Australia: On Anzac Day, Hijabette and Dawa Artist Yasmin Abdel-Magied Overreaches Herself, Exposes Muslim Self-Centredness

As reported by the (Australian) ‘Telegraph” and by the ‘Australian’, this Anzac Day.

First, the Telegraph, Sally Rawsthorne reporting.

‘Magied Forced to Delete Anzac Day Post Asking Australians To Think About Manus Island and Palestine’.

‘ABC presenter Yassmin Abdel-Magied (she who already caused considerable derision amongst the Islamo-informed of the great Australian unwashed, by claiming – on national TV – that Islam was the most ‘feminist’ religiion – CM) has been forced to delete a social media post in which she suggested Australians should be thinking about Manus Island (one of the locations where the mostly-Muslim persons arriving uninvited and unvetted in our territorial waters, have been placed while their claims for asylum are considered), Nauru (ditto – CM), Syria (where the Sunnis and Shiites are engaging in the latest bout of a civil war that has raged since the beginnings of Islam – CM), and Palestine (sic: by this, Ms Abdel-Magied is no doubt referring to what, in her mind, is the hideous affront to the allah-ordained order of things, that is represented by the restoration of a sovereign infidel state, namely, the Jewish State of Israel, on land that had been previously invaded and occupied by the Empire of Islam – CM) today, instead of the Anzacs.

‘The 26 year old took to Facebook this morning to write, “Lest We Forget (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine) but deleted the post after being slammed by her followers.

Oops! – CM

‘The host of ABC 24’s Saturday morning program, ‘Australia Wide’, quickly amended the post to simply say, “Lest. We. Forget”, and issued an apology.

“It was brought to my attention that my last post was disrespectful (suuuure, as if you didn’t know exactly what you were doing when you wrote it, milady – CM) and for that I unreservedly apologise”, she wrote.

‘Comments flooded in from followers disgusted by Abdel-Magied’s disrespect for Anzac Day.

‘Absolutely disrespectful.  This day isn’t for those people.  It’s for the brave servicemen and women who have served/ are serving our great country so we can try and live a normal, safe life”, wrote ‘Wilson Sam’.

“Your previous post has completely discredited you.  I’m ashamed that you are Australian because you clearly don’t share Australian values.  Not only have you disrespected those who gave their lives so you can enjoy Australian freedoms and speak your mind, you have very clearly voiced your real agenda here”, wrote Libby Colubski.

‘Abdel-Magied came under fire in February after declaring on National TV that Islam was the “most feminist religion”.

To which the proper response, to put it in netspeak, runs thus: ROFLMAO. – CM

“Islam, to me, is one of the most… is the most, feminist religion, right?” she said on the Q and A program in February.

‘She sparked a heated row on the ABC’s Q & A program with Senator Jacqui Lambie (who is, incidentally, a former soldier and has good combat instincts, she recognises Islam and the Ummah as dangerous, even if she is not as fully informed or articulate as one might wish – CM) [who] accused Abdel-Magied of “playing victim”.

Nicely spotted, Ms Lambie. – CM

‘Ms Lambie at the time said anyone who supports sharia law should be deported (excellent idea; keep hammering on that theme, Senator, though you need to talk to Rev Dr Mark Durie and get some more ammo, in the shape of hard uncomfortable facts about the content and intent of the sharia of Islam –  CM), to which Abdel-Magied responded that she was frustrated by people talking about Islam without knowing anything about it.

Anybody who offers resistance to Islamisation, anyone who criticises Islam, anyone who says no to Islam, is always accused, by Muslims, of being ‘ignorant’.     – CM

‘Immigration Minister Peter Dutton slammed Ms Abdel-Magied’s comments, which were partly aimed at Australia’s asylum seeker (or, rather, illegal immigrant – CM) detention arrangements on Manus Island and Nauru.

“It is a disgrace that on our most significant national day to mark the passing of people who have defended this country, this advocate seeks to make political mileage”, Mr Dutton told the Daily Telegraph.

It’s worse than that.  I would hazard the guess that in her allusion to ‘Palestine’ Ms Abdel-Magied was implying that deceased “Palestinian”  Arab Muslim jihad terrorists who – motivated by Quranic megalomania, the dream of Total World Domination for Muslims and Islam in a global sharia despotism – got themselves killed in the course of murdering or attempting to murder Jews in Israel, should receive the kind of honour that Aussies give to our ‘diggers’ who risked and indeed in many cases gave their lives in order to defeat the enemies of human freedom. – CM

‘Tasmanian senator Eric Abetz said the post was “unfortunate”, “disrespectful”, and “deeply reprehensible”.

“Tens of thousands of Australians, from all walks of life, have gone to war and paid the ultimate sacrifice”, Senator Abetz said.  “Today we pay tribute to them, not seek to use their sacrifice for cheap political point-scoring, as Ms Abdel-Magied has done”.

The Comments were interesting… Ms Abdel-Magied has kicked over a hornets’ nest, and then some.  No wonder she backpedalled. But it is too late; for many, her mask has slipped, they know who and what she is and they don’t like it.

And now to Pia Akerman’s report in “The Australian”.

