Austria: Yet Another Jihad Plotter Arrested

As reported on 20 January by Ben Ariel for Israel National News, based on information from AFP.

“Austria Arrests Suspected Terroris”.

‘Austrian armed commandos on Friday [20th] arrested a man (sic: Muslim man – CM) suspected of planning a terrorist attack in Vienna, police said, according to AFP.

“In recent days indications have grown of an actual suspect planning a supposed (?- CM) act of terror, and Vienna police… immediately began investigating, and implemented security measures”, spokeswoman Irina Steier told the news agency.

“The presence of uniformed and plainclothes police was increased, and today at 1800 (1700 GMT), the suspect was arrested in Vienna near his address on the basis of an arrest warrant”, Steier said.

‘She provided no details of the suspect, except to confirm that it was a man (rather than, say, a woman or juvenile – but age and gender and ethnicity are irrelevant here, what matters is the suspect’s ideological affiliation, which may be safely assumed to be the Religion of Blood and War – CM), and that investigations are continuing.

‘The Kronenzeitung newspaper published online a document from the interior ministry, saying that a group of “radical Islamists of Albanian origin” (i.e. “jihad-minded ethnically-Albanian Muslims” – CM) intended to launch an attack in Vienna.

So much for the idea – encountered here and there among less-informed Infidels – that Muslims from Albania are somehow less dangerous or more “moderate” than Muslims from anywhere else, or less likely to heed the summons to Jihad that saturates the founding texts of Islam. – CM

‘It said that according to information from a foreign intelligence agency and, independently, from a foreign police force, the attack was to take place between January 15 and January 30.

‘The document added that a German-speaking sympathizer of the Islamic State (ISIS) jihadist group made explosives in Germany and that he intended to bring them to Vienna to carry out an attack.

‘Just last month Austrian authorities arrested a 25 year old asylum seeker from Morocco (that is, “a claimed-to-be-25 Moroccan Muslim man who posed as an ‘asylum seeker’” – CM) suspected of planning an attack during the holiday season (sic: during the Christmas and New Year season – CM) in the city of Salzburg.

‘Like many other countries, Austria has been facing a terror threat from both asylum seekers as well as locals who travel to Iraq and Syria to fight alongside jihadists, then return to their home countries.

Rewrite.  “Like many other majority-infidel countries that have foolishly permitted large numbers of Muslims to settle in their midst, whether as ‘immigrants’ or as claimed ‘refugees’, Austria has been facing jihad waged from within, both by recently-arrived Muslim jihadists posing as ‘asylum seekers’ and by Muslims from the longer-established Muslim fifth column, who travel to Iraq and Syria to fight alongside jihadists, and are then (in an act of supreme folly by infidel officialdom) permitted to return to their colonies in the lands of the infidels.” – CM

‘Facing the challenges of Austrians (sic: “Austria-passport-holding Muslims” – CM) travelling to the Middle East to join jihadist groups, Austria’s parliament in February of 2015 passed a law banning foreign sources of financing to Muslim organisations, and requiring imams to be able to speak German.

Cutting off the funds from the likes of Turkey, the House of Saud, Qatar, et al, will do some good. But it would have been better to cut directly to the chase and place a complete ban – never to be lifted – upon all further entry of Muslims into Austria; and to evict from Austria, as expeditiously as possible, all non-citizen Muslims. And tthen, beyond that, there is a next step, involving careful examination of the means by which various “Austrian” Muslims or their parents gained entry and citizenship in the first place, and how they have been conducting themselves vis a vis Infidel Austrians and the infidel Austrian polity; and the making of changes to laws, to permit imposition of either exile or the loss of citizenship upon such Muslim ‘citizens’, so as to be able to remove those who, although nominally citizens, in fact constitute a Fifth Column, an aggressive and hostile and would-be-conquering vanguard and colony of the Ummah, or Mohammedan Mob, the de facto Empire of Islam.  Got Muslims? Got Jihad.   The only way to have less Jihad is to have fewer Muslims in one’s midst. – CM

‘In June of that year an Austrian court convicted nine people of Chechen origin (that is, “nine ethnically-Chechen Muslims” – CM) who were arrested on their way to join Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists, together with their Turkish (sic: “Turkish Muslim” – CM) driver.

And that puts paid to the other myth, that Turkish Muslims are somehow more lax, more secular, less likely to Go Jihad.  No matter what ethnicity of Muslim one cares to name, the reality is that some will Go Jihad.  And exactly how many of them do it is irrelevant; because even one can cause huge amounts of grief, as we saw recently on the foreshore at Nice.  – CM

‘In October, three Austrian teenagers (sic: “three Austrian-passport-holding Muslim teenagers” – CM) were given custodial terms for trying to join ISIS terrorists in Syria.

Why go to such trouble to keep such deadly creatures in Austria?  So long as they remain in Austria or in Europe, they are a menace to every infidel around them.  Whether in the case of those nine Chechen Muslims, or the three Austrian-passport-holding Muslims (ethnic background undefined), who were tooling off to join ISIS, the sensible thing to do is to let them go… and cancel their passports and residency or citizenship status (after it is reasonably established that they are where they intended to go) so as to prevent their return to the Lands of the Infidels.  And forward all their identifying particulars to Mr Assad, and to Mr Putin… – CM

‘Meanwhile, on Friday, police issued a public warning for people to be on the lookout at crowded public places, and to inform police if they see suspicious objects.

‘Despite fears of terrorism (fears of the Global Jihad – CM), Austria has been thus far spared in the string of attacks by Islamists suffered by other European countries.

But the best method to keep it that way is to stop importing Mohammedans, right now, and to encourage the departure of those already present. – CM

‘In 2015 a record 90,000 people (most of them Muslims – CM) applied for asylum in Austria, after hundreds of thousands of migrants (‘after hundreds of thousands of people, the vast majority of them being Muslim men of military age, posing as ‘refugees’ and ‘asylum seekers’ – CM) transited the country, bound for Germany and elsewhere, according to AFP.’




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