Easy Meat by Peter McLoughlin: the best work on grooming gangs of England and Wales

The Sunday Mirror has a shock expose report today on the Muslim (only they don’t say that, as such) grooming, (rape, murder, torture, prostitution and abuse) gangs in Telford, a new town in Shropshire. As I said at the bottom of the article if you want to know more the best book is the one published by the New English Review Press (biased? me? of course!), Easy Meat by Peter McLoughlin. If you are a UK reader you can buy it here. 

“Impassioned but still analytical. A must read for several reasons – a depiction of the scale of the rape of young women that was ignored, analysis of the motivations for why many agencies turned a blind eye to the systematic rape and a discussion of the passages in the Koran and Hadiths that may have encouraged the rapists. McKLoughlin does justice to the injustice meted out to thousands of women.”

UK readers can buy any of the many very interesting books published by the New English Review Press here with a simple search. For example

Theodore Dalrymple ~ The Proper Procedure + earlier work.

Emmet Scott ~ Mohammed & Charlemagne Revisited and The Impact of Islam

Phyllis Chesler ~ Islamic Gender Apartheid: Exposing a Veiled War Against Women

Ibn Warraq Including ~ The Islam in Islamic Terrorism and Sir Walter Scott’s Crusades

Rebecca Bynum  ~ Allah Is Dead: Why Islam Is Not a Religion and The real Nature of Religion

and more. Lots more


One Response

  1. Any legal or extra-legal consequences for any one or two in British authority to be punished, banished to a place to be marinated in merde?
    Of course, if no British laws were broken, why not give awards to the Muslim and other perps for giving those girls a home away from home.
    Lots of British community karma to be suffered by the callous bystanders.

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