Armando Simón



(March 2025)

Dissecting The Deep State

(March 2025)

Reality Bites

(February 2025)

Democrats Encourage Crime

(February 2025)

Harmony and Benevolence

(January 2025)

The Human in Mammals, the Mammal in Humans

(January 2025)

Killing Earl

(December 2024)

Thoughts on the Recent Presidential Election

(December 2024)

Overnight Stay

(November 2024)


(November 2024)

I Wanna be a Poet & more

(October 2024)


(October 2024)


(October 2024)

Revisiting the Founding Fathers

(October 2024)

The Prairie

(September 2024)

The Redistribution of Wealth

(September 2024)

Cultural Cleansing by Communists

(September 2024)

A Raven Arrives

(August 2024)

To Save Democracy

(August 2024)

The Persecution of Donald J. Trump

(August 2024)

The Problem with Whiteness

(July 2024)

That Which Must Not Be Mentioned about WWII

(July 2024)

Koz Syndrome

(June 2024)

Reality Check: In Defense of the Passport Bros

(June 2024)

Tony is Not Tony Anymore

(May 2024)

Today’s Political Climate is a Cornucopia for Psychologists.

(May 2024)

The Trip of a Lifetime Canceled

(April 2024)

Three Books on Africa

(April 2024)

Waiting for Dylan

(March 2024)

The Case for Using Philosophers as a Food Source

(March 2024)


(February 2024)

Babies Are All The Same

(February 2024)

Christmas, R. I. P.

(January 2024)

The Nexus of Biology, Astronomy and Geology

(January 2024)


(December 2023)

A Very Dangerous Man

(December 2023)

Waiting for the Son

(November 2023)

When Vigilantes are Necessary

(November 2023)

Our Records Show . . .

(October 2023)

A Luna Moth

(September 2023)

Resounding Truths

(September 2023)


(August 2023)

Knives out for Asians

(August 2023)

A Racist Restaurant

(July 2023)

A Position is Vacant

(July 2023)

Her Repressed Memories

(June 2023)


(June 2023)

Shark Encounter

(May 2023)

A Day at the Magic Kingdom

(May 2023)

Rooted in Prison

(April 2023)

A Bit of Warmth

(April 2023)

Approaching Danger

(March 2023)

The Russo-Ukrainian War from a Historical Perspective

(March 2023)

The Jacobin Impulse

(February 2022)

The Martian Soil Sample

(February 2023)


(January 2023)

Sue the Bastards

(January 2023)

The Rape

(December 2022)

The Masada Mentality of Leftist Jews, Part Two

(December 2022)

Zombies Can’t Vote

(November 2022)

The Masada Mentality of Leftist Jews, Part One

(November 2022)


(October 2022)

The Things in the Attic

(October 2022)

Our Job is Keeping People Healthy

(September 2022)

Galileo’s Telescope in Today’s World

(September 2022)

What Happened to Les

(August 2022)

Spiking the News is Worse Than Fake News

(August 2022)

The Lunar Eclipse

(July 2022)

The “Science” of Marxism 200 Years Later

(July 2022)

Those UFOs Have Returned

(June 2022)

Historians: Do Your Duty!

(June 2022)

An Improved Ending for Metamorphosis (a satire)

(May 2022)

So Where Are the Feminists?

(May 2022)


(April 2022)

The Psychology of Victimhood in the Oppression Olympics

(March 2022)


(March 2022)

Crabs in Lemon and Butter

(February 2022)

French vs English

(February 2022)

Total Immersion

(January 2022)

In Defense of those Falsely Accused

(December 2021)


(November 2021)

An Equitable Olympics

(November 2021)

Poor Casanova

(October 2021)

Homage to the Wife

(October 2021)


(September 2021)

Thoughts on the English Language

(September 2021)

The Wrong Man at the Right Place at the Right Time: Stupidity in History

(January 2022)


(August 2021)

Does America Have a Problem with Racism?

(August 2021)

The Bather

(July 2021)

In Praise of Charlotte Corday

(July 2021)


(June 2021)

Emotions as Cement

(June 2021)

Following the Science

(May 2021)

Enough is Enough

(May 2021)

The Mediocrity Pimps

(April 2021)

Sugarcoating Evil

(April 2021)

Changing Minds

(March 2021)

America’s Bastille Day

(March 2021)

Breaking Point

(February 2021)

President Donald Trump’s Accomplishments

(February 2021)

The Hysterectomy

(January 2021)

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a Real Phenomenon

(January 2021)

Zombie’s Can’t Vote

(December 2020)

Today’s Cassandras

(December 2020)

Military Sedition

(November 2020)

The Virus and the Dream of Recession Come True

(October 2020)

Coming Up for Air

(September 2020)

Voter Fraud: The End Justifies the Means

(September 2020)

Racist Things

(August 2020)

Money Does Not Buy Elections (Contrary to What We’ve Been Told)

(July 2020)

Criminal Cops

(June 2020)

We Almost Had a Communist in the White House

(May 2020)

Pandemic or No Pandemic—I’m Getting Married!

