Birmingham: Teacher has SIX kids with TWO wives

From the Birmingham Mail

A Birmingham teacher is taking lessons in love – after marrying TWO wives. The primary school employee (so it sounds like he is in the state system, and not a madrassah teacher) has three children with each partner and they all live together under the same roof. The husband spends alternate nights with each wife – but admitted he loved one more than the other.

And he told BBC WM:(I can’t find this on-line)  “It’s the nature of a woman to only want one husband, but it’s in the nature of a man that he will want more than one wife.”

The teacher, who would not be named, admitted his first wife was upset when he revealed he wanted a second spouse, and asked “Why? What’s wrong with me?” But he insisted he had done nothing wrong in the eyes of Islam.

“I spend alternate nights, one with each wife, just a room away in the house we share,” he said. “I have three children with each of my wives and the whole house is shared.” Asked if he loved one wife more than the other, the husband replied: “You can love someone more than the other, Islam allows for that.”

He spoke after Birmingham Labour MP Jess Phillips criticised a dating website which helps Muslim men find second wives. describes itself as a “Muslim polygamy matchmaking service” for “practising Muslims who are seeking marriage and accept polygamy as a lifestyle”.

Bigamy is illegal in UK law but founder, Azad Chaiwala, defended the site , saying it was better than men having affairs or using prostituites.

The website has been criticised by Yardley Ms Phillips, a Labour member of the Commons women and equalities committee. She said the site should be outlawed and treated women as “commodities”. “It should be outlawed for UK use and follow the law in the UK which does not allow this. “Women are not a commodity, they are not domestic slaves. People cannot be collected like ornaments.”

In my youth such an arrangement would be roundly condemed as shockingly immoral; a man keeping a mistress openly (or two mistresses if the first wife was not lawfully wed under British law) would not have been allowed in any position of authority. He certainly wouldn’t have been allowed to teach. But that was then, this is now. 

Now the proprietor of the site is filmed saying we (Muslims) do not have to justify anything we do to “people”, we are here to please Allah.