Phyllis Chesler

Blog Posts

Hamas Keeps Breaking Their Treaty with Israel

(January 2025)

What Freud Said to Einstein and Why Books Are My Salvation

(January 2025)

Being Kind to the Cruel Never Ends Well

(January 2025)

Tourist Jihad

(January 2025)

Why Am I So Sad on This Day of All Days?

(January 2025)

The Long Awaited Hostage Transfer Watching Live.

(January 2025)

Oh Please! An American ERA Amendment Now?

(January 2025)

A Deal With Terrorists What Is at Stake?

(January 2025)

Does a Muslim and non-Muslim Resistance Movement Really Exist?

(January 2025)

The big lies on Israel lend legitimacy to ignoring Israel women’s rights

(January 2025)

Elon Musk To the Rescue

(January 2025)

The Terrorist Did Not Act Alone on New Year’s Day

(January 2025)

Don’t Attribute Sudden Jihad Syndrome to Mental Illness

(January 2025)

Academic Feminists Ponder “Whiteness and Palestine”

(December 2024)

A Quick Thought on the Virgin Birth

(December 2024)

Fair and balanced?

(December 2024)

Why Not Arrest President Biden Before He Can Pardon Himself?

(December 2024)

A Night Out With Handel’s Messiah

(December 2024)

Maria Callas: The Opera

(December 2024)

Penny is Free!!! There Never Should Have Been a Trial.

(December 2024)

I am distraught over Daniel Penny’s Deadlocked Jury

(December 2024)

Whitewashing Leftist and Islamist Jew Hatred

(December 2024)

Growing Older: Good Days, Bad Days

(December 2024)

ICC Fails Afghan Women, Filmmakers Step In

(November 2024)

What Should I Be Writing About?

(November 2024)

Stop the UN I want to Get Off

(November 2024)

The Defiant and Dangerous Dutch

(November 2024)

Jews in the Land of Tulips and Windmills

(November 2024)

Morocco on My Mind

(November 2024)

The re-emergence of Jew-hate in Amsterdam

(November 2024)

Re: The Pogrom in Amsterdam

(November 2024)

Thank God! President Obama Will Not Enjoy a Fourth Term

(November 2024)

Academic Feminists Ponder “Whiteness and Palestine.”

(November 2024)

Why Were Feminists So Silent After 10/7? And Why Are They Still Silent?

(October 2024)

The Infamous/Famous Literary Jew Haters

(October 2024)

Please Answer My Burning Questions

(October 2024)

Insane anti-Israel Censorship

(October 2024)

Who Is To Blame for Israeli Shirel Golan’s suicide?

(October 2024)

There Are No More Safe Places, Nowhere to Call Home

(October 2024)

An Iranian Diplomat Agrees with Me but not with Thomas Friedman

(October 2024)

Thomas Friedman Keeps Banging On

(October 2024)

Thomas Friedman is wrong, wrong, wrong…

(October 2024)

A Question of Morality

(October 2024)

Iran, the Evil Kingdom, Protected by American “Wokesters.”

(October 2024)

Some Post Yom Kippur Thoughts

(October 2024)

If Columbus Was a Jew….

(October 2024)

My Film Interview About Evil

(October 2024)

Moral Clarity as we approach October 7

(October 2024)

CLARITy Coalition Stands with Israel on the First Anniversary of October 7th Attacks. October 4, 2024Condemns Islamist Terrorism

(October 2024)

I really don’t think you understand the absolute miracles that we witnessed last night here in Israel.

(October 2024)

‘Pogrom(s)’ stands out in a flurry of Oct. 7 documentaries

(October 2024)

A modern pogrom through history’s lens

(September 2024)

Almost a year later and…

(September 2024)

Shame on the Writers Who Refused to Appear at a Book Festival with Elisa Albert

(September 2024)

Israel Blamed for October 7; Pro-Israel Activist Blamed for Being Assaulted

(September 2024)

The Transgender and Anti-Israel True Believers

(September 2024)

The Goldman Trial

(September 2024)

The UN Reward for the October 7 Massacre: A Palestinian General Assembly Resolution to Destroy Israel

(September 2024)

September 11, 2024

(September 2024)

When We Started to Lie

(September 2024)

‘Pogrom(s)’ film to be released October 7th, 1st anniversary of the Terror Attack

(September 2024)