‘Yassmin Abdel-Magied Triggers Anger With Anzac Day Facebook Post.”

‘Muslim activist Yassmin Abdel-Magied has sparked outrage with an Anzac Day Facebook post telling people “Lest we forget (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine)”.

‘Ms Abdel-Magied posted the message this afternoon, but swiftly removed the bracketed portion and apologised as people began to complain that she had hijacked the Anzac memory for political and religious reasons.

“It was brought to my attention that my last post was disrespectful, and for that, I apologise unreservedly”, she said.’

“No sh*t, it was disrespectful”, one person responded.  “Don’t try and hide behind your words.  You clearly said it with malicious intent”.

“Your previous post has completely discredited you”, another person said, “Not only have you disrespected those who gave their lives so you can enjoy Australian freedoms and speak your mind, you have very clearly voiced your real agenda here”.

‘Liberal MP Eric Abetz said he found the post “reprehensible”.

“Yassmin Abdel-Magied’s unfortunate and disrespectful Facebook post today, of all days, is deeply reprehensible”.

“Tens of thousands of Australians, from all walks of life, have gone to war and paid the ultimate sacrifice. Today, we pay tribute to them – not seek to use their sacrifice for cheap political point-scoring, as Ms Abdel-Magied has done.”

“The freedom she enjoys to make such disrespectful comments is what the people whom we commemorate today fought and died for.  But that is where self-discipline, respect and decency need to be added into the equation, something Ms Abdel-Magied has displayed she lacks.”

‘The Australian is attempting to reach Ms Abdel-Magied for comment.

‘The activist triggered a debate over Islam and feminism earlier this year after claiming on the ABC’s Q and A that Islam was “the most feminist religion”.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade last year paid for Ms Abdel-Magied to tour some of the world’s most repressive Islamic regimes, including Saudi Arabia, promoting her book about being a Sudanese-Egyptian-Australian Muslim woman who wears the hijab.

She wears the Ummah gang uniform; the sharia badge.  It is beyond absurd that she was sent on that little junket. – CM

‘Former prime minister Tony Abbott subsequently accused her of being “blindfolded” during the taxpayer-funded speaking tour of the Middle East and Africa.’

Oh, I think she knew very well what she was doing.  She knows what Islam is, and what Islam requires, I would bet my bottom dollar.  Her job, here, in Australia, is dawa and ‘spin’, to fool and lull the silly kuffar into permitting Islamisation to proceed apace.  But she is not, it seems, quite as clever as she thought she was, and the temptation of social media, in which people can easily forget that they are not in their own living room but, rather, standing in the middle of the public square sharing their inmost thoughts with all and sundry, got the better of her. 

Like the “Telegraph”, the ‘Australian’ permitted Comments.  There were a great many, and many of them were not fooled by her about-face and the hasty apology.

Here was “John3” – “...Why don’t we do a counter “Lest We Forget the Violence of Islam”? Yeah, that’d work”.  One ‘David’ remarked, astutely, “She is right.  We should not forget Manus, Nauru, Syria, and Palestine.  But for perhaps different reasons than she promotes”.   Ralph remarked – “Disgraceful comment.  Does she think we should also remember the victims of terror attacks in Bali, Madrid, Paris, Sydney, London, Boston, New York, Afghanistan and hundreds of other places, from her “feminist religion”?  …”.  

And John2, “…The apology is a lie.  The damage was already done, to pretend to apologise to cover your tracks and wait for the next opportunity to do it again. That’s the Muslim strategy, as proposed in the Koran – it’s OK to lie to non-Muslims to advance the rule and influence of Islam and sharia law.”

‘Stephen3 remarked, “She forgot a lot, including, New York, Paris, London, Stockholm, Berlin, Sydney… the list goes on…”.

Russell2, observing the “Own Goal” stated briefly, – “Excellent way to build a relationship between Australians and those in the Islamic Community.  Not.”

‘Chris2’ noted – Tip of the Iceberg. If I was to jump on every Muslim-Australian Facebook page today I am sure I could find hundreds of posts a lot worse than this one”.   (An interesting thought.  Perhaps it’s time some intrepid reporters did just that…. a spot of lurking in the places where Muslims talk to other Muslims, on FB and elsewhere. Perhaps one could enlist the Arabic-speaking services of some of our emigre Coptic, Assyrian and Maronite Christians, in order to explore as widely as possible?   Further thought: are our spooks – from ASIO and the AFP – doing it?  If not, they should be. There is something about social media that lures even jihadists and their enablers into True Confessions mode.)

And so on.  If you google the title of the article you should be able to read it… and the rest of the comments.

Despite all the Islamopuffery with which we have been and are being deluged, Down Under, in recent years, the truth is getting out. – CM


One Response

  1. Great  comments, Christina. If we all keep making comments like yours about Mohammedan statements and actions, and shame them for what  they  say, we will expose the Quran  up for what it is…a book of evil ideology. They do not like being ridiculed  and shown up…they have no sense of humour! Yasmin needs to be rapped over the knuckles well and truly by Mr Turnbull, and sacked by the ABC…neither of which I expect will happen.

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