Dangerous Useful Idiot of the Month Down Under: Australian Architect Glen Murcutt Designs for Dawa

Mr Murcutt may be a famous architect but he knows and has chosen to learn nothing, nothing, nothing at all about the Religion of Blood and War (see Churchill, the River Wars), of Slavery, Polygamy and Brutality (see John Keats, “They Fought Alone”, describing Islam as practised by the Moros of the southern Philippines), of Desolation and Delusion (see John Quincy Adams); or, having heard faint whisperings, he has chosen to ignore and suppress them and instead to swallow the flowery nothings fed to him by smiling, plausible Mohammedans for whom he has designed a massive mosque to be built in Melbourne, a mosque whose design will present to unwary and uninformed Infidels one lie after another concerning the nature and goals of the total and totalitarian human sacrifice system that is Islam. 

Islamopuffery on stilts, as communicated by an architecture magazine – busy advertising the exhibition that the National Gallery of Victoria is devoting to this one mosque design and it alone –  and by a report in the ABC.


“Murcutt’s ‘extraordinary enlightenment”: Australian Islamic Centre”.

‘A new exhibition exploring Australia’s only Pritzker Prize Laureate Glenn Murcutt’s latest collaborative project will open at the National Gallery of Victoria on 9 August 2016.

‘The Australian Islamic Centre, located at Newport in the western suburbs of Melbourne, is designed with local practice Elevli Plus Architects.  The design establishes a new architectural language for Islamic architecture in a contemporary Australian context.

Doing dawa by means of architecture.  “Come into my parlour, said the spider to the fly”.  All Murcutt has done is helped these Islamic architects – Turkish Muslims? – Elevli has a Turkish sound – to create a parlour intended to be as attractive as possible to Aussie kuffar flies. – CM

‘At the 2016 Pritzker Laureates Conversation, held at the United Nations headquarters in New York on 5 April, laureates were asked to present a three-minute speech on what they thought were the challenges ahead for the built environment.  

‘Murcutt surprised everybody by making an impassioned speech not about environmental issues or the ethos of “touching the earth lightly” for which he’s so well known, but rather a project he’d been working on for the past decade – one he described as “an extraordinary enlightenment”.

What a peculiar choice of terminology, given that in the Orwellian reversal of reality that characterises Islamspeak Islam is “light” and “knowledge” and everything not-Islam – such as, for example, on the moral front, the idea that slavery is wrong, and beating your wife is wrong, and wedding and beddding a nine year old is wrong; or, on the cultural front, the entire collected works of Dante, Johann Sebastian Bach, Shakespeare and Rembrandt – is ‘darkness’ and ‘ignorance’, so that from a Muslim POV, the act of converting to Islam would be seen as a process of ‘enlightenment’.  Has this man converted to Islam? – CM

“I’ve practised most of my 47 years as a sole operator.  I tried to respond to the environment, environmental issues, from the beginning.  So I’m not going to talk about those environmental issues at all.

“I’m going to be talking about a challenge that I see of the built environment, and that is, as yet, not fully formed or detailed or defined.  It is the challenge arising from social and religious prejudices which increasingly underpin some truly unacceptable social and political activities, at least in my world.

By which, it becomes clear from what follows, he is referring not to the teachings of Islam that, for example, motivate the slitting of a priest’s throat in his own church, or the stabbing of a little teenaged Jewish girl in her bedroom, or the driving-over of dozens of French Infidel men, women and children out celebrating their Infidel national day, or the murder of Theo Van Gogh to punish him for helping an apostate from Islam make a little film criticising Islamic doctrinal misogyny, but.. the act of noticing the close connection between those teachings, and those actions, and expressing alarm and disapproval.  Which alarm and disapproval have manifested, here and there, in Infidel objections to the building of mosques, those forward operating bases of the religion of blood and war. – CM

“So the project I will talk about briefly is a mosque that I’m doing for 1,000 participants.

‘Migration has brought many from the Islamic nations to Australia. 

