Donald Trump is the Only Candidate Addressing the Danger of Muslim Immigration


“France is not what it used to be, and neither is Paris,” Trump is quoted as saying.

Trump also bemoaned the existence of “no-go zones” avoided by police that have been created by mass Islamic immigration.

WND reported in January 2015 the French government listed 751 “Sensitive Urban Zones” the government does not fully control.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s policy of welcoming Muslim migrants into Germany is a “tragic mistake,” Trump said, predicting disaster unless there is a change in policy.

“If you don’t treat the situation competently and firmly, yes, it’s the end of Europe,” Trump reportedly stated.

He also speculated that European nations could face “real revolutions” in response to the crisis.

In interviews with American media, Trump has blasted Merkel’s permissive immigration policy as “insane” and warned Islamic migration could be a “Trojan Horse” enabling future terrorist attacks.

Trump read the lyrics from the song “The Snake” at a campaign rally in January to illustrate the dangers of admitting millions of Muslim migrants.

The song describes a foolish woman who saves the life of a poisonous snake, only to be bitten and killed for her trouble.

G.M. Davis, an expert on Islam who directed the feature documentary “Islam: What the West Needs to Know” and authored “House of War: Islam’s Jihad Against the World,” praised the Republican front-runner’s strong stand against the Islamic invasion of Europe.

“At present, only Donald Trump seems willing to address the seriousness of the issues confronting the United States and Europe and the full implications of Islamic immigration into non-Islamic countries,” Davis told WND. “Whatever one makes of his delivery and tendency to personalize his criticisms, there is little denying that he grasps the big picture in a way that the other candidates do not or are too afraid to express.

“His recent comments to the European press over the dire situation in Europe where centers of Islamic power continue to send down roots and multiply, as well as the hysterical reaction on the part of much of Europe to his views, testifies both to Mr. Trump’s competence on the issue as well as the inability of the European establishment to come to grips with reality.”

Davis warned Americans they will not be spared from the crisis.

“All of what we are witnessing in Europe is in store for America if she does not adopt more sensible and restrictive immigration policies,” said Davis. “She must also realize her overseas campaigns to bring democracy to Islamic lands are futile and counter-productive. The only principle on which any sensible Western policy toward Islam can be based is one of containment, of realizing that Western and Islamic civilizations are best kept apart as much as possible.”

In response to reports of sexual assaults and other crimes by Muslim migrants, European governments, especially Germany, have cracked down on their own people rather than restricting immigration.

The German government is also working with American companies such as Facebook, Google and Twitter to eliminate any online speech criticizing the government’s refugee policy or refugees themselves that “crosses the line.”

“European governments are desperate to cover up criticism of Islam and the crimes of Muslim immigrants because they cut at the heart of their open-door policies,” said Davis. “The multicultural assumptions underpinning modern Europe are disintegrating before our eyes. To face facts would require them to rethink decades of self-destructive immigration laws as well as to confront the truly alarming reality of a growing, increasingly hostile Islamic minority in their midst, which they are entirely unequipped to handle.”

Davis predicted progressives will never turn against mass Islamic immigration, even though the resulting demographic changes will doom their own supposed values regarding issues such as homosexual rights and feminism.

“The true left-wingers cannot face the reality that Islam cares nothing for their blandishments about tolerance and acceptance, which they have used, of course, one-sidedly to denigrate and destroy traditional, Christian European culture,” Davis charged. “By insisting on ‘tolerating’ the growth of Islam in their cities, they have permitted a violent, intolerant and very political ideology to take root. Should it ever get the opportunity, it will utterly eradicate the easy-going moral atmosphere now prevalent in European society.”

Davis agreed with Trump that violence and revolution could be on the horizon if European leaders don’t change course.

“The specter of civil war is beginning to take shape over the European continent,” he warned.

At the very least, Europeans think something big is coming. In record numbers, they are scrambling to arm themselves as weapons sales soar across the continent.

Trump defended the right to bear arms in his interview with Valeurs Actuelles, suggesting the private ownership of firearms is an effective way to prevent Islamic terrorism. He also condemned French gun control laws.

Explaining he “always” has a gun with him, Trump said that had he been at the Bataclan theater in Paris where Islamic terrorists killed 89 people in November 2015, “I can tell you I would have opened fire.”

Larry Pratt, executive director emeritus of Gun Owners of America, told WND that Europeans are eager to arm themselves with whatever is legally available.

“The Muslim attacks on Europeans have been a problem throughout the European Union,” said Pratt. “Many people probably saw what happened in Cologne on New Year’s Day when Muslims went on a rape rampage. That turned out to be just the most recent example of what happens a lot in many German and other European cities.”

Pratt said Austrians, in particular, are arming themselves.

“France is as goofy as San Francisco or Chicago,” said Pratt in reference to the nation’s gun laws. “But in Austria, people are able to buy a shotgun over the counter the way an American would. Now in America, you can buy many other guns over the counter but at least [in Austria] the shotgun is available, even if it only has two shots in it or maybe three. You can walk out of the store with it.

“There were no shotguns available for sale in Austria around the turn of the year 2016. And particularly women were buying shotguns. That’s what’s available, that’s what they’re buying.”


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