Australia: Herald-Sun’s Columnist Rita Panahi, Either Closet Apostate or MINO, Talks Some Sense About The Muslim Mass-Murder of Gays At Orlando

And, in a column published on June 15, categorises it, correctly, with other Muslim murders of Infidels and of other-sect or deemed-insufficiently-Islamic Muslims that have been carried out in the past month or so; not forgetting the Muslim murder of Jews in Israel.

Be sure to click on the link for a very, very telling graphic that drives home the danger to which gays are exposed by orthodox Islam in a group of Islamic or else (Nigeria) heavily Islamised countries.

“We Must Call Out This Bigotry”.

‘In the past week Islamist terrorists (that is, “Muslims carrying out jihad terror raids” – CM) have launched deadly attacks against civilians in places as disparate as the United States, Syria, Israel, France and the Philippines.

You’d expect this carnage would promote a careful examination of the ideology motivating these attacks, but our leaders, and much of the commentariat, steadfastly refuse to acknowledge let alone discuss Islam’s role in acts of terror around the world.

‘Instead they indulge in the most cowardly moral equivocation imaginable, one that gives cover to extremists.

To the Jihad. – CM

‘Worse, they attempt to intimidate and silence those who dare acknowledge the proverbial elephant in the room.

Anyone who admits the undeniable link between Islam and Islamist acts of terror is accused of Islamophobia.

Pretty good, Ms Panahi.  Myself, I’ll say “Muslim acts of terror”.  But even so, you’re still speaking more plainly than most. – CM

‘A wise man once described Islamophobia as a term “created by fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons”.  It’s become the go-to slur for those who don’t like inconvenient facts challenging their sloppy thinking.

‘The denial and obfuscation that follows every Islamist atrocity (every mass-murderous jihad raid – CM) does nothing other than embolden the extremist elements within the Muslim community (or, in short, “the jihad-minded Muslims” – CM).

‘In the wake of the Orlando massacre, the Regressive Left refused to identify radical Islam (sic: Islam – CM) as one of the underlying motives (let alone, as the primary motive – CM) of the terrorist who gunned down dozens of innocent people.

‘It was simply a “hate crime” against the LGBTIQ community with no consideration of what drove that murderous hatred.

‘It mattered not that Omar Mateen had pledged bay’ah or allegiance to Islamic State.  Even the gunman’s own explanation of why he was committing this atrocity wasn’t enough to convince the wilfully blind that this may have something to do with Islam.

Hurrah!  She finally spits it out.  ISLAM.  No qualifiers. Just… Islam. – CM

‘Two days later, in France, another terrorist pledging allegiance to I.S. slaughtered a police officer and his wife in front of the couple’s three-year-old child.  The horrific crime was filmed and broadcast on Facebook.

‘Mateen was US-born, but he was anything but a patriot.

‘Classmates recall him cheering the 9/11 attacks in 2001.  His father is a Taliban supporter who thinks “God will punish those involved in homosexuality” and shares his anti-US views online and on a TV station aimed at Pashtun Afghans (sic: “Pashtun Afghan Muslims” – CM) in America and Europe.

‘It has been widely reported that Mateen himself was bisexual or gay; that is a problem for a radicalised (sic – “devout, sharia-minded “- CM) Muslim from a devout family.  Under Sharia law homosexuality is forbidden and can be punishable by death.

‘A gay man may choose to leave the reliigion, but the punishment for apostasy is, you guessed it, death.

Thank you for supplying that crucial piece of information in an article in a generally-circulated newspaper, Ms Panahi.  It is critically important that infidels the world over should grasp that Muslims really are are taught  and that apostates should be killed; and that this is no dusty old ‘dead letter’ but a present and grim reality that affects not only the life-choices of Muslims in Muslim lands, but the life-choices of Muslims within Muslim colonies in majority-infidel countries such as the USA… or Australia.  – CM

‘the unpalatable truth is that homosexuals, like Jews, are seen as targets for jihadists.  Hostile attitudes to homosexuality exist not just in Islamic countries but are also present in Muslim communities in Western nations.

‘Research conducted in 2009 showed that British Muslims (“Muslims resident in Britain” – CM) had zero tolerance for homosexuality; not one of the 500 Muslims polled in the Gallup Coexist Index believed homosexual acts were morally acceptable.  Another reputable poll conducted in 2015 by ICM showed that 52 percent of all British Muslims (that is, ‘of all Muslims currently residing in Britain” – CM) think homosexuality should be illegal, and a quarter are in favour of Sharia law.

It is Sharia, let us bear in mind, that enjoins – besides much else that is wholly repulsive and barbaric, such as polygyny, and the forcible wedding and bedding even of prepubescent girls, and slavery, and the stoning to death of women accused of sexual misconduct, and the cutting off of the hands of thieves  – the execution of gays, apostates from Islam, and those who (like the late Theo Van Gogh, and the massacred ‘Charlie Hebdo” cartoonists) ‘blaspheme’ against Islam. – CM

‘To compare the oppression of homosexuals in the Muslim world with the homophobia present in other religions is a nonsensical exercise.

