Biden about to be relegated to the dustbin of history where he belongs

By Conrad Black

Most of the current international problems in the world are directly traceable to the vacuous ineptitude of the superpower. Despite the remarkable development story of China, there is only one superpower and for the past four years the United States has been somnambulating through a nightmare of millions of desperate illegal immigrants streaming across the border. Despite warnings even from his own supporters, the senescent outgoing president poured gasoline on the fires of inflation and allowed the United States to fall behind China and Russia in the development of hypersonic weapons (though it remains in other respects the world’s greatest military power — that couldn’t be so quickly squandered). U.S. President Joe Biden’s ambiguity about Russian designs on Ukraine was an invitation for a Russian invasion and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, who should have been court martialed for incompetence and insubordination, confidently told lawmakers that the Russians would capture Kyiv within a few days.

President Biden graciously offered the Ukrainian president and his family asylum, and when it became clear that Ukraine was going to resist Russia seriously, he promised to support Ukrainians for “as long as it takes,” without ever providing the necessary weapons or approving rules of engagement that could bring the conflict to a relatively swift and satisfactory end. There has never been an exit strategy, except to assure that Ukraine is armed but under-armed, so it can fight to the last Ukrainian. The policy in Gaza has been dictated by a failed ambition to retain Jewish votes without losing Islamic votes in the recent election. The formula has been the coy bromide that “Israel has a right to defend itself,” which is defined in practice as meaning that it can expel the barbarous Hamas invaders who inflicted the greatest Jewish bloodbath since the liberation of the Nazi death camps, but cannot take comprehensive countermeasures against the Hamas terrorist organization itself. Israel was not engaging in a tit-for-tat response following a border incident; it has been making war after enduring what was — and was intended to be — a clear act of war. The Biden formula, mindlessly endorsed by the Canadian government and many others, is a recipe for the continuous resupply of Hamas and the endless provocation of Israel by terrorists who have made it clear that they will never accept the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state.

While the United States election last month was reasonably close, it was also a decisive rejection of wokeness, racial atomization and collective self-hate on grounds of falsely perceived systemic racism, the green terror based on fears of planetary destruction unless fossil fuel use is terminated and a general moral abdication in favour of appeasing America’s enemies abroad and the domestic forces of lawless protest, theft and vandalism.

It is a delicious spectacle to see the advocates and apologists for the abdication of America from its rightful and long-held position as the premier nation in the world fumbling in confusion and denial, still babbling their malicious, ignorant nonsense of Trump-hate like Neanderthals who have wandered out of their caves into the modern world self-consciously mumbling their gibberish. According to Shannon Gormley in the pathologically anti-American Toronto Star, Donald Trump “is an avowed racist, a proven rapist and a de facto Russian asset who calls for the use of force against migrants, women, sovereign states, political opponents and critics.” His proposed cabinet “is violent.… But that’s the least of it.… A full frontal attack on the United States Constitution” has been promised, and it  will “tear through American society with the inherent threat of violence.… Trump has mainstreamed misogyny.”

Trump-hate is in fact collapsing. Instead of the monster of Gormley’s imagination, he has emerged as a courageous underdog. Despite being greatly outspent in the late election and rabidly opposed by 95 per cent of the national political media (which has virtually committed suicide and Gormley is an example of it), and being subjected to an avalanche of perverted politicized prosecutions as the Justice Department has become an arm of the dirty tricks division of the Democratic National Committee, Trump has won a clear mandate in a fair and peaceful election to clean up the cesspool of American government and American declinism, institutional incompetence and official self-loathing. He is enjoying the normal honeymoon of an incoming president with an approval rating of nearly 55 per cent.

Joe Biden, as the most incompetent and corrupt American president in U.S. history blunders into history and dementia as the figurehead of an anti-American government and the genuine head of a third-rate crime family, he has violated his sanctimonious claptrap about no one being above the law by pardoning his son, largely to prevent being implicated himself in his shabby influence-peddling. The civilized world will soon have good reason to rejoice that the vacuum in Washington has been filled. The war in Ukraine will end on a satisfactory basis very quickly: Russia has some historic rights that will be recognized by modest territorial acquests and Ukraine’s status as a legitimate sovereign state will be universally recognized, and Russia will gradually depart the potentially smothering embrace of China and recognize that the culture of Tolstoy and Tchaikovsky belongs in the West and not the Orient. Iran will be prevented from becoming a nuclear military power and terrorists will cease to govern in Gaza, and Israel and Saudi Arabia will compose their few remaining differences. There will be no more talk of Chinese strangulation of Taiwan, or of China surpassing the U.S. economically, than there is now that Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election. The dust-bin of history will overflow.


First published in the National Post



One Response

  1. Shannon Gormley must be a very stupid person.

    “According to Shannon Gormley in the pathologically anti-American Toronto Star, Donald Trump “is an avowed racist, a proven rapist and a de facto Russian asset who calls for the use of force against migrants, women, sovereign states, political opponents and critics.””

    At the absolute minimum, she does not understand the meaning of the word “avowed”, leaving aside the fact I have seen no evidence Trump is racist or “a racist”, he has certainly not avowed himself to be one. Neither has he been proven to be a rapist. He has called for the use of law enforcement to compel behaviour by illegal migrants, not “use of force against migrants”. He certainly has not called for the use of force “against women” [what could this mean?]. If anything he has been more reluctant than some presidents to use force against sovereign states, and any calls for doing so are well within norms for international relations in which threats are currency. Some admittedly more sophisticated than others. And the less said about Democrats using force against their critics, the better.

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