Ah yes, “migration”.   Mr Murcutt needs to be sent a copy of ex-Muslim Sam Solomon’s “Al Hijra: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration”. – CM

‘And practitioners of Islam are proposing mosques.

And some Australian infidels, who have done their homework about Islam, have been objecting. – CM

“In my country there are huge problems.

By this phrase, ‘huge problems’, he is not referring to the young Muslim who went to a mosque, was given a weapon, and then issued forth from that mosque, with that weapon, and shot dead a civilian employee of NSW police.  He is not referring to the many jihad plots that, by the vigilance of our police and homeland security, have been nipped in the bud. He is not referring to the many Aussie-passport-holding Muslims who have gone off to join Islamic State.  Nor is he referring to the many, many Muslims that ASIO and our police are having to anxiously keep tabs upon, or the many menacing Muslims busy recruiting for Jihad even in our high-security prisons.  Oh no.  Those, it seems, are not ‘huge problems’.  The ‘huge problem’ is presented by those Aussies who have noticed all of this – and in many cases, have investigated Islamic texts and Islam’s historic track record, and put two and two together – and are expressing resistance to the idea of any further expansion of Islam in their country. – CM

“I think that we might not be alone in that.  I’ve read about New York also having those difficulties.

Yeah.  What he means by ‘difficulties’ is that some in NYC, having experienced the ghastly Mohammedan mass murder of their fellow citizens that was perpetrated on 11 September 2001, unaccountbly did not like the idea of having a great big mosque triumphantly constructed as close to that scene of Muslim mass murder of New York infidels, as the Muslim planners could make it.  And they rose up and fought tooth and nail to prevent it from being so built. –  CM

‘The real issue is fear, and in taking on the mosque, it’s been a very demanding project.  I had been advised that perhaps I shouldn’t take it on.

Indeed he shouldn’t.  Does he realize that, if we manage to halt and reverse the Islamisation of Australia (currently in full swing), he runs the risk of being named as the equivalent of an Albert Speer?  – CM

“It has ended up being one of the most wonderful projects anybody could have actually participated in.

“The clients have been marvellous.

I bet they were.  “We grin at some people, though our hearts hate them”.  So say the Hadiths, discussing the necessity of fooling the Kuffar if circumstances do not permit naked aggression.  I observe, too, that nothing is said about how much money he is receiving as a reward for helping to create a great big glossy mosque to burnish the public image of the Religion of Blood and War.  – CM

“So I took the project on and over the last 10 years it has been an extraordinary enlightenment for me.

“No longer am I pursuing a mosque that is from the Arab world.

Which was copied and adapted from the form of Byzantine churches in the first region invaded and conquered by Muslims. – CM

“It is a mosque without a dome.  It is a mosque without a minaret.  

Hmm.  But I wouldn’t be surprised if his Muslim colleagues have plans for some sort of ostentatious addition tucked away in a bottom drawer for future reference when opportunity presents, plans that they haven’t seen fit to show him.  Question: are there plans to broadcast the azan? And at what volume? – CM

“It is a mosque without many of the courtyard walls.

In other words, just like a jihad-minded Muslimah who refrains from wearing hijab (see Huma Abedin, for example, or Anne Aly) or a jihad-minded Muslim who drinks alcohol, doesn’t wear a beard, wears jeans and t-shirt and visits strip clubs, it’s a mosque practising muruna: a mosque pretending not to be a mosque.  But it is still a mosque, and the very same Quran, Sira and Hadiths, and the very same books of sharia law, will govern the goings-on inside. – CM

“it is a mosque that is not exclusive, but inclusive.

Just like a spider’s web.  That, too, is ‘open’ to all comers. – CM

“It’s a mosque that you can see into.

“It is a mosque that has water gardens, but not entirely within walls.

“It is a mosque that contains light shafts, it contains light lanterns.

‘The lanterns are coloured.

‘These roof lanterns face north, south, east and west.

Because the goal of Islam is nothing less than Total World Domination. – CM

‘The north [lanterns] are green. Green for Islam is nature and is beautiful.

‘East is yellow. Yellow is for paradise.

