Bournemouth beach rape: Name given by attacker released

The further details given about the behaviour of the other Asian boys on the beach puts me in mind of the events of New Years Eve in Cologne, only on a smaller scale. From the Bournemouth Daily Echo and the Daily Mail

DETECTIVES investigating the rape of a girl in the water off Bournemouth beach have released a name linked to a male they would like to speak with.

As part of its ongoing enquiries into the sexual assault, Dorset Police took part in a televised appeal on BBC One’s Crimewatch Live.

The victim – a 15-year-old girl – was with her friends playing with a ball when it landed in front of a teenage boy at around 4pm on Sunday, July 18, in the sea near to the Oceanarium.

The boy eventually threw the ball back to one of the group and then began talking to the victim, before pulling her out deeper into the sea where it is reported that he raped her. 

“He started talking to me and touching my arm – at the same time another man was making my friend uncomfortable so she left the sea. I was alone now and he started to push me out into deep water and I couldn’t feel my feet on the sea floor. It was then he started touching me. No one could see what was happening and it was then that he raped me.”

She said despite there being crowds of people in the sea at the time, she was powerless to act as the young man raped her under the cover of the water. The traumatised victim said she only escaped her attacker, an Asian man, when one of his friends approached them.

She revealed she ran back to her friends on the beach only for the man to stalk her and ask her how he could contact her.

The offender told the victim that he was 17 years old, he was from Birmingham and his name was ‘Dabby’  and has a part-shaven left eyebrow. He is described as possibly of Asian descent and with tanned skin, around five feet six inches tall and of a thin but muscular build with short dark hair that was pushed back and looked freshly trimmed. He was wearing black or grey swimming shorts. I think we can assume that as usual ‘Asian’ does not mean Japanese, Tibetan, Hindu or Sikh.

Detective Inspector Wayne Seymour, who is the lead detective in the case and appeared on the show on Monday, September 6, said “…I would also like to thank BBC Crimewatch Live for helping us to spread the message to a national audience as we strongly believe the offender is not local to the Bournemouth area and is believed to have links to Birmingham and the West Midlands. . . We do have forensic evidence that means we will be able to eliminate anyone who was not involved from our enquiries.”

He encouraged anyone with information to come forward, assuring them that DNA evidence would be able to identify the culprit.

Police have disclosed that a number of Asian men approached female beachgoers on the day and exchanged Snapchat messages with them. They hope that one of them will recognise the e-fit and realise they had contact with the suspect.