American Martyrs for Palestine: A New Rachel Corrie

(September 2024)

Alone at the helm

(September 2024)

Post by Phyllis Chesler on X

(September 2024)

Ban Face Masks: Our Safety Requires It

(September 2024)

Kamala’s Staged Performance–Up at X

(August 2024)

What To Do About Students Who Act Out on Campus

(August 2024)

About Kamala’s Party of Joy

(August 2024)

The Stakes for Women in This Election Are Enormous

(August 2024)

Noguchi Museum Staff Walk Out in Protest of Keffiyeh Ban

(August 2024)

Hollywood Occupies the White House

(August 2024)

What is a Thinking Girl To Do: Censorship and Masculinities

(August 2024)

Burning Questions of the Day

(August 2024)

Phil Donahue

(August 2024)

Ceasefire? In exchange for what?

(August 2024)

Leaving Afghanistan in Shame

(August 2024)

War Tears Apart Sudan’s Capital City

(August 2024)

Tisha b’Av:

(August 2024)

A preemptive strike on Hezbollah could change the battlefield

(August 2024)

Netanyahu’s historic speech

(July 2024)

Masha Gessen Tells Big Lies About 10/7 Rapes

(July 2024)

The Nobel Prize Winner Who Failed Her Daughter with the Help of Many Others

(July 2024)

Hitler Absolutely Plundered Europe

(July 2024)

American Jews’ October 7

(July 2024)

Cuisine and Falastine. Israelis Steal Lentils from Palestinians.

(July 2024)

My brief online silence explained

(July 2024)

The Only Chance for Peace in Israel

(June 2024)

Selected X/twitter pieces on the cognitive front

(June 2024)

Museums are the latest battleground in the anti-Israel crusade

(June 2024)

Israel Is Succeeding in Gaza

(June 2024)

Immigration of Cultures Hostile to the West Must End

(May 2024)

Never stop fighting Jew-hatred

(May 2024)

The prophet unhonored

(May 2024)

I was called an icon of feminism but many of them forgot women’s rights

(May 2024)

The derangement of the university

(May 2024)

Snowflake Work Habits

(April 2024)

Why Are Women in America Cheering for Hamas and Iran?

(April 2024)

Pesach 2024/5784

(April 2024)

Behold the 21st-Century Boycott

(April 2024)

Will the world admit it was wrong?

(April 2024)

The antisemitic mob by any other name

(April 2024)

A Tale of New York City Restrooms

(March 2024)

A book on faith, Judaism and defying Soviet rule

(March 2024)

Fire Dance

(March 2024)

The world should be on trial in Jerusalem

(March 2024)

Opera House Bigotry

(March 2024)

Dr. Barbara Joans R.I.P.

(March 2024)

Two Muslim women who are fighting for freedom

(March 2024)

J Street Jerks Manipulate Wiesel’s Words

(March 2024)

The New Hamas Times

(March 2024)

A feminist open letter justifies Hamas rape

(March 2024)

Silence of the Feminist Lambs: Not a Word on Hamas Horrors

(February 2024)

Phyllis Chesler: With Israel and Hamas, Feminists Have Abandoned Moral Principles

(January 2024)

Letter to Rabbis for a Cease Fire

(January 2024)

We underestimated the hatred and it is blowing up in our faces

(January 2024)

Israeli soldiers don’t have the luxury of grief

(January 2024)

In Memoriam

(December 2023)

Two allegedly great thinkers think the Jews are Nazis

(December 2023)

Destroying Western culture, one Islamist protest at a time

(December 2023)

There is no ‘humiliated Israeli masculinity’

(December 2023)

Talkline With Zev Brenner with Feminist Phyllis Chesler on Feminism’s Failure to Condemn Hamas

(December 2023)

A feminist group that betrays women

(December 2023)

Rep. Jayapal Should Not Be Reelected

(December 2023)

NYT: Anti-Israel Obsession Run Amuck

(December 2023)

Voices of Israeli Women at War Time

(December 2023)

Feminism and Palestine at Barnard

(December 2023)

Way Past Kristallnacht

(December 2023)

The Failure of Western Feminism When It’s Most Needed

(November 2023)

We are all hostages

(November 2023)

Eichmann 2.0: Israel must try Hamas terrorists for their crimes against humanity

(November 2023)

Phyllis Chesler with Ed Martin on Pro-America Report

(November 2023)

Jewish Victims, Jewish Hostages, and Another Failure by the UN

(November 2023)

What Jews must do to fight back: Some suggestions for dealing with hatred unleashed.

