving her medication.

Is this based only on Naddaf’s say-so, or did the forensic team find evidence that, before her death, any kind of effective care had been attempted? – CM

“There has been some compassion”, Mr Cronin told the court.

“However, Crown prosecutor Patrick Bourke said it would have been “blindingly obvious” that Ashlee needed immediate medical help.

“Whatever happened, Ms Brown cannot believe her daughter would willingly cease all contact with her mother and three siblings who are now aged 11 to 22.

“Ashlee had faced turbulence in her teenage years, but would always come home, no matter what.

“No matter where she was, when the chips were down, she always came home to mum”, Ms Brown said. ‘Why was there no more contact?  Nothing.  And not just with me, but our family and friends.  She ceased to exist.”

‘Ms Brown also believed the legal system let her down.  “It was explained to me that they didn’t have enough evidence to successfully convict him of murder”, she said of Rannaf’s/ Naddaf’s manslaughter plea.

Frankly, going by the description of the circumstances, I find that ‘explanation’ simply incredible, especially in light of the kinds of tools that any crime scene investigator, in a  modern western country, now has at their disposal. – CM

‘I feel let down.  I feel there should have been a trial.  Where was our fight?  We didn’t have one.”

“The offence of murder needs to be redefined”.

Naddaf, who faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, will appear at a sentencing hearing on July 20“.

That was today.  He got 11 years, and will likely be out on parole after 8. – CM

Avi Yemini, of the Australian Liberty Alliance, is organising a rally outside the Supreme Court on that day.

“We’re going to demand justice for Ashlee, and that this doesn’t happen to anyone else”, Mr Yemini said. You can make out that it’s just another domestic violence case, but it isn’t.  A daughter calls her mum and says, I’m converting to Islam, and then is cut off from her forever.”

It is worth reproducing the call to action that was sent round by the Q Society, parent of the political party Australian Liberty Allianc, prior to this rally.  “This Friday morning at 10 am, Ashlee’s mother Siobhann, supported by friends, and by fellow ALA members Avi Yemini and Debbie Robinsons, will stand in protest outside the Supreme Court in Melbourne, where Mohammad’s sentencing is scheduled for 10.30 am.  However, there was never a proper trial.  Mohammad was first charged with killing his wife, but then made a deal to plead guilty to a single count of manslaughter by criminal negligence instead.  We believe this deal is not justice. There must be  a clear and loud message to those who think women are property, and domestic violence, or killing in the name of “honour”, can be swept under the multicultural carpet”.

‘Channel 9 will air a special segment about the case tonight (Wednesday 18 July) in their “A Current Affair” program starting at 7 pm.  If you miss it today you may be able to catch a recording at

“We ask you to join us on Friday morning at 10 am at the Supreme Court, 210 William St, Melbourne.

“Ashlee’s mother will bring purple pin ribbons for all, and we will have a number of placards available…

“This will be the starting point for a campaign to reform Victoria’s judiciary that will take us to the state election and beyond.  

“Please make the effort.  Come to the court-house and stand for Justice for Ashlee.  

“Share this mesaage with friends in Melbourne”.

Before I reproduce the report of the sentencing I will provide a few excerpts from an earlier account of the case, provided by Channel 9 news back in December 2016.

“Police Suspect Vic Man Murdered Wife.

“A Melbourne man (sic – a Melbourne-resident Muslim man – CM) who police suspect murdered his wife has told detectives he went to bed and woke up to find her tied up in their car with multiple stab wounds.

‘…”I would describe the injuries sustained as horrific, and over a large period of time”, homicide Detective Senior Constable Mark Berens said.  “The victim has sustained over 100 injuries”.

“Police say Naddaf’s charges could be upgraded to murder once forensic evidence from the home is analysed and the cause and time of death established.

There are what appear to be stab wounds”, Det. Sen. Const. Berens said.Some of the stab wounds … were still bleeding, and suggest the injuries sustained were over a period of time, and not in all in one instance as the accused describes.“…

“Naddaf told police he woke up and found her tied up in the car by her legs, ankles, and neck.  The prosecution says there were bloodstains throughout the house and in the garage.

Det Sen. Const. Berens says there’s evidence that a “significant clean-up of the house” had taken place before authorities arrived….”.

Hmmmmm.  But if an unpractised person does an attempted cleanup of a torture-and-murder scene, shouldn’t that have left something for the forensics people to find?   So why the decision, a little way down the track, that there wasn’t enough evidence to convict, and the acceptance of a lesser plea of manslaughter by criminal negligence?  The whole thing stinks to high heaven.