(April 2020)

Destroying Civilization To Save It

(April 2020)

A Mistake in Class

(March 2020)

Trump Hatred

(February 2020)

Points of View

(January 2019)

The Only Way to Win is Not to Play

(November 2019)

Christopher Columbus Deserves to be Defended

(October 2019)

On Wartime Atrocities

(September 2019)

The Justice on Trial

(August 2019)

The NPC Meme

(July 2019)

Ideological Vandalism

(June 2019)


(May 2019)

Marxism Madness

(April 2019)

The Revolution of Evolution

(March 2019)

There Really Is a Crisis at the Border

(February 2019)

Dear Hollywood Celebrities

(January 2019)

Once and For All: The Moon has No Antisocial Effect

(December 2018)

Why is Good Literature Disappearing?

(August 2018)

The Cemetery Voting Bloc

(July 2018)

The Juxtaposition of Dominique Francon and Dagny Taggart in Ayn Rand’s Works

(June 2018)

Blog Posts

Examining the White House Meltdown

(March 2025)

Congress Mark Green on USAID

(February 2025)

The Tangled Web of Foreign Aid

(February 2025)

What the Media Won’t Tell You About USAID Corruption

(February 2025)

The History of American Foreign Aid

(February 2025)

Two Thirds of the World are on America’s Welfare Rolls

(February 2025)

Melania: A Review

(January 2025)

Giorgia Meloni: Just Do It

(January 2025)

When Socialism Meets Reality. A Review of The Full Catastrophe

(January 2025)

The Last Letter From a Political Prisoner

(January 2025)

Dibidy, Dibidy, That’s All, Folks! A Review of A Kim Jong-Il Production by Paul Fischer

(December 2024)

A Review of James Bradley’s The China Mirage: The Hidden History of American Disaster in Asia

(December 2024)

Crystal Mangum Confessed. But What About the Victims of Sex Assault Hoaxes Whose Accusers Have Never Confessed?

(December 2024)

Trump and the Russo-Ukrainian War

(December 2024)

A Wide Variety of Books Reviewed for Possible Christmas Gifts for Intelligent People

(December 2024)

Some Brief Reviews of History Books in Time for Christmas

(November 2024)

Refugees from Communist Countries are The Canaries in the Coalmine

(November 2024)

Election Interference and Instances of Electoral Fraud in 2024—So Far

(October 2024)

Is Donald Trump One of the X-Men?

(October 2024)

Potemkin Elections: Instances of Electoral Fraud 2021-2023

(October 2024)

Columbus’s Voyage of Discovery

(October 2024)

It Was Brutal

(October 2024)

The Communists Are Just Not Going to Hand Over Power

(October 2024)

Donald Trump Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize but Won’t Get It.

(October 2024)

Eight Brief Reviews of Historical Books

(September 2024)

A Blanket Of Darkness Is Falling Over The West

(September 2024)

3 vs 1

(September 2024)

Message to Britons: Heed America’s Founding Fathers

(September 2024)

Six Additional Brief Reviews of Novels

(August 2024)

Letter from Lockdown

(August 2024)

I’ll be Your Huckleberry—You Wankers

(August 2024)

Five Brief Reviews of Science Books

(August 2024)

Another Letter from a J6 Prisoner

(August 2024)

The Travesty Never Ends

(August 2024)

What Kamala Harris Wants to Keep in School Libraries

(July 2024)

How About a Juicy Conspiracy Theory?

(July 2024)

They Will Try Again

(July 2024)

Five Reviews of Historical Books

(July 2024)

Four Brief Reviews of Japanese Fiction

(June 2024)

Time To Admit It: Democrats Are The Party of Sexual Perverts

(June 2024)

Transgender ‘Care’ in North America: The Island of Dr. Moreau

(June 2024)

Eight Brief Reviews of Literary Works

(June 2024)

Is Illegal Immigration the ‘Great Replacement’?

(June 2024)

The Plague of Ideas

(June 2024)

Six Reviews of Science

(June 2024)

Six Very Brief Reviews of Historical Works

(June 2024)

A Review of The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump

(June 2024)

Liberal Hate, Kid Edition

(June 2024)

A Review of False Positive (The New England Journal of Medicine under a microscope).

(June 2024)

Letter From A Jan. 6 Political Prisoner

(May 2024)

Connect the Dots!