(November 2023)

The New York Times Gives Cover for Antisemitism and Sympathy for Hamas

(November 2023)

When will “progressive” Westerners accept the fact that not all people and all cultures are the same?

(October 2023)

End the media bombardment of Israel!

(October 2023)

Anti-Zionism = Antisemitism

(October 2023)

Allies of Israel, toughen up

(October 2023)

My unanswered questions in the midst of war

(October 2023)

Response to Hamas horror shows the feminist movement has lost its moral compass

(October 2023)

Rape as a Weapon of War, This Time in Israel. Why Are Feminists Silent?

(October 2023)

‘Israel has a moral right to finish the job and the West has a moral duty to support it.’

(October 2023)

The women-hating women who support Hamas

(October 2023)

The Iran-funded Pogrom Against Jewish Israel

(October 2023)

Shouting down civility

(September 2023)


(September 2023)

Jews, never give up!

(September 2023)

9/11 and The New Anti-Semitism

(September 2023)


(August 2023)

Our Eternal Battle for Zion

(July 2023)

Charming the Hearts of Men

(July 2023)

Those Passing

(June 2023)

An Evening in Hell

(June 2023)

Shabbat Shlach Shalom

(June 2023)

An Orgasm, anyone?

(June 2023)

Ama Ata Aidoo—Rest in Peace

(June 2023)

Shabbat Naso Shalom

(June 2023)

Women who fan the flames of hatred

(June 2023)

Early Summertime, East Hampton

(May 2023)

Shabbat Shalom v’ Chag Shavuot Sameach

(May 2023)

The Beautiful People at Cannes

(May 2023)


(May 2023)

I am still shocked by the New York Times

(May 2023)

Shabbat Behar-Bechukotai Shalom

(May 2023)

Shabbat Emor Shalom

(May 2023)

The Love Song of Varian Fry

(May 2023)

The War on Women and the Disappearance of Womankind, 21st Century Style

(May 2023)

Shabbat Aharei Mot/Kedoshim Shalom

(April 2023)

Lawsuits are Key to Fighting Antisemitism

(April 2023)

How a Holocaust Happens

(April 2023)

Cognitive War in Israel

(April 2023)

A new film details the collapse of belief in America

(April 2023)

Shabbat Tzav Shalom

(March 2023)

Questions without answers

(March 2023)

Shabbat Vayikra Shalom

(March 2023)

Job Applicants Leave Much to be Desired

(March 2023)

Israeli protesters, I can no longer keep silent

(March 2023)

Shabbat Vayak-hel Shalom

(March 2023)

Everything Everywhere…

(March 2023)

What Rough Beast?

(March 2023)

Shabbat Tezaveh Shalom

(March 2023)

Oh Malala: Why Make a Film on Trans ‘Women’?

(March 2023)

Rot in Hell, Harvey Weinstein

(March 2023)

Shabbat Terumah Shalom

(February 2023)

Choose an identity, then perform it

(February 2023)

No One Wants to Hear This

(February 2023)

Shabbat Mishpatim Shalom

(February 2023)

The Kittens Are Home

(February 2023)

An American Bride in Kabul is at my door—and she is speaking to me in Arabic.

(February 2023)

Shabbat Yitro Shalom

(February 2023)

High Fashion Is Only Meant for Boyish Bodies, Not For the Venus of Willendorf

(February 2023)

The Carriage held but just Ourselves — And Immortality.

(February 2023)

Shabbat Beshallach Shalom

(February 2023)

Shabbat Bo Shalom

(January 2023)

A Glorious Gathering of Feminist Warriors: Saving One Extraordinary Afghan Woman

(January 2023)

Shabbat Va-eira Shalom

(January 2023)

Shabbat Shmot Shalom

(January 2023)

Do Accomplished Women Sexually Abuse Those in Their Power?

