Defending Israel against Iranian Nuclear Aggression: War, Genocide, and International Law

by Louis René Beres (August 2015)

Under authoritative international law, aggressive war and genocide need not be mutually exclusive. On the contrary, war can intentionally create the conditions that would make genocide possible; it can also be the more direct or immediate instrument of closely related crimes against humanity. It follows then, as Iran comes ever closer to achieving a viable nuclear weapons capability,1 that Israel has an especially good reason to fear future conflicts with such an aggression-prone Islamic republic.  more>>>


3 Responses

  1. Referencing Sun-Tzu could it not be that Israel already has two members of the IRIAF Tactical Staff and at least one of the four top Revolutionary Guard generals in their employ? Maybe just unfounded rumors put out by Mossad or the Sunni. But who knows. The name Mohammad Ali Jafari keeps popping up in Marin County real estate circles.

  2. As with Pakistan and North Korea, the West is kicking the can down the road, thus lowering the nuclear threshold in another unstable venue. Unfortunately, in this edition of the “great game,” Israel is the table stakes.

  3. There is in the Jewish legal tradition the concept of “milkhemet mitzvah”, subdivided into: (1) a temporal war for the defense of Israel; and (2) a holy war of extermination against Amalek, which is the biblical name for the genocidal enemy of the nation. Its application to an Israel-Iran conflict would seem to require an ultimatum to Iran to abandon Islam or face prompt and utter destruction.

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