That ‘paradise’ that a Muslim can only be sure of attaining if he or she slays and is slain in the ’cause’ of Allah, jihad.  – CM

‘Red [to the west] is for blood, which gives strength.

Whose blood?  One thinks of the oceans of blood of innocent victims of jihad shed in the course of the 1400 years of jihad.  Of the pools of blood of the slaughtered victims of Muslim jihad, all over the floor in the Bataclan and Charlie Hebdo and the ‘Pulse’ nightclub in Orlando, Florida, the blood all over the promenade in Nice, the blood on the floor of that church in Rouen, pouring from the slit throat of the murdered Christian priest.  One thinks of the Muslim jihadi who wanted John Roy Carlson to photograph him, should he (this Muslim) capture and slit the throat of a Jew and drink that blood as it flowed from the body (this is in ‘Cairo to Damascus’), and the bloodied hands of the Muslims who tore two unarmed Jews limb from limb. – CM

‘Blue is for the sky and this is to the south.

‘As the sun moves around during hte day it is so beautiful to see the light now coming in.

‘It’s only two months away from completion.

I hope that ASIO are watching the whole construction process night and day, paying particular attention to any extra special features being added – a false ceiling here, a hidden sub-basement there – that our naive Mr Murcutt might not have noticed. Personally, I hope that they’ve installed teeny-tiny bugs in every corner of it, not forgetting the ablutions areas and the toilets. – CM

“I’m putting foward the idea that, in a society that is anti-Islam (sic: and what is so evil about being anti-Islam? Surah 9.29 made me anti-Islam the moment I read it; and finding out about the details of the dhimma system as practised for 1400 awful years in many, many countries made me even more anti-Islam – CM), we can produce some work that can actually bring Islam back into our community and become an addition to the culture.

Mr Murcutt.  Has anyone, anyone at all, explained to you the simple fact that classical Islam demands that anyone who leaves Islam, and anyone at all – adherent or non-adherent – who dares to criticise or oppose Islam, be killed? And that these two rules are not dusty old dead letters in a forgotten corner of an old book, but are very much alive in present practice?  And you want a cult that teaches its adherents to murder apostates, to be an ‘addition’ to our culture?  Newsflash, Mr Murcutt. This thing doesn’t want to be an ‘addition’, a sort of exotic extra, like a pinch of spice in a stew. It intends to erase and replace all other cultures, everywhere. It intends to rule, absolutely. – CM

“Our country has the most wonderful culture that has been added to year after year by the migration of people.

“It is an amazing place and Islam can be another added aspect to our culture.”

To repeat, the aim and object of Islam – plainly stated over and over in its canonical texts and by all their authoritative interpreters ever since, right on up to the theorists of the Muslim Brotherhood and the propagandists of Islamic State and Al Qaeda –  is to annihilate all other cultures and establish a caliphate, a global sharia despotism. – CM

“I do enjoy this project so greatly and the people so greatly.

I wonder if the subject of Jews and / or of Israel ever arose?  Or, since his partners in this project seem to have been of Turkish Muslim extraction, the subject, of, oh, all those Armenian Christians and Assyrian Christians who… disappeared… between 1915 and 1916?   Or, since they are architects, did the subject of the Hagia Sophia ever arise, and how precisely how and why the most beautiful church in all of Christendom was turned into a mosque? – CM

‘ArchitectureAU attended a tour of the mosque’s construction site during the 2016 Open House Melbourne weekend, 30-31 July, during which architect Hakan Elevli explained that the local Islamic community “wanted to create the first contemporary Australian-influenced mosque” (all the better to lull into complacency and/ or lure into Islam the uninformed and naive Aussie infidels – CM) and that’s why the community approached Murcutt to design the building.

And he accepted the commission.  More fool he.  I wonder, supposing that a jihad plotter or two or three emerges , in future, in a year or two or three, from this oh-so-exquisite mosque with its pretty coloured lanterns, whether Mr Murcutt will have decency enough to feel ashamed? –  CM

“The idea was to make this a very transparent building.  It was about making it very welcoming to everyone, not only to Muslim people, but to people of all faiths and communities”, Elevli said.

