Dozy Bints Doing the Bidding of Dawa-Peddling Hijabettes – "World Hijab Day"
As reported with enthusiasm by Australia’s reliably-Islamophile ABC, just yesterday. How I would like to grab the participating infidel fools by the scruffs of their necks and make them sit down and watch Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s “Submission”, followed up by Wafa Sultan on the subject of Allah’s hatred of women… and some of those harrowing interviews with Yazidi girls who have escaped from the horror harems – slave brothels – of the Islamic State.
‘World Hijab Day: Women Show Solidarity with Muslims By Covering Their Heads.
Stockholm Syndrome on stilts: Formerly-Free Infidel Women Signal Submission to Islam and to Muslim Male Thuggery, by Donning the Muslim Female Gang Uniform aka the Slave Rag.
It is, of course, curious and quite revealing that there is no concomitant Solidarity Event promoted to the useful idiots of the male sex…. a pity, perhaps, the possibilities are endless, and all of them invite parody – “Walk Around With a Raisin Stuck to Your Forehead For a Day”, anyone? – Bearded Infidel Useful Idiots could shave off their moustaches and spend a week or two bristling out their beards, to get that genuine black-toilet-brush Anjem Choudary look…. or if they are cleanshaven, they could just nip down to the joke shop and get a falsie (without moustache, of course) and clip it on… you know, the kind that has little hooks that go over the ears .. anybody for a henna rinse, just like Moh? Or maybe get all done up a la Lawrence of Arabia, and strut around pretending to be Sheikh for a Day, with a scimitar on the belt and a sneer – or a leer – on the lip? – CM
‘Women around the world have been sharing pictures of themselves wearing a hijab in support of Muslim women on World Hijab Day on February 1.
It ought to be April 1. – CM
“I’m so happy to be part of promoting peace and understanding”, one woman wrote.
“It was a wonderful and eye-opening experience!
Really? You put a piece of cloth on your head. A piece of cloth that symbolises, as Iranian French writer Chahdortt Djavann has explained, “the submission of women to men and the denial of legal rights to women in Islamic countries.” A piece of cloth that, as the same woman also explains, “constitutes a constant call to order by Islamic law”, and that is also “the symbol, the flag and the keystone of the Islamic system”.
In other words: all these Useful Idiots, parading about in hijab in a glow of Holier-than-Thou, might as well be waving the Black Flag of Jihad. One wonders whether any of them would even consider, as their next exercise in Showing Solidarity with Vulnerable Minorities, wearing a nice big Star of David pendant in the course of their daily round – especially if they live or work on a university campus, or near suburbs “enriched” with a mohammedan population of any size. – CM
‘First held in 2013, the event was founded by Bangladesh-born New York resident Nazma Khan, who wanted to foster religious tolerance and understanding (ROFLMAO – the hijab, in all its forms, represents anything but<em>; I am thinking, just for starters, of an incident recorded by Australian reporter Geraldine Brooks, in her book about the lot of women in the dar al Islam, "Nine Parts of Desire". She was in Gaza, at a hospital. A young Arab Christian nurse came back in from the markets, crying, with her white uniform all stained with mud and rotten fruit. Muslim men in the market had thrown the mud and rotten fruit at her and demanded that she cover her head - she had gone out bareheaded. They told her "Next time it will be acid". – CM) by inviting non-Islamic women, and Muslim women who do not usually wear the hijab, to experience wearing a head covering for one day.
Pfffft. Lots of women wear hats, not a few women wear ordinary infidel scarves (quite different from the mohammedan head-bag that obsessively conceals ears, neck, and every strand of hair). We all know quite well what a ‘head covering’ feels like. And the smartest and best-informed among us are not the least bit interested in donning the Mohammedan Female Gang Uniform aka Slave Rag. I wouldn’t put on a Hell’s Angels badge. I wouldn’t put on a KKK hood and robe. I wouldn’t put on a Swastika armband. So why should I put on the Sharia badge? – CM
‘Robyn Blodgett, who does not usually cover her head, (is she a convert to Islam? – CM) posted on Instagram: “There is something indescribably empowering and peaceful I feel when I cover up this way. A feeling that many wouldn’t understand”.
Hmmm. Me, I am reminded of the passages in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” that describe the peculiar euphoria experienced by those placed under the Imperius Curse….-CM
“When I go out in hijab, I walk more confidently and I find myself naturally being a better version of myself from my personal intentions to interactions and actions”.
Hmmm. I seem to remember Paul Sheehan, in an article in the Sydney Morning Herald of August 2006, “Ideals Become Casualties of War”, describing the experience of a friend of his. I quote – “A friend of mine, Jenny D., used to live in Lakemba (now one of the most heavily Islamised suburbs in Sydney, NSW, and indeed in Australia – CM). She began receiving insults from people in the street, usually Muslim women wearing headscarves, and sometimes Muslim men. If she wore a short skirt, she could expect abuse or comment. She left Lakemba…”. – CM
‘Women who do usually wear the hijab also used the day to highlight their reasons.
“Hijab is the crown we choose to wear when society wants so desperately for us to be peasants”, wrote London-based Saph.