(January 2023)

The New York Times’ Orwellian obsession with Israel

(January 2023)

A White Guy, Glorified for Rejecting Racism

(January 2023)

Shabbat Vayechi Shalom

(January 2023)

In The Coven with Dr. Phyllis Chesler

(January 2023)

Review: Tar is a Caricature of a Woman with Power

(January 2023)

Problems, Real and Imagined

(January 2023)

Shabbat Miketz Shalom

(December 2022)

The history of the media intifada against Israel

(December 2022)

Shabbat Vayishlach Shalom

(December 2022)

Shabbat Toldot Shalom

(November 2022)

Where are the Snows of Yesteryear…

(November 2022)

Shabbat Chayei Sarah Shalom

(November 2022)

Shabbat Vayera Shalom

(November 2022)

Shabbat Lech Lecha Shalom

(November 2022)

Reflections on Robert Spencer’s ‘Who Lost Afghanistan?’

(October 2022)


(October 2022)

The Identity Trap

(October 2022)

Shabbat Noach Shalom

(October 2022)


(October 2022)

Shabbat Bereshit Shalom

(October 2022)

Shabbat Shalom

(October 2022)

I Wouldn’t Have Missed Our Feminist Revolution for the World

(October 2022)

Linda Sarsour, Ilhan Omar—Have You Condemned the Iranian Mullahs?

(September 2022)


(September 2022)

Insidious Propaganda

(September 2022)

A hometown reverie – a day in Borough Park

(September 2022)

Shabbat Shoftim Shalom

(September 2022)

Shabbat R’eih Shalom

(August 2022)

Jewish Lives Matter

(August 2022)

Shabbat Eikev Shalom

(August 2022)

Female Refugees Often Come with Male Baggage – Are They Worth It?

(August 2022)

Finally Meeting Meena: The Culmination of A Year of Rescuing Afghan Women

(August 2022)

My Former Mother-in-Law Sarah z”l.

(August 2022)

Spinster Sisters Versus Nazis

(August 2022)

Shabbat Matot-Masei Shalom

(July 2022)

Shabbat Pinchas Shalom

(July 2022)

Do Women Have a Right To Self-Defense Against Rape?

(July 2022)

Shabbat Balak Shalom

(July 2022)

An expatriate professor in New Zealand

(July 2022)

Shabbat Shlach Shalom

(June 2022)

From Hospitals to Schools, Gender Identity is Erasing Sex in Public Institutions

(June 2022)

Shabbat Beha’alotkha Shalom

(June 2022)

Women are Afraid of Supporting Unsympathetic Victims

(June 2022)

Medusa, Perseus, and Me

(June 2022)

Shabbat Naso Shalom

(June 2022)

Shabbat Bamidbar Shalom V’Chag Shavuot Sameach

(June 2022)

I am frightened for us as women

(June 2022)

Susan Sontag and I

(May 2022)

Shabbat Bechukotai Shalom

(May 2022)

How To Slow Gun Purchases Down

(May 2022)

How many names of journalists killed in war zones do you know?

(May 2022)

Shabbat Behar Shalom

(May 2022)

One Day in May—in Jerusalem and in New York City

(May 2022)

Shabbat Emor Shalom

(May 2022)

An Ode To Joy in Black and White

(May 2022)

Shabbat Kedoshim Shalom

(May 2022)

Nancy Azara: The Shaman is a Feminist Artist

(May 2022)

An Obituary For Our Cat Nora

(May 2022)

Nostalgia for the Slaughterhouse

(April 2022)

Melissa Lucio Case Demonstrates How Poor Mothers Are Set Up to Fail

(April 2022)

Only Amazing Women in My Life

(April 2022)

Shabbat Pesach Shalom

(April 2022)

In Florida, Sunny Florida, April 2022

(April 2022)

Is Being Born Male a Disability? Womb-less Gay Men Think So

(April 2022)

Feminist Backlash is Finally Building Against Surrogacy

(April 2022)

Shabbat Metzora Shalom

(April 2022)

1969: The Summer of Soul

(April 2022)

A Poem, Perfect for Our Time

(April 2022)

Shabbat Tazria Shalom

(April 2022)

An old photo, newly discovered

(March 2022)

Feminist Myths about Sisterhood

(March 2022)

Lentil Stew and the New York Times

(March 2022)

On Refusing to Believe Women Raped in Psychiatric Wards

(March 2022)

Shabbat Tzav Shalom

(March 2022)

A Great Afghan Soul

(March 2022)

Losing My Funding, Another Form of Censorship

(March 2022)

Shabbat Vayikra Shalom

(March 2022)

Atrocity Porn

(March 2022)

A Writer’s Regrets

(March 2022)

Reflections on the War in Ukraine

(March 2022)

Lutsk, Mayn Shtetele Lutsk

(March 2022)

‘Woman’ Not Mentioned Once at Barnard’s Feminist Conference Opening Panel

(March 2022)

Shabbat Vayehel Shalom

(February 2022)

Shabbat Ki Tisa Shalom

(February 2022)

Against Identity Politics

(February 2022)

Rambling Thoughts After A Snowy Day

(February 2022)

The West in the East

(February 2022)

Afghan Feminists Torture-Murdered, President Biden Unconcerned

(February 2022)

The other pandemic

(February 2022)

Who is steering America’s ship of state?

