Campaign Against Anti-Semitism – London March this afternoon

The March against Anti-Semitism in London today should be moving off from the muster point outside the Royal Courts of Justice at the very moment, 1.30pm this Sunday lunchtime. It is expected to be the biggest march against Jew hatred since the famous Battle of Cable Street in 1936. As I mentioned last Sunday I can’t be there because of a very important family event I won’t bore you with.

Even as people were gathering the Metropolitan Police sought Tommy Robinson out while he was  having a drink in a cafe opposite the RCJ and imposed the Dispersal order currently in place on him. When he declined to give his address publicly in front of cameras and a watching crowd, giving as the reason his family’s safety and security that refusal was used as ‘failure’ to co-0perate’ and he was carried off. The reason given was him  “causing alarm and distress” in front of a crowd calling to him “Tommy – we love you”.  He is currently at Charing Cross Police Station

Back to the main march, the final stop has been revealed as Parliament Square. I understand that numerous interesting people like Douglas Murray have expressed their intention to attend.

More later