
The EDL have marched through the town to their rally point and speeches are now in progress. The background to today’s protest is the Muslim child abuse sex gang who were sentenced last month. The gang was only dealt with, after some 6 years of cover-up and sweeping under the carpet by the authorities when one of the victims, now an adult was struggling to prevent her own children being taken into care.

“Social services were well aware of the victim . . .serious questions about how the girl had been handled and treated by social services.”They have not come out of this at all well,” It is understood Child A may have raised issues of sexual abuse previously with social services but nothing was done . . . Barnardo’s said they worked with the girls in 2008, and made a referral to the appropriate agencies about one of the victims. . . But insufficient action was taken as far as we were concerned. . .and so on”

The EDL speeches are focusing on the neglect of the victims. But the brave reporters of the Bucks Herald are not, or not according to their latest tweets, reporting those speeches. They are talking to the UAF and quoting a Muslim councillor as to how St George was originally from Palestine. 

When will they learn? What more do we have to do to pierce their arrogance and their ignorance?



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