(January 2022)

Afghan Women Chronicle Daily New Horrors

(January 2022)

Pro-Trans, Pro-Palestine: Celebrities Condemn Harry Potter and his Mother

(January 2022)

The Eternal Life of Blood Libels Against the Jews

(December 2021)

A Season of Never-ending Discontent

(December 2021)

Opera Despite the Plague

(December 2021)

Heroic Afghan Feminists, Doctors, and the Global Civilians Helping Them

(December 2021)

My City Block at Night

(December 2021)

Winter Presents New, Dire Challenges for Afghanistan’s Women

(December 2021)

The Writing Life

(December 2021)

Epstein and Maxwell in Jail: The Double Standard

(November 2021)

Margaret Mead

(November 2021)

Dare I Tell Afghan Women How Hard Their Lives Would Be in Refugee Camps?

(November 2021)

Taliban Closes In As Desperate Afghan Women Await Rescue

(November 2021)

The Book of Ruth

(November 2021)

Creative Palestinian Arab terror – now into stifling free speech

(November 2021)

As Situation in Afghanistan Gets Worse, Feminists Still Help Afghan Women Escape

(November 2021)

Seyran Ates: Sex, Revolution, and Islam

(November 2021)

Afghanistan Urgently Needs Food Packages Dropped

(November 2021)

A Nazi mass murderer goes to Hollywood

(November 2021)

How I Had to Fight My Publishers Over Everything

(October 2021)

Taliban’s Murder of Volleyball Player Marks the Beginning of Afghan Dark Era

(October 2021)

How Our Best Feminist Work Goes Out of Print and Stays There

(October 2021)

Pauline Bart, R.I.P

(October 2021)

James Bond and I Go Back a Long Way

(October 2021)

People just love dead Jews

(October 2021)

Continuing to Try to Save Afghan Women "the Only Thing We Can Do"

(October 2021)

Battered Afghan Women and Divided Loyalties

(September 2021)

Honor Killing: A Form of Femicide

(September 2021)

Reviewers Who Don a Writer’s Skin

(September 2021)

Today is My Mother’s Birthday

(September 2021)

A Gift of Orchids

(September 2021)

9/11 Twenty Years Later

(September 2021)

Afghan Refugees Report Sexual Harassment in Western Camps

(September 2021)

Afghan Feminists are the Country’s Promise of Progress

(September 2021)

Team of Radical Feminists Rescues Thirty Afghan Feminists

(August 2021)

America Must Now Crush the Taliban and ISIS-K and….

(August 2021)

Saving Just One Afghan Woman

(August 2021)

The Progressive Erasure of Feminism

(August 2021)

Afghan Feminist: ‘The Taliban and My Own Family Will Come for Me’

(August 2021)

Why I Will Not Interview Any Afghan Feminists Now

(July 2021)

Afghan feminists should be on the first plane out

(July 2021)

Not Dead Yet: Feminism, Passion, and Women’s Liberation

(July 2021)

Learning Afghanistan’s Lessons

(July 2021)

A Rally Against Anti-Semitism Is Welcome, But Is it Enough to Slow America’s Tsunami of Anti-Semitism?

(July 2021)

East Hampton, Summer, 2021

(July 2021)

As If it were Yesterday. Brooklyn, 1952

(July 2021)

The Conversation That Dares Not Speak Its Name

(June 2021)

Gratuitous cruelty in WWII Poland

(June 2021)

How Dare the French Do This?

