Christian Zionism: The Antidote for the World’s Oldest Hatred

by Tricia Miller (June 2015)

In what was an historic, precedent-setting event, the Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD) sponsored a conference titled “People of the Land: A Twenty-First Century Case for Christian Zionism” in Washington D.C on April 17, 2015. This meeting was reportedly the first of its kind in that scholars presented academic arguments in support of a Christian Zionism that is rooted in two thousand years of ecumenical theological traditions.  more>>>


3 Responses

  1. Israel is the canary in the geo-political coal mine. We are Israel; if not, we are on the wrong side of history and civilization. Thank you Dr. miller for a neologism the enriches
    our understanding of who we are – or should be.

  2. Thanks for that nonsensical article that has no basis in fact. If you don’t want to believe and like what God has said in HIS WORD that is one thing, but posting lies about WHAT IS WRITTEN is another.
    And relying on the father of replacement theology, Chrysostom, the grand daddy of allegory, Origen, and the super duper daddy of Roman catholicism and Calvin, Augustine, who promoted the lies of both the aforementioned will not get you a seat in heaven.. in fact it will do the exact opposite.. enjoy the heat!

  3. I asked the Managing Editor of NER for the opportunity to reply to this ill-informed piece but was truly astonished to hear (from an online journal which claims to want to stimulate debate): “Thank you for your kind offer, but we really don’t want to refute Christian Zionism. We’re happy to promote it.”

    The simple fact is that while there may be a moral case for the right of a State of Israel to exist (because of centuries of antisemitism and the need for a ‘safe haven’ for Jews), so long as it is clear about its borders (something Israel has NEVER been clear on), there is certainly no “theological, historical, legal” case as you claim.

    Legally, no state has a right to exist, as we saw with the recent attempt to dismember the UK with the Scottish referendum. Rights flow to people not states, and if the Jewish people want to define themselves as a nation rather than a religion and assert their right of determination than that is fine. But they cannot do this by riding roughshod over the equivalent rights to self-determination of another nation, in this case the Palestinians.

    Theologically, there is absolutely (from a Christian and New Testament perspective) no Biblical case for the State of Israel to exist, and certainly no Scriptural basis for Israel to continue denying Palestinian rights and stealing Palestinian land. The Bible tells the story of ethnic Israel (not the same as a modern-day state) and God’s promises, but now all those promises are ‘yes in Christ’ (2 Cor 1:20). The IRD conference was just a series of straw man arguments.

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