Bashir deceives US on retention of Islamic Movement in Sudan

by Lt. Gen. Abakar M. Abdallah, Jerome B. Gordon, Deborah P. Martin

Ali Osman Mohamed Taha

Former Secretary General of Islamic Movement and the Vice President of Sudan


In our book, Genocide In Sudan: Caliphate threatens Africa and the World, we revealed the deep involvement of the Bashir National Congress Party Regime in the international Muslim Brotherhood World Islamic Revolution, and support for Al Qaeda co-founder Osama Bin Laden. There was the long-term support and presence of the Islamic Revolution regime of Iran in Sudan establishing a weapons industry and transshipping weapons to Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza. This practice was temporarily suspended due to the shift of relationships in 2014 allying itself with the Saudi and UAE led coalition fighting the alleged Iran supported Houthi rebels in war torn Yemen. We showed evidence of the Bashir regime support for terrorism in the July 28, 2017 District of Columbia US Federal Appellate Court ruling against Sudan awarding $7.3 billion to the 12 American victims of the simultaneous bombings at the US Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salam, Tanzania killing 224 people, more than 5,000 wounded.  The Islamic Movement (IM) Jihad ideology forms the basis of the Secret Arab Coalition Plan of the Bashir NCP regime objective to complete genocidal ethnic cleansing of indigenous African people in the conflict zones of Darfur, South Kordofan, and Blue Nile state. While there are outstanding 2009 and 2010 arrest warrants for President Bashir and other NCP leaders, most Muslim countries and African nations have welcomed President Bashir on state visits evading the requirements to arrest and bring him to justice. The estimated toll has risen far beyond the estimate of the United Nations, the 300,000 the figure that the International Criminal Court used for the indictment of Bashir. The current death toll could be more than 600,000 killed, 5 million internally displaced and several hundred thousand who fled from Darfur and the other conflict zones to refugee camps in adjacent African countries.  

 November 2012 Islamic Movement Conference.

On November 20, 2012 Sheik Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, Secretary General of the Islamic Movement and the Vice President of Sudan, delivered the closing speech at the 8th General Conference of the Sudan Islamic Movement in Khartoum. The conference was held in Friendship-Hall in Khartoum with participation of 4,000 members and over 170 invited foreign invited delegations. Prominent among the delegates were leaders of the world Muslim Brotherhood movement. It was at the peak of the first elected Muslim Brotherhood regimes in Egypt and Tunisia. The regime of Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian President Morsi was short-lived overthrown in July 2013 by a military coup led by current President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, an implacable enemy of the Bashir Regime in Sudan. The glittering assembly of Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the Friendship Hall included: Rashid al-Ghanushi leader of Ennahda Movement of Tunisia, Khaled Meshaal of the Palestinian wing of the Brotherhood, Hamas, Mohammed Badie, Supreme Guide of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Bashir Abdel Salam al-Kebti, Deputy General Guide of Libya Muslim Brotherhood, Ali Sadr al Din al Bayanous, General Guide of Syria Muslim Brotherhood, Syed Manawar of Pakistani Jamaat-e-Islami  and the  representative of Islamic Movements from Nigeria and many other countries of the world.  Both former President Morsi of Egypt and Egyptian Supreme Muslim Brotherhood Guide Badie were arrested, convicted in trials sentenced to life under the El-Sisi regime.

The Islamic Movement (IM) was formed in 1999 by the NCP following the power struggle between the late Sheik Abdallah Hassan al-Turabi, the founder and Supreme Guide of the Islamic Revolution in Sudan, and President Bashir for leadership of the NCP regime. The IM was created to serve as a political base for the Muslim Brotherhood NCP Bashir regime.  See, Genocide in Sudan: Caliphate threatens Africa and the World, Chapter Six, “Political Islam in Sudan supported by Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia”.

The IM unites domestic and international radical Islamist groups under its umbrella. It provides ideological guidance seeking to implement Islamic Sharia law across the entire world. Since its creation, the IM has held yearly conferences under the leadership of its Shura Council to evaluate achievements on programs, especially Jihad. The 9th conference of the IM originally scheduled for November 9, 2017 was canceled on October 29th. Sudan media reported the U.S. State Department had requested Bashir to ban the IM in return for removing Sudan from the list of designated state sponsors of terrorism. President Bashir denied this fact, “Sudan does not adopt anyone else’s agenda”. The conference was cancelled because it coincided with the executive order signed by President Trump on October 6, 2017 lifting US Sudan sanctions. While the 2017 IM general conference was cancelled, that did not mean the NCP regime abandoned its Islamist extremist ideology. It was simply a deception by Sudan President Bashir to hide his continuing support of Islamic Revolution with the objective of spreading extremist Islamic ideology globally.