(May 2024)

Literary Figures Who Live On

(April 2024)

Poisonous Headlines

(April 2024)

Why Some Men are the Victims of Domestic Abuse

(April 2024)

A Day in the Life

(March 2024)

The Bloodbath Conspiracy Theory

(March 2024)

Mengeles Everywhere

(March 2024)


(February 2024)

The Return of 1848

(February 2024)

The Elites Hate Us — But We Outnumber Them

(January 2024)


(January 2024)

Make No Mistake. You Are Living Under the Perfect Censorship.

(January 2024)

Rethinking the Roman Empire

(December 2023)

Who Fosters Art?

(December 2023)

Transgender Violence

(December 2023)

Satire Is Dead

(December 2023)

OMG! Juvenal Was Writing About Us!

(November 2023)

The Covid Wars: Part IV

(November 2023)

Rethinking The Darwin Awards

(November 2023)

The Bizarre Reactions to the Hamas Massacre

(October 2023)

A Doctor Cannot Give His Professional Opinion? A Response To Henry Miller

(October 2023)

Remembering Che Guevara Sayings on the Anniversary of His Death

(October 2023)

A Dismal State of Local Affairs

(October 2023)


(September 2023)

Mask Up and Don’t Ask Questions

(September 2023)

The Oxymorons of Woke Capitalism

(September 2023)

The FBI Killing Of Craig Robertson Is A Wakeup Call To Gun Owners

(August 2023)

And Now It’s the Spartans

(August 2023)

The Relevance of Milgram’s Experiments in Today’s World

(August 2023)

Today’s Leftists Would Refuse To Look Through Galileo’s Telescope

(August 2023)

With Conservatives Like These Who Needs Enemies?

(August 2023)

Remembering Spiro Agnew’s Speech

(July 2023)

Brandubh’s Poem

(June 2023)

This Should Be Feminists’ Worst Nightmare

(June 2023)

The Idiots

(June 2023)

Tucker Carlson Simplifies the Struggle

(June 2023)

Cleopatra Gets The Sword

(June 2023)

State-Dependent Learning

(May 2023)

Gulag Tales

(May 2023)

On Abortion

(May 2023)

And Now the Target is Mother’s Day

(May 2023)

The Return of the 20th Century Pestilence

(May 2023)


(May 2023)

Femme Fatales in Movies

(May 2023)

The Knife Cuts Both Ways: Feminists, Transgenders and Marriage

(May 2023)

Trump is Doomed But Not Because He Is Guilty

(April 2023)


(April 2023)

He Was as Constant as the Northern Star

(March 2023)

Why Hasn’t the FDA Recalled the COVID ‘Vaccines’?

(March 2023)

We Need More ‘Toxic Masculinity’

(February 2023)

Combating ‘Systemic Racism’ in America

(February 2023)

Remembering The Battle of Athens (Tennessee)

(January 2023)

The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United Colonies of America

(January 2023)

Censored Again

(January 2023)

Advice for Women Writers

(January 2023)

Covid Vaccines: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

(December 2022)

The Master of Confessions

(December 2022)

A Review of The Trial of the Haymarket Anarchists

(December 2022)

Review of American Injustice

(November 2022)

Midterm Voter Fraud? Nothing to See Here, Folks. Move Along, Move Along.

(November 2022)

Your Children Belong To The State

(November 2022)

A Response to the Proposal for a Pandemic Amnesty

(November 2022)

Jabs for Tots? No, Thanks!

(November 2022)

Make No Mistake. You Are Living Under the Perfect Censorship.

(October 2022)

Will Republicans — Once Again — Snatch Defeat From the Jaws of Victory?

(October 2022)

The Anniversary of the Great Barrington Declaration and the Covidians

(October 2022)

When Improbability Becomes Probable

(September 2022)

For the Love of God, Would You Please Stop Being Stupid?

(September 2022)

Wikipedia Censorship

(September 2022)

Remembering Teddy Roosevelt

(September 2022)

Carl Jung and the Nexus of Anthropology and Biology

(September 2022)

Since When Are Nurses the Enemy?

(August 2022)

These Are the Courageous Doctors Who Fought the Covid Farce and Paid the Price

(August 2022)

The Case for Islamophobia

(August 2022)

A Comedy of Terrors

(August 2022)

Let’s Have a Moratorium on Love Songs

(July 2022)

Foreign Entanglements

(July 2022)


(June 2022)


(June 2022)

You Say “Islamophobia” Like It’s a Bad Thing

(June 2022)

The Transgender Movement is Child Abuse. Period.

(June 2022)

The Waning of the Kennedy Cult

(May 2022)


(May 2022)


(May 2022)

“Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad”

(May 2022)

How Do You Know What You Know?

(April 2022)

The Mystery of Thorne Smith

(March 2022)

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