Beyond Woke by Michael Rectenwald Released Today
New English Review Press is pleased to announce the publication of our thirty-third book, Beyond Woke, by Michael Rectenwald.
The definitive explainer of the twenty-first century’s cancerous cult of woke.
— Milo Yiannopoulos, author of Dangerous.
What you hold in your hand is a rare specimen indeed: the work of someone honest enough to rethink his entire ideology late in his career, when he stood to gain nothing by it. But in Beyond Woke we readers gain plenty: as a former academic leftist himself, Rectenwald knows the whole racket inside and out, and in this book he lays it bare in all its absurdity. If you thought you knew all about this, think again. You need to read Rectenwald.
—Tom Woods, senior fellow of the Mises Institute and host of The Tom Woods Show.
Michael Rectenwald writes about woke mania with clarity and with a former insider’s deep knowledge of its intellectual roots, ideological assumptions, and corporate methods. He has produced an essential, enjoyable guide to the new collectivism.
—Janice Fiamengo, retired Professor of English, University of Ottawa, Canada.
A few short years ago, Michael Rectenwald was a Marxist professor at NYU, pursuing his career and contemplating becoming a Trotskyist, when the political climate on campus – victimology, cancel-culture, no-platforming, and political correctness run-amok – began to bother him. He responded by creating a Twitter handle, @AntiPCNYUProf (now @TheAntiPCProf), and began bashing campus excesses with humor and biting satire. Predictably, he was soon discovered and pushed out of his job.
Rectenwald struck back by publishing Springtime for Snowflakes, a memoir of his experiences in academia, which included criticism and analyses of the leftism now dominating campus culture. He followed that book with Google Archipelago, which delves into the seeming enigma of why big business embraces far-left politics – hint: self-interest is involved – and the rapid growth of consumer/citizen surveillance. The foundation for a robust leftist totalitarianism is being carefully laid.
With this new volume, Rectenwald returns with his characteristic sharp wit and incisive analysis and continues to fine tune his critique of modern leftism. He brings his unique perspective as an ex-Marxist and civil libertarian to bear on leftist culture, with its abandonment of traditional morality and emphasis on collective social identities — which are ironically increasingly atomized, as overwhelming centrifugal forces break up any previously stable social cohesion.
The revolution is here and it’s winning. Find out why, and how to combat it. Get Beyond Woke.