And so, here is the ABC reporting on the sentencing.

“Death of woman “slow, miserable, and avoidable”, Judge Tells Husband”.

“A Melbourne judge has condemned a father of three for heeding his dying wife’s plea not to call an ambulance for fear a government department would take her children.

Pffft. Is there even a shred of evidence that she said any such thing?  If the only proof she made this request, is the husband’s claim that she did, then.. why are we supposed to believe him? – CM

‘Ashlee Brown, 25, died in early November 2016, after being “seriously assaulted” and lying on the bathroom floor of her Craigieburn home in Melbourne’s north for four to five days.

‘Her husband, Mohamed Naddaf, pleaded guilty to manslaughter by criminal negligence, for failing to get professional medical help for his wife.

‘He has today been sentenced to 11 years in jail.

And while he is in jail, who will be taking care of the three under-five children?  Will they go to their non-Muslim grandmother, the mother of his dead wife?  Or… is there a Muslim family pushing forward, demanding that the children be raised in a Muslim home?  In all reports on this case there is a deafening silence about Mohammed Naddaf’s family. But I would like to know, very much, whether they are demanding custody of the children, while he is in jail.  – CM

‘Covered in blood “from head to toe”.

“Her death was slow, miserable, and avoidable”, Justice John Champion told the court, during sentencing remarks that lasted an hour.   The court heard that Naddaf found (or, that he claimed that he found – CM) his wife covered in blood from “head to toe” in their car inside the garage.

She had multiple injuries caused by blunt force trauma.

In other words, she had been savagely beaten. – CM

“She has also suffered stab wounds and extensive bruising.  Her hands had also been tied up.

It was a “deliberate and frenzied assault” on Ms Brown, Justice Champion said.  But there was “no explanation as to how and in whose hands she was treated so brutally”.

????? !!!!  – So the jinn did it, did they?  Or mysterious person or persons unknown who somehow got into the house, and into the garage, and then vanished, after carrying out this extremely violent – and noisy? – attack, leaving absolutely not a trace of their presence behind, not even a strand of hair or a wisp of clothing? –  CM

‘Naddaf had taken his wife inside the house, and put her in the bathroom, where he treated her wounds, and gave her medicine and water over a number of days.

I would dearly like to know whether the police found any real evidence of this.  What sort of ‘medicine’? Panadol? – CM

‘In a record of an interview, Naddaf told police he said to his wife, “You’re gonna die, baby, you’re gonna die”, when she told him not to call for help.

Suuuure. But we only know she told him not to call for help, because he says she did…? What if this whole pathetic exchange – as related by Mr Naddaf to the police – is a mass of tarradiddles from beginning to end?  – CM

‘But Naddaf’s response, Justice Champion said, was “pathetically weak’, and showed “a gross lack of respect” for his wife, who “was vulnerable… and you owed her a duty of care”.

Ms Brown entreated you (sic: rather, “You claim that Ms Brown entreated you…” – CM) not to call the ambulance because the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) might get involved, and take the children away from the family”, Justice Champion said.

‘Naddaf found ‘hugging’ his dead wife.

“There were a number of problems in the house at the time”, he said.  The court heard DHHS had twice been alerted (by whom? – concerned neighbours hearing screams? – CM) to issues within the famly – in 2013 and 2016.

‘Justice Champion said photos taken by investigators showed the house was “unkempt and dirty” and they found dirty nappies lying around.

‘At the time the children were aged three years, two years and six months.

‘The court heard that when Naddaf finally called an ambulance, Ms Brown was already dead, despite Naddaf attempting CPR.

Oh, pffft.  Theatre, for the benefit of the gullible infidels walking in the door, I’ll bet. – CM

‘The court heard the paramedics found him “hugging her”, while the two-year-old daughter was also in the bathroom.

Again: theatre, I’ll bet. He waits till he’s sure she’s dead, dead, dead, then he rings the ambulance and pretends to be soooo distraught when they walk in. – CM

“I am at a loss to understand why you acted in the way you did”, Justice Champion said it would have been easy for Naddaf to simply pick up the telephone and get help.

Justice Champion doesn’t understand Islam: the misogyny, the violence, the ‘honour-shame’ mindset, and the infinite and brazen duplicity of which Muslims are masters. – CM

“You left her … to deteriorate and die before your own eyes and those of your children”, he said.  