(June 2021)

Ms. Julie and Myself

(June 2021)

Through My Eyes Today

(June 2021)

Through My Eyes

(June 2021)

Through My Eyes

(June 2021)

Another Woman Down

(June 2021)

Interview: Phyllis Chesler was Cancelled Before It was Cool

(June 2021)

Baseless Israel Bashing Permeates Science, Medicine, and Education Unions

(June 2021)

Some Friendships Just End

(June 2021)

A Tsunami of Rage and Hate Is Upon Us

(June 2021)

Luscious, Luscious Bouquets

(June 2021)

Psychologists Hope to Combat Antisemitism as an Illness

(June 2021)

The New York Times Becomes More Demonic Every Day

(May 2021)

The Woman They Could Not Silence: One Woman, Her Incredible Fight for Freedom, and the Men who Tried to Make Her Disappear

(May 2021)

Auditioning for the National Jewish Book Council

(May 2021)

Have we entered a cancel culture world of politically correct op-eds?

(May 2021)

Academics Use Propaganda, Not Expertise, to Bash Israel

(May 2021)

In News and Film, the Anti-Israel Bias Pervades

(May 2021)

A Fifth Column?

(May 2021)

Yet Again, the Media Blames Israel for a Conflict Hamas Started

(May 2021)

The NYTimes’ chronic chronology problem

(May 2021)

Not fit to print: The NYTimes on Sheikh Jarrah

(May 2021)

Tulips, Tulips, Tulips

(May 2021)

Practicing Feminism While White

(May 2021)

The Disunited Identities of America

(April 2021)

Reading the Obituaries

(April 2021)

In the Shadow of a Rainbow: The True Story of a Friendship Between Man and Wolf

(April 2021)

Upon Leaving the Wild, Wild East in Afghanistan

(April 2021)

Today’s Brief Thought—Apres Le Deluge

(April 2021)

Today’s Brief Thought

(April 2021)

First They Came For…

(April 2021)

Woke Andrea Dworkin

(April 2021)

How the Transgender Movement is Destroying Feminism

(April 2021)

Another Rape Atrocity in India

(April 2021)

Tulips for the Holiday Table

(March 2021)

My Night in Abu Dhabi

(March 2021)

Aren’t Trans-Women “Culturally Appropriating” Womanhood?

(March 2021)

My Morocco

(March 2021)

Country Life

(March 2021)

It’s Not Always About Race: Sex Addict’s Massacre of Women in Atlanta Massage Parlors

(March 2021)

No Joke

(March 2021)


(March 2021)

Tehran on My Mind

(March 2021)

Phyllis Chesler interviewed by Paula Caplan

(March 2021)

Can straight actors play gays?

(March 2021)

The Sublime Sonya

(March 2021)

Eternal Hope in Norway: A Film Review

(March 2021)

Gender identity run wild

(March 2021)

Cancelling Will S.

(February 2021)

Jazz, Amazing Jazz

(February 2021)

The Perils of NonViolent Islamism

(February 2021)

Women in Literature Festival 2021

(February 2021)

The 800 Jewish Holocaust orphans of Selvino

(February 2021)

All At Once

(February 2021)

Woman and Nature

(February 2021)

Words About Snow

(February 2021)

An Honor Killer and His Accomplices Finally Face Justice

(January 2021)

Sunday Afternoon on the Upper East Side, Winter, 2020

(January 2021)

Helen Raptis interview on Requiem for a Female Serial Killer

(January 2021)

My Life at the Film Festival

(January 2021)

A Letter to Jeff Bezos , the Amazon Prince

(January 2021)

A Mother’s Birthday Greeting to Her Son

(January 2021)

Manhattan Nights

(December 2020)

The Writer and Her Critics

(December 2020)

Are you pro-Israel? Then we’ll pan your books on feminism

(December 2020)

Are All Women Always Victims? Even Female Serial Killers?

(December 2020)

Aileen Wuornos and the Powerful Allure of (Certain) Serial Killers

(November 2020)

Is Justice Gender-blind?

