Burning Questions of the Day

By Phyllis Chesler

Why is the right to abortion such an important issue to a political party which cannot even define what a biologicalwoman is? Why is a political party which believes in gender rights over and above sex-based rights considered the only feminist and anti-sexist party?

Why is our entire culture, including our two political parties, so thoroughly invested in celebrities and celebrity music? Did anyone walk or bounce out to music by Mozart or Chopin, Verdi or Puccini? If not, why not?  I know, I know, but I am not merely behind the times–I am solidly against the times.

Why are crimes not being treated as crimes anymore? How can someone who has attacked, strangled, beat down, stomped upon, another human being, in an American city, who has wounded and nearly killed someone in their 70s and 80s, not being put away for a long, long time? Or soon hung?

Why are there calls to de-fund the police in the name of anti-racism–when people of color are so often the victims of crimes?  At least they were. And it included black-on-black crimes. Today, however, it is mainly all who are vulnerable, young women, senior citizens, who are being preyed upon, both economically, sexually, and physically by men? This includes men of color, many of whom are mentally ill, more of whom are rageaholics, who lose their tempers on a dime and attempt to murder someone else for a minor or even an imagined “diss.”

Why is the censorship of ideas getting worse and worse? Why do ideological opponents absolutely refuse to hear even one issue with which they disagree–from someone with whom they may agree on ten other issues? This is true on both sides of the aisle and is only getting worse.


2 Responses

  1. Those refusing to engage fear their failure to win, convince the other. Defeat of their ego is considered more shameful, unbearable, than honest admission of self-betrayal of their conscience.
    Thus, rejection of traditions of honorable behavior and adoption of ‘anything goes’ becomes the post-modern, post-merit pose.

  2. “I know, I know, but I am not merely behind the times–I am solidly against the times.” I’m right there with you Phyllis.

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