Celebrity Has Its Uses: Kim Kardashian Takes Out New York Times Ad, Calls For Recognition of Armenian Genocide as Genocide

As reported by Australia’s ABC just yesterday.  Presumably in order to avoid getting threatening letters from the Turkish subset of the Religion of Perpetual Outrage, the ABC put scare quotes round “Armenian genocide” in its original headline. Those scare quotes are not necessary; for my own headline I have removed them.  Those scare quotes, deployed by the ABC, together with certain other passages in the report itself, also reveal that other media outlets besides the New York Times need to take a good long look in the mirror and ask themselves why they are so shamefully willing to be complicit in whitewashing, covering up, and denying the appalling truth about the first (and one of the worst )mass-murders of the 20th century, a century replete with episodes of mass murder.  And why they refuse to inform their readers, when reporting on this story, that the very term ‘genocide’, which many a grovelling Islamophile refuses to attach to the vast butchery of Armenian Christians that took place in 1915 and 1916 within Ottoman territory by Turkish – and Arab, and Kurdish – Muslims of all sorts and conditions, was coined by a man whose creation of that term was shaped at least in part by his awareness of and reflections upon that vast butchery.


 “Kim Kardashian Takes Out New York Times Ad Calling For Recognition of ‘Armenian Genocide'”

Kim Kardashian, the world’s most famous Armenian, has taken out a full-page ad in the New York Times, calling for the massacre (that is: the Muslim massacre – CM) a century ago of up to 1.5 million Armenians (and it would be more precise to write, “of up to 1.5 million Armenian Christians – CM) to be recognised as genocide.

‘It was in response to the Wall Street Journal publishing an advertisement earlier this year, which supported the denial of the event.

The United States and Australia are among the nations that (in a cowardly and shameful capitulation to Turkish and other Muslim tantrums, threats and bribes of all descriptions – CM) do not recognise the event as a genocide.

It’s high time that they did call it what it was.  No intelligent, sane and decent person who has ever read Andrew Bostom’s discussion and overview of the reputable scholarly treatments of the subject,  “The Jihad Genocide of the Armenians”,


or  Vahakn Dadrian’s monumental work, The History of the Armenian Genocide, replete with eyewitness testimony of grim and relentless detail, or the work of an earlier researcher, Reverend Kai Balakian, “Armenian Golgotha”, or Franz Werfl’s “Forty Days of Musa Dagh” (1933), can avoid concluding that this immense atrocity – which the ABC in this report primly calls an ‘event’ – was genocide.

Reality television star Kardashian has long campaigned for that to change, and visited its memorial last year.

I shall ever after think the better of her, for her doing and having done this one thing. – CM

‘What did the ad say?

‘On Saturday, Kardashian’s advertisement read:

“For the Wall Street Journal to publish something like this [that is, an advertisement – paid for by the Turkish lobby, one must presume, i.e. paid for by Turkish Muslims – openly denying that the genocide of the Armenian Christians, at Muslim hands, was a genocide at all – CM] is reckless, upsetting, and dangerous.

‘It’s one thing when a crappy tabloid profits from a made-up scandal, but for a trusted publication like WSJ to profit from genocide – it’s shameful and unacceptable.”

‘She went on to ask:

“If this had been an ad denying the Holocaust, or pushing some 9/11 conspiracy theory, would it have made it to print?

“Many historians believer that if Turkey had been held responsible for the Armenian genocide, and reprimanded for what they did, the Holocaust may not have happened.

“In 1939, a week before the Nazi invasion of Poland, Hitler said, “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?”

“We do.  We must talk about it until it is recognised by our governments, because when we deny our past, we endanger our future.”

Yes.  Yes.  And again, Yes. – CM

And now to the rest of the ABC’s report, which though couched as background information for the historically ignorant average Aussie reader, succeeds only in provinng Ms Kardashian’s point, by its mealymouthed parroting of the Turkish – and Muslim – line, its minimisation of a massive Jihad genocide. – CM

‘What do we know about the event’.