(November 2020)

As Americans Vote

(November 2020)


(October 2020)

Ah, la belle France

(October 2020)

Cancel Culture Carries On

(October 2020)


(October 2020)

Dad’s Arrest Exposes Support Network Behind Alleged Honor Killers

(September 2020)

Conversation in a Garden, Fall, 2020

(September 2020)

Note from New York City

(September 2020)

What’s on my mind

(September 2020)

A funeral for feminism

(August 2020)

The Third Death

(August 2020)

American Pastorale Moderne

(August 2020)

How I got canceled

(August 2020)

More Than A Season of Sorrow

(August 2020)

We must continue to drain the swamps of antisemitic lies

(August 2020)


(July 2020)

Correct me if I’m Wrong But…

(July 2020)

An Amazing Personal Coincidence

(July 2020)

The City Mouse, the Country Mouse

(July 2020)

Israel’s law against slavery

(July 2020)

Ode to a Gray Day

(July 2020)

Defunding, Abolishing the New York City Police

(July 2020)

Rushing into the future that has no past

(July 2020)

An Obituary to Bury a Reputation

(June 2020)

Juneteenth, Ralph Ellison, and Me

(June 2020)


(June 2020)

Kaddish for America?

(June 2020)

Park Avenue, Deserted by Day, Looted by Night.

(June 2020)

When Valerie Solanas Shot Andy Warhol: A Feminist Tale of Madness and Revolution

(May 2020)

What Else is Positive about this Damn Quarantine

(May 2020)

One Rainy Friday in the Time of the Wuhan Virus

(May 2020)

Nature, in Bloom

(April 2020)

Phyllis Chesler interview with Elder of Ziyon

(April 2020)

Palestinian Lies Never Die; Wikipedia and Google Keep Them Alive

(April 2020)


(April 2020)

Co-founding the Association for Women in Psychology, 1969

(April 2020)

R.D. (“Ronnie”) Laing and Me, 1972

(April 2020)

Motherhood and Feminist Therapy, 1988

(April 2020)

Reading the obits

(April 2020)

Tokyo, 1990

(April 2020)

Margaret Mead and Me

(April 2020)

Brooklyn Flowers, Brooklyn Memories

(April 2020)

Passover During a Plague

(April 2020)

The Photographer Down the Hall

(April 2020)

Hannah prayed alone, so did Jonah

(April 2020)

What the Shut-in Watches

(April 2020)

Gone is our global village

(March 2020)

Mr. Tambourine Man, Play A(nother) Song for Me

(March 2020)

China Article V: We will never be quite the same again.

(March 2020)

William Blake’s Photographer

(March 2020)

Natural Splendor in America

(March 2020)

Changing Weather, Changing Moods.

(March 2020)

A Cabin Fever Shabbat

(March 2020)

The Writer Confined

(March 2020)

The quarantined diaries: Oh, to be in the country!

(March 2020)

Standing at the Edge of the World

(March 2020)

Quarantined: Diary of a contemporary pandemic

(March 2020)

The film “Hotel Mumbai” is a Must-See in order to understand what’s happening in India

(March 2020)

The virus that has nothing novel about it

(March 2020)

This Week’s Instructions From On High

(March 2020)

A Brief Outing in an Almost Deserted City

(March 2020)

Now we are all Prisoners of the Chinese Communist Government

(March 2020)

I Stand with Sheila Katz’s Michael Steinhardt #METOO Moment

(March 2020)

Iranian lawyer who defended women’s right to remove hijab gets 38 years, 148 lashes

(March 2020)

Rest in Peace, dearest Diva

(March 2020)

TALKING FEMINISM—for The National Council of Jewish Women

(March 2020)

‘Hannah’s War’ on the Upper East Side

(March 2020)

God bless Professor Channa Newman!

(February 2020)

What’s Popular, What’s Not

(February 2020)

Old Manhattan, Still Standing, but Owned By Others

(February 2020)

Old Manhattan Has Disappeared Before My Eyes

(February 2020)

Counting Our Blessings

(February 2020)

Francoise Atlan, superb Sephardic-Arabic-Moroccan singer

(February 2020)

Plisetskaya—Sublime Prima Ballerina, superb at 62

(February 2020)

Western Governments Play a Key Role in Successful Honor Killing Escapes

(February 2020)

Meghan and Her Prince in the New World

(February 2020)

The Oscars—No, No, No.

(February 2020)

Half Time at the Super Bowl

(February 2020)

A Report from the Front

(February 2020)

The Movie ‘Bombshell’ was quite a bombshell for me personally

(February 2020)

Last Night I was in Moscow at the Bolshoi Ballet

(February 2020)

Selective Vigilante Justice

(January 2020)

Who is Responsible for Palestinian Honor Killing?

