Djokar Tsarnaev Was Not A Puppet Of His Brother, But A Slave Of Allah

Djokar Tsarnaev was a cool and collected customer, when — twenty minutes after the bombing at the Boston Marathon, which he observed with mild interest — he went into a store to buy a bottle of milk. He was cool and collected for days afterwards, emailing to his friends and telling them to take care and watch out, what with the bombings and stuff. He was cool and collected when, lying in that beached boat, that now-famous barcaccia, and bleeding, and surrounded, and likely to die, he wrote very long and complete sentences all about how Muslims had a duty to fight back, and how they faced death happily, and his brother was to be envied for already being in the Muslim paradise — Janatul Firdausi — because he had killed so many Kuffar.

But Judy Clark, his chief defense lawyer, wants the jury to believe that Djokar was merely a puppet of his brother. He was no more a puppet than are all the Muslims who flock to the Islamic State, or Al-Qaeda, or dozens of other groups, or who, not belonging to any group, decide to participate directly in violent Jihad, rather than conduct Jihad through other, slower, just as dangerous means. He was a slave, is apparently still a slave, of Allah. And anyone who reads his tweets about Islam — the defense argued the other day that because he also tweeted about girls and drugs and music his tweets about Islam were inisignificant, as if somehow not being a Muslim Terrorist in thought, word, and deed,  always and everywhere meant that he could not be held responsible for being what he was — a Muslim Terrorist.

I heard on the radio an account of an FBI agent being questioned by the defense. Apparently he did not know that one of the tweets about Islam was a direct quote from the Qur’an. Apparently this means it doesn’t matter, it wasn’t Djokar’s own words; he was just repeating the Qur’an. Where is the logic there? This submissive slave of Allah was quoting the Qur’an, The One And Only Authority That Mattered, and he hardly needs to put it into his own words; in fact, it is far more telling that he could quote the Qur’an verbatim. That’s what Slaves of Allah do. They read, the memorize, they repeat by rote, the Qur’an. The Hadith are a little longer, but they can find them, and their meaning, on-line. And they do. That’s what they do. Qur’an and Sunnnah, what more does a Slave of Allah need?