Charlie Rangel On The NYPD

He appeared on one show, where he denied demonstrators (rioters) had called for the death of policeman. Confronted with a video showing those “dead-cops-chants,” he backed down.

He appeared on another show, where he described how, when during the Korean War he saw the bodies of dead American soldiers, he was indifferent to the whites, and interested only in those among the dead who were black. He then said that some black police were apparently observing the “blue wall” between “the police and the community,” that is remaining, by their “silence,” on the side of the police, rather than of fellow blacks who were clamoring and rioting and agitating against the police, and Rangel apparently thought that just as he had done in Korea while wearing an army uniform, identifying totally only with fellow blacks, so black policemen, wearing the uniform of the police,ought to identify not with fellow policeman, many of whom were white, but with those black demonstrators (and criminals) out to get the police. An amazing performance. He’s retiring, and now feels free to say what he thinks. Too bad he didn’t reveal such thoughts thirty or forty years ago.

Meanwhile, some are up in arms because a Congressman once gave a speech to a group that turned out to have a white-supremacist and Nazi, David Duke, at its head, of which, he says, he was unaware. No one has yet pointed out that the current President attended church services not once, or ten times, by mistake, but almost a thousand times, services presided over, and fiery sermons given by, a black supremacist, Reverend Jeremiah Wright.


4 Responses

  1. Charlie Rangel will get a pass on it because the politically correct assumption is that blacks are members of a victim group that cannot be racist. That’s as absurd as the assumption that educated members of the media cannot be stupid.

  2. Back at Cambridge (a Sanctuary City) I was known as the Top Rangel-er./
    Doing The Math,
    Tamerlan Tsarnaev
    Tags: Tamerlane, airplane, Malaysia Airlines: The Iron Limper of Kuala Lumpur, Top Wrangler Hat Tips to George Airy, John Herschel, Arthur Cayley, James Inman, George Stokes, Isaac Todhunter, Morris Pell, Lord Rayleigh, Arthur Eddington, J. E. Littlewood, Frank Ramsey, Donald Coxeter, Jacob Bronowski, Kevin Buzzard and Ben Green.

  3. Conservatives more often than liberals bring up some uncomfortable truths about race in the United States. But they are so retrograde about health insurance, pensions, gun control, and government regulation. Forced to chose between the two sides, I am usually forced to vote for a liberal candidate like Obama, his crackpot foreign policy and racist minister Jeremiah Wright notwithstanding. Will any of the conservatives ever listen to anybody besides themselves?

  4. In The New Yorker Masha “Mashugana” Gessen frets that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev might not get a fair trial because he [like Charlie Rangel] is “black” :
    Btw., the person in the black-and-white photo provided by the link is *not* a cravat-wearing young Christopher Walken, although he could be considered for a role in a sequel to The Seven Psychopaths
    Tags: My Sweet Georgia, Dzhugashvili

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