(January 2020)

For Frederick Feirstein, 1940-2020

(January 2020)

Western Feminists AWOL in Supporting Abused and Dissident Muslim Women

(January 2020)

An American Conversation Podcast: Phyllis Chesler Feminist Icon

(January 2020)

When all Jews march together, we shall overcome

(January 2020)

I saw the writing in the sky

(January 2020)

Is it too late to clear the antisemitism swamp?

(December 2019)

Why is the NYT allying with Islamists against women?

(December 2019)

Pay attention, dreamy-eyed Western do-gooders

(December 2019)

The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is for Good Women to Do Nothing

(November 2019)

The war continues and it is a long war

(November 2019)

The silent bystanders in the war against the Jews

(October 2019)

Gilead Resembles an Islamic Theocracy, not Trump’s America

(October 2019)

Are we really living in the 1930s?

(July 2019)

The politically correct Quran

(July 2019)

They do not care if they go down in history as barbarians

(July 2019)

"A Bias Steam-Ironed into Women’s Lives": A Conversation with Author Phyllis Chesler about Women and Madness, 47 Years After Publication

(June 2019)

I stand by what I wrote on "Palestine"

(June 2019)

Why Are All the Statues of Heroic and Accomplished American Women Missing in Action?

(June 2019)

Americans are in the midst of a dangerously uncivil Civil War

(May 2019)

‘High-minded culture’ is now rife with antisemitism

(May 2019)

Nina Paley, Censorship and ‘Seder-Masochism’

(May 2019)

Female Genital Mutilation in the United States: Estimating the Number of Girls at Risk

(May 2019)

The NYTimes editorial: A clever attempt to gaslight us

(May 2019)

Netanyahu depicted as a dog is even more ominous than it seems

(May 2019)

We find ourselves in a new kind of Egypt – how do we leave it?

(April 2019)

Never Look Away

(April 2019)

Queen Lear or a case of High Hopes Dashed

(April 2019)

All kinds of rockets rain down on Israel

(March 2019)

Alastair Roberts’ review of ‘A Politically Incorrect Feminist’

(March 2019)

I thought the NYTimes couldn’t get worse, but it has

(March 2019)

Niqab, burqa, hijab – Afghanistan comes to the West

(March 2019)

The two-faced women who hate Israel – and Jews

(February 2019)

When America gives up on Afghanistan, its women will pay

(February 2019)

The clever cognitive war strategy deployed against Israel

(January 2019)

Telling the truth about Israel is a new Catch-22 situation

(January 2019)

You won’t see me at the Women’s March – it’s a con job

(January 2019)

Rahaf’s Saudi family will never, ever stop coming after her

(January 2019)

Big Sister Is Watching

(January 2019)

The Hard-Earned Lessons of a Born Maverick

(December 2018)

Jihadist Psychopath: How he is charming, seducing, and devouring us

(December 2018)

The New Censorship

(December 2018)

Congressional Law Fails to Reach Female Genital Mutilation

(December 2018)

“America’s former president Obama chose Shia Iran over Sunni Saudi Arabia, this was a terrible idea” – Prof. Phyllis Chesler

(November 2018)

Imaginary ‘Palestine’

(November 2018)

Post-election musings: Whither America? Whither US Jews?

(November 2018)

How the NYTimes Explains anti-Semites Away

(November 2018)

Feminist Phyllis Chesler: Dems Hurt #MeToo with ‘Desperate Overreach’ Against Brett Kavanaugh

(October 2018)

How Multiculturalism Hijacked Feminism

(September 2018)

Obama’s anti-Semitism/anti-Zionism reigned at the IRS from 2010- 2017.

(February 2018)

My Questions About the #MeToo Moment

(January 2018)

The Forgotten History of Black Women Protesting Sexual Assault

(January 2018)

Dancing with death: The Intellectual opposition to Zionism

(December 2017)

Are New Yorkers becoming like Israelis?

(December 2017)

There are some new sheriffs in town

(December 2017)

The New Anti-Semitism at the New School

(November 2017)

They’ll try anything: Indoctrinating US children against Israel

(November 2017)

#MeToo at the UN

(November 2017)

Raped By Carl Jung, Then Murdered by the Nazis

(November 2017)

This may be the first time in history in which a Muslim cleric or religious leader will be tried in a Western Court of Law

(November 2017)

Sutton Place Synagogue: The bloody beast is back

(October 2017)

Against Faux-Feminists Who Deny the Rights of Muslim Women and Jews

(October 2017)

New English Review Press is a priceless cultural institution.
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