Dawa. – CM

‘The building, which is being funded by the community (hmmm – but it might be worthwhile double-checking that airy claim; I bet that a Murcutt commission doesn’t come cheap… unless he has been foolish enough to do the work pro bono? – CM) is being constructed from raw concrete formed in situ.

‘A concrete wall extends from the front of the building in the form of a gestural welcoming arm.

:: shudder::  And if one refuses the  dawa, the ‘Call to Islam’, the ‘invitation’ to Submit, one is ‘then invited’ to pay jizya ( so as to be ‘safe’ from being killed by Muslims), and if one refuses that option also, then the Muslims commence the Jihad against you, with the intent of destroying you utterly.  I would hazard the guess that Mr Murcutt has not read Mark Durie’s “The Third Choice”   –  CM

“The male prayer area will be faced with glass, presenting an open, transparent space.

Muruna.  – CM

“Normally mosques are always enclosed because it’s a space for worshippers to feel at peace and they’re not thinking about anything else”, Elevli explained.  “That’s the only reason why mosques are enclosed.”

Really?  I think Oleg Grabar had a different sort of reading of mosque architecture, past and present.  And so does the apostate from Islam who wrote an essay entitled, ‘Inside the Forbidden Fortress”.  See that sobering reality check, here:


Now, back to the article under discussion.

“But because of the way Australians think about buildings, Glenn wanted to make this open. He really wanted to make sure people felt really comfortable in this environment.  So we’ve created this open-ended building.”

Whatever works to get the suckers in.  “Come into my parlour…”. – CM

‘Towards the rear of the space, a concrete half-wall and reflection pond behind the minbar, allows light to penetrate the space.

“When you walk through the mosque, you feel that it’s taking you through to the light”, the builder Mohammed Haddara explained.

He means the ‘light’ of Islam, Islam, Islam.  The ‘light’ that has been experienced by so many slaves, so many castrated boys from black Africa, so many women and girls mercilessly raped and mutilated, so many ritually and gleefully butchered non-Muslims, so many wrecked and pillaged villages and cities, as the deepest of darkness, the darkness of death heaped upon death heaped upon death. – CM

‘The female prayer space will be on a mezzanine level and while it will still be open, it will be faced with a louvred screen to preserve modesty.

Ah, modesty.  Because only Islamic females are ‘modest’, by contrast with unislamically dressed kuffar sluts who are just so much uncovered meat. – CM

‘On the roof 96 gold-painted lanterns funnel light into the spaces below, creating a tessellated pattern of yellow, red, green and blue triangular oculi in the ceiling.  Odd numbers are significant in Islam hence the field of three-sided lanterns.

But the Christian doctrine of the Trinity is anathema.  Does Mr Murcutt know that, from the Muslim POV, Aussie Christians who adore Jesus of Nazareth as the Son of the living God, are regarded as committing ‘shirk’, which is a worse crime than murder? – CM

‘The exhibition, Glenn Murcutt: Architecture of Faith, will be on show from 9 August 2016 to 19 February 2017 at the Ian Potter Centre, NGV, Australia.

Perhaps the Rev Dr Mark Durie might pay a visit to that exhibition, or to the mosque itself, and share with us an alternative reading of some of the special aspects of this little exercise in architectural Dawa. 

Now, here is how the ABC’s Cheryl Hall reported on the project.


“Architect Designs ‘Contemporary’ Mosque for Muslim Community in Melbourne’s West’.

‘An acclaimed architect has designed what he calls the first contemporary Australian mosque.

The ‘first’.  Implying that there will be a second, a third, a fourth…? – CM

‘Instead of traditional minaret towers and domes the modern building will have a glass front allowing the general public to see straight into the prayer hall.

But will all the sermons and ‘prayers’ be in English?  And are there other buildings, adjoining, that might be less, er, transparent? – CM

‘Under construction at Newport in Melbourne’s western suburbs, it is due to be completed early next year.

‘Architect Glenn Murcutt said he did not want to reproduce a Middle Eastern mosque.

