Australia: Somali Muslim To Stand Trial Over Attacks on Infidel Sex Workers

As reported by Georgia Hitch for Australia’s ABC, yesterday.

‘Canberra Man to Stand Trial Over String of Sex Worker Attacks’.

That is – “Canberra-Resident Muslim Man to Stand Trial Over Multiple Attacks on Non-Muslim Sex Workers’.  – CM

‘A man accused of raping and robbing several Canberra sex workers will be tried in the ACT Supreme Court over the alleged attacks.

‘Rashid Abuuh, 23, was arrested and charged with rape, sexual assault, and aggravated robbery, after a string of incidents where sex workers were targeted.

Why do we import people like this into Australia?  As Wafa Sultan explains in her book “A God Who Hates”, “Allah hates women”.  The misogyny hardwired into the Islamic founding texts – the misogyny that is sacralised in those texts, as for example Quran 4.34 that explicitly commands men to beat, or flog, or thrash their wives (plural) if they (the men) merely ‘fear’ that the women might rebel –  is extreme.  If we are worried about domestic violence or rape culture in our own societies, we have no business importing lots of men like Rashid Abuuh, who are steeped in the institutionalised and sacralised ‘rape culture’ of Islam.   –  CM

‘Today in the ACT Magistrates Court Robert Cook committed Abuuh to stand trial, but did loosen Abuuh’s bail conditions.

Why? The man is a menace.  And just because he attacked sex workers – prostitutes – this time, doesn’t mean he won’t attack other infidel women, any infidel females at all, as well, next time, or some other time.  Because all infidel females, no matter whether they are sex workers or Catholic nuns, are – qua infidel – viewed as “uncovered meat”, and war booty, to be seized and used and abused, should opportunity present.  – CM

‘Prosecutors had previously argued that Abuuh posed a flight risk, as he allegedly booked a one-way ticket to Somali just hours after being summonsed to court over the charges.

Question: did he come to Australia under the guise of a ‘refugee’, or did he come as a ‘migrant’ or a ‘tourist’?  He shouldn’t have been let in through the gates, no matter what.  – CM

‘However, Abuuh maintained the trip was planned so he could visit family and get married, and that he intended to return to Australia to answer the charges.

Nonsense. I don’t believe him.  Muslims lie.CM

‘Today, Abuuh asked for his curfew, supervision by corrective services staff, and reporting days to be loosened.

He would.  He doesn’t believe he did anything wrong, I’ll bet. The filthy infidel females deserved whatever he did to them, in his view (and if they had been twelve-year-old girls seized out of the schoolyard, rather than sex workers, his view would be exactly the same; we saw something of that Muslim male view of all infidel women and girls, in the trials of the Muslim gang rapists in Sydney,  back in the early 2000s). – CM

‘His lawyer argued that the 8.00 pm curfew limited Abuuh’s prospects in finding a job (what sane Infidel employer would hire him? – CM) and was a “wholesale restriction of his liberty”.

Oh, the poor little persecuted petal. – CM

‘However, prosecutors pushed for conditions to be maintained, citing the flight booking, which has since been cancelled as evidence Abuuh may try to flee.

Try him. Convict him.  Jail him. And then, sentence served, let him indeed go back to Muslim Somalia: stripped, remorselessly, of Aussie residency or citizenship status, and flying on a one way ticket, never to be permitted to return.  – CM

‘Magistrate Cook agreed to decrease Abuuh’s reporting days from four to three, but let other conditions stand.”

This bloke was in cahoots with two others whose names appear in articles that have previously been discussed at this site.

That becomes apparent from an article by the Sydney Morning Herald’s Megan Gorrey, that appeared this week (February 3).

“Canberra Man to Stand Trial Over Alleged “Extremely Violent” Sex Worker Attack

‘A man who police allege was the “ringleader” of a violent rape attack against two sex workers in Canberra has been committed to stand trial in the ACT Supreme Court.

‘Rashid Mohamud Abuhh, 23 (observe that the ABC report neglected to mention his middle name which identifies him as one of the “millions of Mohammeds’ that have flooded into non-Muslim lands, spreading mayhem of all kinds – CM) pleaded not guilty to two counts of sexual intercourse without consent, threatening to inflict grievous bodily harm with an intent to have sex, and aggravated robbery, over the ordeal in March 2016.

‘It’s alleged he was in the company of two other men, who have also been charged, when they attacked the two women in a Reid apartment.

‘Police alleged in a statement of facts that the sex workers were threatened at knifepoint, stripped of their clothes, and repeatedly raped by the three men during the attack, after one of the accused book a “full service”.

‘After the men stormed the apartment, a third woman inside had sent a series of text messages to a friend, which read, “Tell police”, “Quick, quick, quick”, and “there are lots of them here”, court documents statted.

‘Co-accused Mohammad Alabbasi, 21 (yet another of the “millions of Mohammeds” – CM) and his brother Ahmed Alabbasi, also known as Khaled Alabbasi, 31, await trial on charges linked to the alleged attack…”

Mohammeds, Mohammeds, Mohammeds, millions of Mohammeds inside the gates of the Camp of the Infidels. And so many of them wreaking mayhem, in exact replication of the thieving, violent, raping warlord and slaveholder whom they are taught to regard as the perfect man, an excellent example of conduct.

Here is Daniel Greenfield’s brilliant little article on the subject.

And for some searing insights into Mohammedan rape culture, and why these three Mohammedan males would thus prey upon infidel women – who in this particular case happened to be sex workers, but they could just as easily have been nuns, or innocent schoolgirls like the kidnapped girls of Chibok or the underaged Yazidi girl-children, some of them even prepubescent, seized and gang-raped and sold from Muslim man to Muslim man in the horror harems of Islamic State (the testimony of those girls who have survived, and escaped, should be taken as showing us what life was most likely like, for most infidel females thus enslaved, throughout the entire history of Islam) –  one cannot go past a symposium of scholars that appeared in Frontpage many years ago, entitled, “To Rape an Unveiled Woman”.

I do not want any more men like this – men like Rashid Mohamud Abuuh, and his accomplices the brothers Alaabbasi – to be admitted into Australia.  Not. even. one. We don’t want them, we don’t need them, they have made life here much more unpleasant, expensive and dangerous than it would otherwise have been.  We have quite enough (nonideologically-motivated) problem people of our own, without importing extra… extra who are ideologically programmed, from birth, to behave as they do. – CM


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