Country NSW: Muslims in Albury-Wodongo Want a Bigger Mosque

They are building more and bigger mosques, all over the lands of the Infidels, from Africa to Australia to the Americas to Europe.  And where are they all getting the money from?  A story from one David Johnston, of the “Border Mail”, who doesn’t have a clue why the building of a great big mosque in regional Australia should send shivers down any sensible person’s spine. – CM

“Islamic Society of Albury-Wodongo Submits Plans for Bigger Mosque”.

“The Islamic Society of Albury-Wodongo is proposing a major redevelopment of its Lavington place of worship.

Its Lavington fort, Forward Operating Base, safe house and Gang HQ. – CM

‘The Society has submitted a development application to Albury Council to demolish its existing converted weatherboard house in Wagga Road which has been its base since 2013.

I would be interested to know what Infidel installations of significance – e.g. school, police station, church, etc – are in the neighbourhood, and also how the site functions if assessed from a military point of view…e.g. does it command a transport or communication route? Is it easy or difficult of access?   Very often, mosques are sited either aggressively vis a vis Infidel sites of significance, and/ or on locations that might be described as military high ground. – CM

‘Subject to planning approval, the society will replace the existing property with a 299-square-metre mosque.

I wonder how that compares with the size of the average Christian church in Albury-Wodonga? – CM

‘Other works proposed include replacing see-through fencing and gates on Wagga Road (replacing with what? – with a solid wall that the neighbours won’t be able to see through or over, so that whatever goes on within the estate will be invisible to prying infidel eyes?? – hmmmm – CM) and relocating an existing shed on the property.

‘The redevelopment will cost around $318,000.

Who’s paying? – CM

‘The development application describes the proposed mosque as a “community facility” (for the Muslim community only, of course – CM), and will service the 400-plus Muslims who live in Albury-Wodonga.

The Ummah or Mohammedan Mob, the empire of Islam, having established major colonies in Australia’s state capitals, is now expanding into the bush.  – CM

‘The 1185 square metre site is zoned general residential under the Albury local environmental plan, but a “place of worship” is permitted with council consent.

‘Prayer sessions are held daily between 7.30 am and 9 pm.

‘Parking is contained within the property (yes, for now….but just you wait, Albury-Wodonga, just you wait and see...CM), and there is minimal noise generated from the site (yes, for now…but just you wait, you can guarantee that once they are established, and dug themselves in, and drawn in more migrating Muslims from the city to swell their numbers and confidence, it won’t be long before they start demanding to broadcast the muezzin’s howl full blast from a minaret.  Just. you. wait. – CM)

‘The biggest number of people on site (for now; but it won’t stay that way for long, I’ll bet – CM) is about 50 around noon on Fridays.

The majority of Muslims living in Albury-Wodongo come from Sydney or Melbourne.

‘They are participating in the immigration visa scheme whereby they have to live in a regional area for two years and work for one before they can obtain permanent residency.

Why, why, why is our government importing Muslims in the first place?  Why are we handing out immigration visas and permanent residencies to menacing Muslims – especially when we can see the horrible mess they are making in the UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark…- when there are thousands upon thousands of dreadfully-persecuted Christians from Muslim-dominated lands – from Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan – who would make much, much better use of those visas, and would be unutterably grateful for residency, and would never, never, never pose the kind of mortal menace that these Muslims in Albury-Wodonga, or anywhere else in the country, already pose or will pose in future?  Madness.  We are blithely importing a massive and deadly-dangerous mohammedan Fifth Column, and settling it in all over the country.  The good citizens of Albury-Wodonga need to read not only Sam Solomon’s “Al Hijra: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration”, but also the damning report, “Easy Meat”, produced by Gavin Boby’s Law and Freedom Foundation, documenting the wholesale and systematic abuse of non-Muslim underaged girls in the UK, by Muslim rape-and-pimping gangs; and then they need to think again about the Muslims in their midst. –  CM

‘Some oprt to return to the bigger cities once they have permanent residency (I guess I should be thankful for small mercies; permanent residency ought to be easier to revoke, in the event of a Mohammedan’s jihad-mindedness coming to light, than is citizenship – CM), but a growing number are deciding to stay locally, which has driven the demand for a larger place of worship.

‘The original application for the Wagga Road place of worship was approved by council staff in early 2013 under delegated authority.

Fools.  Blind, ill-informed fools. – CM

‘Society president Yakub Mohammed couldnt’ be contacted for comment.

‘But since being based in Wagga Road the Society has made many attempts to have an “open door” policy to the wider public to break down misconceptions about (sic: that should be, “to engage in dawa and tell naive infidels soothing lies about” – CM) its beliefs.

‘Blueprint Planning has lodged the development application on behalf of the Society.”

One hopes that the Islamo-informed will be sending the Albury Council copies of the Barnabas Fund booklet on Sharia, and of Sam Solomon’s “The Mosque and Its Role in Society”, to help them see why letting the Muslims build an even bigger Forward Operating Base/ Safe House/ and Jihad Recruitment-and-Incitement Centre than the one they already have, would be a very, very bad idea. – CM



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