“To go through a wall and a door becomes exclusive.  I felt it was necessary for Islam to become much more open”, he said.

Oh, dear.  Is he even aware of how ironic that statement becomes, in the ears of any person who knows anything about the extent and ubiquity and multiple carefully described and elaborated forms of deception practised and taught within Islam? –  CM

‘Local designer Hakan Elevli said the community wanted more openness and transparency.

“They wanted to create a structure, a beautiful space that people can worship [in] but also a space non-Muslims can come in and see what happens in this space.”

Dawa.  It’s about dawa. Get those suckers in. – CM

‘The traditional features are replaced by coloured glass lanterns which will reflect different coloured light into the prayer hall, depending on the time of day.

“During midday prayer you’ll get the green light coming through, during the night prayer you’ll have the red light, and the morning you’ll get the gold.”

‘While some older members of the community were initially reluctant to adopt the new design, the younger Muslim community drove the change.

“We get questioned all the time about it, but as soon as they see it, they walk in, and see the beauty of the building, they understand”, builder mohammed Haddara said.  “The purpose is to build a project that is from the Muslim community to the Australian community”.

Dawa.   The ‘Call to Islam”.  But if that call is refused, what then? – CM

‘Funded by the local Muslim community, it will include a library (with books in Arabic or books in English? Will that library contain the Sira of Ibn Ishaq?  The Hadiths of Al Bukhari, Muslim, Dawud?  The ‘Hedaya”? Or more recently, the works of Sayyid Qutb?  Perhaps Al Qaradawi’s “The Permitted and the Forbidden”?  The “Reliance of the Traveller”?  – CM) and restaurant.

‘It is hoped the project will help to ease tensions in the wider community.

That is: it will present a soothingly anodyne image of Islam, confusing and disarming, playing ‘goodcop’ over against the ‘badcop’ so terrifyingly enacted by the likes of Islamic State. – CM

“This country has been made up of the beauty [that] cultures have contributed to the nation – why would Islam not be another one of these contributors?

Why not?  The answer, Mr Murcutt, is in surah 9.29 of the Quran, just for starters; and in 48.29, which makes it plain that there is no ‘golden rule’ in Islam.  Or in the doctrine of al wala wa al bara, loyalty and enmity, and the classically-Islamic division of the world into dar al Islam – the region of Submission, that which has already been subjugated – and dar al Harb – the region of War, that which must be warred against ceaselessly until subjugated.  Then there’s Andrew Bostom’s “Legacy of Jihad” and “Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism” and Bat Yeor’s “The Dhimmi” and “The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam”, which explain exactly how these doctrines have worked themselves out in bleak and bloody practice, century after century, in one region after another.   Or , Mr Murcutt, you could consult ex-Muslim Mark Gabriel’s “Islam and Terrorism” or ex-Muslim Patrick Sookhdeo’s “Global Jihad” and “Faith, Power and Territory”, or ex-Muslim Syrian author Wafa Sultan’s “A God Who Hates”, or Lebanese-born Maronite Christian Brigitte Gabriel’s “Because They Hate” which describes the ruin wrought upon Lebanon the moment that the Sunni Muslims felt strong enough to go in for the kill. – CM

“I think there’s no question that there’s a real bigotry that’s terrible and embarrassing”, Mr Murcutt said.

So any and all fear of Muslims and Islam, any and all critique or questioning or resistance to Islamisation = “bigotry”??   Really?  

I think we shall conclude with a few more little reality checks. First, this.


“Fitzgerald: Mosques in the West”.

And a news story from Israel, about a mosque that was used as an arsenal (which is and has been historically, very common, even commonplace).


“IDF Nabs Hevron Terror Cell Behind Numerous Attacks.

‘…The attacks were notable for their religious aspects.  They [a group of Muslim men from Hevron that is, Hebron – CM] shot two Jewish men while they were praying, and frequently attacked IDF soldiers near the Tomb of the Patriarchs [which was a Jewish sacred site for over a millennium before it was seized and squatted upon by Muslims – CM]. After each attack they hid their weapons in the Al-Mujahideen Mosque in Hevron...”.



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