The ‘event’. The jihad mass-murder of more than a million people – the vast majority of them unarmed and helpless noncombatants, the elderly, priests and their pregnant wives, women and children – is an ‘event’. An ‘incident’. – CM

‘One and a half million (at least! – CM) Armenians (that is, Armenian Christians</strong>; the fact that they were Christians is important – CM) and other minorities (that is: other non-Muslim indigenous minorities, such as the Assyrian and Greek Christians – CM) were forcibly expelled from Ottoman Turkey and went on to die during the so-called death marches between 1915 and 1917 (we don’t need that ‘so-called’, dear Auntie Islamophile ABC; would you speak of the ‘so-called death camps’ of occupied Europe during WWII? And – they did not just ‘die’. They were murdered.  They were shot, hacked to death with axes and swords and hoes and spades and scythes, beaten to death, burned alive in their own churches, tortured, mutilated in various horrible ways, such as by the cutting off of breasts and genitalia, and by disembowellment, especially of pregnant women; they were thrown into rivers; women and even little girls were gang raped, sometimes unto death; children were stolen and raped and enslaved and force-‘converted’ to Islam. It is all there in the eyewitness accounts, the testimony of the few who survived, and of western witnesses, not a few of them American missionaries or Germans who for one reason or another were there in Turkey at the time and saw it being done. Oh, and by the way, there was precedent for this sort of thing; there was a previous episode of Muslim mass murder of Armenian Christians in the 1890s, and before that, earlier in the 19th century, there were vast atrocities committed against Bulgarian Christians, by their Turkish Muslim overlords and oppressors, atrocities that were furiously named and condemned by the then British PM, William Gladstone. – CM

‘Armenians recognise this as a genocide, a term which Turkey has outright rejected.

‘Turkey accepts that many Armenians died in partisan fighting (for anyone who has read even a few of the eyewitness testimonies from contemporary witnesses, this claim about ‘partisan fighting’ is so far from being any sort of accurate description of what went on, as to be frankly obscene; Dadrian’s work in particular simply demolishes the ‘civil war’ ‘explanation’ – CM) which started in 1915, but denies that up to 1.5 million were killed and the deaths constituted an act of genocide.

This, despite the fact that it was an awareness of what had been done to the Armenians, as well as an awarness of what had been done to Assyrian Christians in Iraq in 1933, that – to repeat a point I have already made above – helped shape the thinking of the scholar Raphael Lemkin who coined the term “genocide” in the first place.  

For discussion of the lengths to which Turkey – suffused with Islam, despite the restraints imposed by Ataturk – has gone, decade after decade, in order to suppress discussion and depiction of the Turkish Muslim genocide of Armenian and other indigenous Christian minorities, one may read, for instance, the following article, by Dexter Van Zile, entitled “The Turkish Lobby Played a Long Game – and Won.”


‘Who recognises it and who doesn’t?

‘Pope Francis inflamed (sic – CM) the debate (what debate? – would the ABC speak of a ‘debate’ if discussing the fact of the Killing Fields of Cambodia, the Rwandan genocide, or the Shoah?  – CM) last year, describing it as the “first genocide of the 20th century”, during a mass to mark the centenary of the Ottoman killings of Armenians during World War I.

Pope Francis merely stated a fact.  Genocide is the best and most accurate term available to indicate the scale and nature of this mass-murder of Armenian Christians by Muslims within Ottoman territory. – CM

‘Countries like France and Germany both recognise the event as a genocide; France even has a law against denying the event.

There’s that odd expression again – “the event”.  I would say, “against denying that it happened, and that it was a genocide.” – CM

Australia and the United States do not recognise the event as a genocide at a federal level.

And that is simply disgraceful.  

Note, however, the term ‘federal’. In both countries there are individual states that – to their everlasting credit – have bucked the trend, and formally declared this vast mass murder to have been a genocide.    

Observe, by the way, that Auntie ABC and/ or whatever source is being drawn upon for this report, besides avoiding any direct description of the historic Muslim mass murder of Armenian – and other – Christians as a genocide, delicately avoids any use of terms such as “slaughter” or “mass murder”.  The strongest word in the entire article is ‘massacre’, used just once, a term that, because of its usual application to cases of the murder of between 10 and 100 people, is utterly inadequate to describe the murder of over a million; followed by “killings” (another way of avoiding calling the thing by its right name – murder) also used just once. The rest of the time we have “the event”, “die”, “so-called death marches”, “died”, “partisan fighting” and “deaths”.  The sheer enormity and atrociousness of what was in fact done to huge numbers of helpless noncombatants – people stripped of all capacity to resist, to fight back, to escape, who were killed and killed and killed, sometimes ritually slaughtered halal fashion, sometimes crucified, or impaled upon stakes or upon swords  (the Muslims delighted to do this to young women, combining psychic and physical violation and public humiliation with an agonising death) – is airbrushed away. 

One hopes that the voice of Kim Kardashian, magnified by her 21st century brand of celebrity, and bankrolled by the cash that that celebrity has garnered, may help to break through the fog generated by our Islamophile media.  Please, Ms Kardashian; as your next move, do you think you could possibly take out a full-page ad in the ‘Australian’ or even in the ‘Sydney Morning Herald’, citing the article I have just discussed, and excoriating the ABC for its mealymouthed furthering of Turkish Muslim denialism? – CM