The Significance of the 2012 Islamic Movement Conference Concluding Declaration

The concluding declaration of the 2012 conference was delivered by Sheik Ali Osman Mohammed Taha. He held the position of First Vice President of Sudan since the NCP coup of 1989 until his resignation in December 8, 2013. Taha is considered a hard-line ideologue within the NCP second only to the late Sheik Hassan Abdallah al-Turabi, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood Organization in Sudan. The 2012 General IM conference speech by Taha conveys Bashir’s continuing Muslim Brotherhood/NCP vision supporting global Islamic extremist groups.

What follows is a translation of Taha’s address. It amounts to complete dismissal of the authority of any Western countries. It espouses the Islamic extremist ideology imperative of solidarity of the Muslim Brothers in the Umma to follow jihad. It clearly expresses the Bashir NCP regime contempt for any accommodation with the US, even after Sudan sanctions are lifted.  In its stead, Taha’s address emphatically emphasized renewal of relations across the global Muslim Jihadists effectively rebuking the Western world rejection of Islamic fundamentalist ideology. It backs the Palestinian cause, rejects Jerusalem as the Jewish nation of Israel’s capital. It rejects the authority of the UN and the U.N. Security Council. Implicitly, it is a call for Islamic terrorism in the name of Jihad.

This translation of the video of the 2012 IM conference’s closing speech demonstrates that the NCP regime of Sudan continues to support Islamic extremist organizations in the world. Taha stated it emphatically, loud and clear. Countries fighting the global war on terrorism might not have access to Taha’s speech conveying explicitly the Islamic terror intentions of the Khartoum regime. Thus, its publication, we trust should arouse concerns and renewed efforts to monitor closely the activities of the Bashir regime and Muslim Brotherhood allies, Qatar, Turkey and Iran.

Taha’s 2012 IM Conference Speech Translated

Watch the video of Taha’s IM closing speech at the 2012 National Islamic Movement convention. What follows is the translation from the Arabic of his speech at the 2012 IM conference.


Ali Osman Mohamed Taha’s Closing Speech of the 8th Conference of the Sudanese Islamic Movement

Translated into English

November 20, 2012 Khartoum, Sudan

Translated by
Gen. Abakar M. Abdallah, Abdulhaleim Hassan and Deborah P. Martin

We declare from here that the Islamic Movement (IM) is making a commitment and promising its other sisters in all Islamic movements in the world: that the readiness is legitimate for building the Umma (Islamic empire), for the good/benefit of the Umma, to activate our capacity, for rebuilding the (old Islamic) pride. Enough of the weakness, enough of the differences (between us), enough of being shamed, enough of insults. We must raise our standard/flag (declare Islamic jihad). We must raise our (fundamentalist Islamic) voices. There is no room to shout triumphantly nor be driven by emotions, but we must raise our voices as a call (that everyone can hear and obey):

Allahu Akbar! -Allahu Akbar! (God is Great! – (God is Great!)-
Allahu Akbar! -Allahu Akbar! (God is Great! (God is Great!),
Allahu Akbar! -Allahu Akbar! (God is Great! (God is Great!), –
Allahu Akbar! (God is Great! (God is Great!) for the victory of the Umma,
Allahu Akbar! (God is Great!) defeat the people who commit injustice (non-Muslims).
Allahu Akbar! (God is Great!) to break our aggressors,
Allahu Akbar! (God is Great!) victory for the weak.
Allahu Akbar for the liberation of Guds (Jerusalem)-
Allahu Akbar for liberation of Palestine,
Allahu Akbar! (God is Great!) for victory of any weak Muslim,
Allahu Akbar! (God is Great!) for the reviving of all the world’s Islamic Umma Organizations:

to strengthen their capabilities and tools,
to make an awareness of the Umma,
to set them on fire,
to drive capabilities toward all of humanity.

Call for the new world order against injustice:
No to the United Nations [audience says Allahu Akbar! (God is Great!) ]-
No to the United Nations Security Council [audience says Allahu Akbar! (God is Great!)] –
No to the unjust international council. [audience says Allahu Akbar! (God is Great!)]

Islam is coming! – Islam is coming! – from Sudan is coming! – from Egypt is coming! – from Libya is already in front! – from Sri Lanka is coming! – from Nigeria is underway! – from Somalia is fully involved! from all the Umma under that Islamic standard (flag) of the prophet, the standard of the prophet, under the light (spirit) of the Koran, by the name of war we will dismantle everything that is invalid, so that we meet Allah (die in a jihad).

I’m calling on you messenger of Allah [pointing his finger]. I’m calling on you Lord of the sky. ‘Spearholders don’t move from your places.’- The spears in the mountains, in the Uhud mountains [paraphrase from Prophet Mohammad Battle of al Uhud]. You are not one of us, if you demand the world (not to die) and you are not one of us, if you sold our promise. We are for those who pay their life for Islam (taking a shahadah before death). We are for (our) promise. We are for the case. We are for The Islam. God bless our efforts. God prove our work. Clean our hearts. Guide our feet. Support us and support us, support us because you are able to do everything. Peace upon you, God bless you!



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