‘There is only one religion that regularly executes (or, to word it slightly more clearly, “There is only one religion whose orthodox adherents regularly execute” – CM) gay men for the crime of being gay.

Human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali wrote: “No doctrine is more violent to the gay community than Islamic doctrine.  It is time to take on Muslim homophobia.”

One may recall, by the by, that Ayaan Hirsi Ali has openly proclaimed herself to be an apostate from Islam – an atheist – and therefore lives with the shadow of the sharia assassin hanging over her, given the Islamic diktat that openly declared apostates are supposed to be killed. – CM

‘It’s not just the savages of I.S [Islamic State] who murder gay men by throwing them off roof-tops and then stoning those who survive the fall.

‘There are ten countries – Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Mauritania – where gay men may be executed for homosexuality.  It’s not a wild coincidence that all are Muslim-majority countries.  (More precisely: all but Nigeria are pretty much 100 percent Muslim; Nigeria at last count was in fact 51 percent Christian and 45 percent Muslim but whereas the southern third is majority-Christian the middle and northern parts of the country are dominated by Muslims both numerically and politically and since independence the Muslims have tended to control both politics and the military. – CM)

‘Even in the more “liberal” Middle Eastern countries, such as Lebanon, men are mistreated for being gay.  Homosexuality may be legal in Turkey, but anti-gay sentiment is strong and rising.

‘A Turkish newspaper with close ties to the country’s President reported the Orlando attack with the headline: “Death Toll Rises to 50 in Bar Where Perverted Homosexuals Go!”

‘But this homophobia is rarely called out by those who are normally hypersensitive to any suggestion of LBTIQ bigotry.

‘A gay couple denied a wedding cake in Colorado receives more sympathy and coverage, than the systematic oppression of gay men in the name of Islam.  Ugly attitudes that would normally be condemned are tolerated due to “cultural sensitivities”.

‘Similarly the subjugation of women in the Muslim world is all but ignored by western feminists who rail against any trivial offence, real or imagined.

‘If your reaction to acts of Islamist terror is to immediately recite the ills of every other religion, then you’re part of the problem.

‘If you’re more outraged by Donald Trump’s tweets than [by] innocent people slaughtered during a night out (“than by a sharia-pushing Muslim slaughtering innocent people whilst they were enjoying a night out” – CM) then you’re part of the problem.

‘If your reaction to Orlando was to bleat endlessly about gun control while never mentioning Muslim extremism (sic: “the global Jihad” – CM) then you’re part of the problem.

Well said, Rita.  You could be just a tad plainer, but you’re still a lot closer than most. – CM

‘For the record, I’m in favour of stricter gun laws, but that won’t stop terrorists, as attacks in places like Paris, London and Brussels (or, for that matter, Tel Aviv – CM) have shown.

‘If you truly value the rights of individuals then you must treat Islam like any other doctrine, and call out bigotry when you see it.

Yes.   The Islamic ‘blasphemy law’ must not be allowed to govern academic, political and public discourse in Infidel countries.  All other belief systems and political programs are subject to critique and are also not exempt from being laughed at, caricatured or satirised, whether fairly or unfairly, artistically or crudely.  The doctrines of Islam – such as the command that gays should be killed – and the actions of Muslims – such as Muslim oppression and killing of both Muslim and non-Muslim gays – should, in the free Infidel world, if that world is to remain free, also not be exempted from free, public and critical inquiry and discussion, nor from criticism, nor from outright mockery.   The sharia demand that homosexuals be killed – just like the sharia demand that apostates and blasphemers be killed – must be declared to be in breach of Infidel law; gays, apostates and ‘blasphemers (as also Jews, another preferred target of Muslim murderers) must be protected, to the utmost, and must be seen to be under the protection of the Infidel state, over against any Muslim assassin who would seek to do them harm; and any Muslim who advocates killing gays, or apostates, or ‘blasphemers’, or attempts so to do, must be instantly dealt with and, preferably, expelled from the free world.   The late unlamented Omar Mateen, of course, was summarily disposed of by the Infidel police who were coming to the rescue of those he had not yet managed to kill, inside the club; his decease saved the Infidel American judiciary a world of trouble and expense.

And it would, of course, be a lot easier for Infidel society to protect gays and ‘blasphemers’, and to offer asylum (judiciously, under stringent condition) to the occasional defectors from the Ummah, and to engage in free and critical inquiry into Islam, and mockery – if persons felt so inclined – of its teachings and its warlord ‘prophet’, and of the foibles of its adherents – if there were no large and expanding colonies of Muslims inside the gates. – CM


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