Ahah. So it’s a power trip, eh? “Look at me, I belong to a Big Scary Gang!” And note the projection in that line ‘Society wants so desperately for us to be peasants’. Because I bet this tart knows all about the way in which the Infidels are supposed to be treated – “Push them to the narrowest part of the road” – by their allah-ordained overlords, the Muslims, “the best of peoples, commanding right and forbidding wrong”. And of course, when you wear hijab, you can feel oh so superior to all that ‘uncovered meat’ around you, both the insufficiently-sharia-compliant muslimahs and the filthy kuffar whores and sluts… – CM
‘Nuha posted on Instagram, “This tiny piece of cloth makes people look at us differently (and don’t you love being the centre of attention? especially if there’s that delicious little frisson that comes with knowing you are making them frightened and uncertain? – CM) sometimes even as aliens (its not that you are aliens; it’s that you are invading and hostile aliens, at that – CM) but in my eyes, we’re something special. I’d rather be admired for my wit, charm and humour than my hair and body.”
Oh, pffft. Plenty of infidel men delight in the wit, charm and humour of their infidel wives, girlfriends, lovers. And in any case, this is dawa-ising piffle, and an outright reversal of the grim reality that obtains throughout the Dar al Islam. Nonie Darwish puts it very bluntly in her book about Sharia, “Cruel and Usual Punishment:; in Islam, the whole woman – from head to toe – is c**t. Nothing but c**t. And therefore she must be covered. – CM
‘Hijab is a general term in Islam, referring to the practice of wearing veils, but usually describes a veil that covers the hair and chest.
If you click on the link it will show you samples of the rhapsodisings of assorted useful idiots, and multiple sweetly-sinister hijabettes. I think the prize, perhaps, for Dozy Bintness, out of those chosen for publication by the ABC (one fears, from out of a whole procession of Dozy Bints) one Kimberly J Sawtelle, who wrote – “Wearing a hijab in support of the right of Muslim women to cover #stand4hijab.” (Somewhere, I think I hear Aqsa Parvez screaming, and all the other girls who have been murdered, or beaten, or raped, or shot with paintballs, or showered with acid or mud – like that little Arab Christian nurse in Gaza who had mud and rotten fruit thrown at her by Muslim youths in the souk – or dung, because they dared to go out without the headscarf.. or the niqab and abaya .. or the burka, depending on where they were and what degree of coverup was deemed compulsory by the Mohammedan males around them. – CM)
The CBC report – which the ABC links for its readers – is even worse; if you decide to click and read it, make sure you provide yourself with a sick bucket, first. But what this infinitely-sneaky and sinister World Hijab Day thingie boils down to, is dawa, the Call to Islam, the demand to Submit, masking itself as an appeal to Solidarity and Tolerance and Empathy and Compassion.
Now, for a reality check on Islam, and women, and the hijab, let’s hear from a few intelligent infidels who had – or have – Islam’s number.
I will begin by linking Phyllis Chesler’s article, “Ban the Burka? The Argument in Favour”.
She quotes an article written by Wael Lutfi, an Egyptian journalist, “Society persecutes women who do not wear a hijab. Of course, I wear a hijab. If I want to be practical and interact with this society… I must wear a hijab…”. And in the same article, ‘another young girl wears the hijab because her father has asked her to do so, and because her beloved younger brother said that his friends were judging him harshly because she did not do so. She says, “I wear a hijab because we live in a society that allows the preacher Safwat Hijazi to call women who do not wear a hijab ‘prostitutes’, and I do not want to be called a prostitute.”
Free choice? – Hardly .
Now, let’s go back in time a little, to that famous and much-quoted passage from Sir Winston Churchill’s “The River Wars” (the original unabridged 1899 edition), discussing Islam. Here is what he has to say about the treatment of women, in Islam. “A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.“
And then, even further, to the sixth President of the United States, and one of its most erudite, John Quincy Adams. In his essays on the Russo-Turkish war, and on the Greek war of independence, he opens the first essay by comparing and contrasting Christianity and Islam. Here is what he says about Muhammad, “.. Adopting from the new revelation of Jesus, the faith and hope of immortal life, and of future retribution, he humbled it to the dust, by adapting all the rewards and sanctions of his religion to the gratification of the sexual passion. He poisoned the sources of human felicity at the fountain, by degrading the condition of the female sex, and the allowance of polygamy; and he declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind. THE ESSENCE OF HIS DOCTRINE WAS VIOLENCE AND LUST – TO EXALT THE BRUTAL OVER THE SPIRITUAL PART OF HUMAN NATURE…”.
That – misogyny, polygyny, slavery , brutality – is what all these starry-eyed dopily-smiling dozy bints on World Hijab Day are identifying with, whether they know it or not, when all aglow they wrap themselves up in the Slave Rags offered to them by the dawa-ising hijabettes with their false smiles – the smile of the crocodile – and take their selfies and put up their FB postings and make their holier-than-thou tweets and send their instagrams, of themselves, grinning into the camera. One can only imagine what the late Oriana Fallaci would have said about this World HIjab Day, and its sinister instigator/s, and the infidel females who have gobbled it up, like Turkish delight dusted with icing sugar and arsenic; she who, in the presence of the Ayatollah Khomeini whom she had come to interview, ripped off the abaya she had been made to wear, and flung it to the floor. – CM