Democrats Are Self-Immolating and That’s Good
By Roger L Simon
In his 1796 farewell address George Washington advised against political parties. They could divide us, the first president said, and undermine democracy.
As the Zen Buddhists say, “first thought, best thought”.
Unfortunately, human nature had other ideas and soon enough, via Thomas Jefferson—normally a pretty smart guy, but not necessarily in this case—we had them…. and off we went, never to return to that first thought.
Political parties, as we know, tend to come and go. Teddy Roosevelt’s Bull Moose Party only made it for eight years (1912-1920).
Just as likely they change their ideologies–if we can call them that; let’s just say attitudes–to survive.
What similarity to the Democratic Party of John Fitzgerald Kennedy could you find in today’s Democrats? It’s safe to say JFK would be scratching his head in bewilderment even at the mention of trans men in women’s sports. He would more likely be standing proudly beside RFK Jr when his nephew took the oath of office for US Secretary of Health and Human Services.
The Democrats have come the proverbial “long way, baby,” but backwards. As recently as 2011 Barack Obama was pledging to eliminate government waste. Now they are the defenders of government waste at all costs to the extent of hating someone who is actually doing it (despite much of the public, naturally enough, wanting to eliminate that waste).
They focus their hatred on Elon Musk because he, as I noted in an earlier post, is an apostate (a very recent one, actually). They are therefore highly threatened by Musk who, it goes without saying, is also a lot smarter and accomplished than literally anyone in politics and more akin to Thomas Edison or Benjamin Franklin, in other words people of extraordinary historical genius. (They also lambaste him for being unelected, as if they never heard of Harry Hopkins, also unelected and considered FDR’s closest partner during the New Deal.)
There’s a rather comic overtone to the whole thing, especially since a number of overly-zealous biased judges, none of them of particular judicial renown, are attempting to prevent him and the president he serves from accomplishing that president’s obviously legal aims.
These same judges are remarkably unsophisticated about public opinion because the more they put up their specious blockades, the more the citizens of this country see it for what it is—quite simply a form of coverup.
Those who fight the exposure of government waste are fighting it to protect themselves or their friends and allies from exposure, even prosecution.
The other possibility, visible nightly on MSNBC and CNN, is that the Democratic Party has replaced a religion for them.
Yet to confuse a political party with a religion is ludicrous. Religions seek eternal truth. Political parties seek power. Trump and Musk are interested in returning that to the people.
In a sense, these two men are both apolitical, having both been Democrats not long ago. They have chosen at this point to work through the Republicans for the common good, because the politics of our time has made that the only practical approach, the Democrats having lost a grip on reality or common sense.
Nevertheless, Musk Derangement Syndrome, at this point threatening to supersede Trump Derangement Syndrome, if such a thing were possible, has gotten so bad that you hear talk of people keying Teslas or cutting the cord at Superchargers. Sales, in some areas, are way down.
Talk about killing the messenger who brings the bad news—except in this case the messenger is bringing a solution, trying to end this waste forever, along with that news, but for some reason, the quondam left and their lobotomized friends in the legacy media can’t stand it.
How weird is that! Well, not so weird, if you believe as I do that our current American left is not a real left at all. At least in Lenin’s time there was a justification for his political views, even if they proved to be drastically wrong and ultimately highly dangerous. Little good could be said of Tsarist Russia.
But our left has no real justification, just tired accusations of racism and sexism that are largely invented. Some pretend to be anarchists, but they’re not even that. It’s just aimless, destructive anger with more than a hint of personality disorder.
Much of this is aimed at Trump and Musk because they are trying to do good, trying to improve the future in a country with a national debt clock racing toward $37 trillion with the end of entitlements in sight. (NB: Just noticed that famous clock now has a D.O. G. E. counter built in, presently at $95bn, a long way to go.)
Perhaps those good intentions partly account for the hate, not to get overly theological.
But actions like that bizarre, off-key chorale singing “Which Side Are You On?” as if it was 1934, not to mention the sneering politicians applauding them, are adding to the precipitous decline of the Democratic Party.
Although the party out of power usually recoups at the midterms, this time it could be quite the reverse.
It is interesting to read the fulminations of the normally amusing long-time Democratic strategist James Carville who, now veering to the semi-apostate himself, has gone so far as to bemoan having spent his life working for his DEI besotted party.
It was another example of waste.
There’s a message in that: Don’t align fully with any political party. They will always change. The Bush party is not much like the MAGA party, yet they are both titularly Republican.
Align with ideas and align with what you see to be the truth.
As for what will come if the Democratic Party as we know it today completely implodes, I’m the furthest thing from Nostradamus but I would imagine, for the short run anyway, it will be something better–or at least somewhat sane.
As George Washington would no doubt agree, no parties may be best, but for the sake of the Republic, two functional parties are ultimately better than one.
First published in American Refugees