“The court heard that Naddaf had not inflicted the violence (on what basis is this assertion made? – CM) but there was “passive inaction”.

It is, of course, possible that another member of the mohammedan  mob, perhaps a family member of Naddaf’s carried out the assault on Ashlee (to punish her for some perceived insubordination or wrongdoing) with Naddaf’s full prior approval, knowledge and connivance.  But how could they manage not to leave behind even the tiniest particle of evidence of their presence in the garage and in the car?

‘He must serve a minimum of eight years in jail before he is eligible for parole”.

Another account of the sentencing here, from, Amber Wilson reporting, which includes mention of the Australian Liberty Alliance protest rally.

“Mohamed Naddaf jailed for wife’s “slow, miserable” death.

“A Man (sic: a Muslim man – CM) who claims he found his wife critically wounded has been jailed for letting her slowly die over five days.

‘A man who allowed his wife to die an “avoidable and miserable” death after finding her bound and badly injured at their Melbourne home, has been jailed for at least eight years.

‘Mohamed Naddaf pleaded guilty to the criminally negligent manslaughter of Ashlee Brown, 25, who died in their “unkempt and dirty” Craigieburn home in November 2016.

‘Justice John Champion, in sentencing Naddaf in the Supreme Court of Victoria on Friday, said Ms Brown was found in the passenger seat of the couple’s car, after having been subjected to a “deliberate and frenzied assault” and tied up with clothesline wire.  Bloodstains were found throughout the garage and car, and Ms Brown had cuts and bruises across her body, which worsened over subsequent days.  Naddaf, 37 at the time, helped Ms Brown to the bathroom, laying her on a flannelette sheet on the floor, and feeding her water through a syringe for five days.  He finally called triple-O on November 6 after Ms Brown died from complications arising from her numerous injuries, and internal and external bleeding.

‘An autopsy confirmed Ms Brown suffered multiple blunt and sharp force trauma injuries to her head, buttocks, torso, arms and legs, including stab wounds to her thighs.  By the time ambulance officers arrived, Ms Brown was “cold to the touch, and stiff”, and had been dead for some time.

‘Justice Champion said he did not accept Naddaf’s claim that Ms Brown begged him not to call for help.

That claim was obviously a lie –  CM

‘However, he said Naddaf’s motivation was unclear.

“The Crown is not in a position to prove who inflicted the injuries upon Ms Brown”, Justice Champion said.

I find this very, very strange, given the circumstances under which she is said to have been found. – CM

“It is not possible to say exactly when Ms Brown died but.. she suffered to a considerable degree”.  He described Naddaf’s attempts at caring for her as “feeble and derisory” and “deserving of condemnation”.

“She lay on the floor of the bathroom for four to five days where you allowed her deterioration”, he said. “All that was required was a phone-call.  Her death was slow, avoidable, and miserable”.

I would be very, very curious to know whether the investigation has sought to discover whether Mr Naddaf rang anybody else during that period whilst his bashed and stabbed wife was slowly dying; or whether anybody else rang him CM

‘Right-wing activist group, the Australian Liberty Alliance (sic: That should read simply, “The Australian Liberty Alliance, a group concerned about negative aspects of Islam” – CM) staged a protest outside court on Friday, chanting, “Justice for Ashlee”.

‘Ms Brown’s mother, Siobhan, told reporters after the setnencing she believed Naddaf should have instead faced a murder trial for the death of her daughter, who had converted to Islam.

“I am here today to raise awareness to the horrific, torturous death that Ashlee endured”, she said, outside court. “My daughter’s injuries and circumstances surrounding her death had all the hallmarks of an Islamic honour killing”.

Indeed they do. Anyone who has read Phyllis Chesler’s numerous studies of the subject would agree. – CM

And Channel 9’s account has a little more.

“Deadset animal” who watched wife slowly die, jailed [for] eight years.

“A man who (said he had – CM) fed water to his wife through a syringe for five days after claiming to find her with more than 100 injuries has been jailed for at least eight years.

‘Mohamed Naddaf, who watched his wife fight for life on their bathroom floor for nearly a week instead of calling Triple Zero, pleaded guilty to the criminally negligent manslaughter of Ashlee Brown, 25…

“Right-wing activist group, the Australian Liberty Alliance (that should be simply, “The Australian Liberty Alliance” – CM), staged a protest outside court today, condemning what Ms Brown’s mother Siobhan claimed was an “Islamic honour killing”.

‘Siobhan Brown told reporters after the sentencing she believed Naddaf should have instead faced a murder trial for


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