Easy Meat Part II – Political Correctness
The second part of the review of Easy Meat by Anne Marie Waters, the Deputy Leader of Pegida UK. Part I here.
Have you ever read something and felt a kind of relief, an overwhelming sense of ‘at last, someone else gets it’? I felt that way a hundred times when reading Peter McLoughlin’s Easy Meat, but nowhere moreso than when I read this: “Could political correctness really be so powerful that it could allow this child-care scandal to persist and flourish for decades? We should not underestimate the power of this mental straight-jacket. People often refer to political correctness in humorous terms, but in reality it is no laughing matter. Political correctness is a sinister device constructed by the Left to ensure that negative outcomes of Left-wing ideology are never subject to criticism”.
Basic decency and respect for each other would also have rid of us of racism, sexism, or homophobia, so there was no need for us to reach a point where even the truth becomes subject to offence, subject to what someone else deems acceptable. That is exactly what political correctness has done, that is why it is poison. The truth has become subject to political convenience and political positioning, so that when it is inconvenient to the governing Left, the truth is concealed and to hell with the consequences. Thousands of girls were raped and tortured because the truth was suppressed, and the truth was suppressed because it was politically dangerous for the Left.
…it is a tool of compliance that has, as McLoughlin explains, been utilised by the far Left wherever and whenever it has power. It is a tool of oppression and subjugation, nothing less.
he Left wanted Britain’s borders open to a religion and culture that is entirely incompatible with ours. When the terrible consequences of this folly were felt, those consequences had to be hidden or damage to Labour’s vote share would have been the result. As described in Easy Meat “having encouraged Muslim immigration to the UK without any national debate concerning the nature of Islam and how Islamic values conflict with those of the indigenous population, the socialist government determined that Islam should not be criticised”.
According to McLoughlin, the rape of the girls in Rotherham and elsewhere was ignored at least partly because the British National Party (BNP) had raised the issue, and rather than prove them right, Labour (overwhelmingly) thought rape was preferable. The girls involved, or their families, simply did not matter one iota. Labour could not allow the BNP to have a valid point. That the truth remains true regardless of who tells it, does not inform this kind of thinking. The truth is irrelevant, appearances matter more. That is the poison at the heart of political correctness. It is all-pervasive and it is serious, so much so that police intervened to prevent a media broadcast in 2004.
Edge of the City, a Channel 4 documentary about child sex grooming, was withdrawn from broadcast because “a variety of pressure groups, along with West Yorkshire Police, attempted to block” the film from being shown. To quote the Guardian: “Groups such as Unite Against Fascism, the 1990 Trust, and the National Assembly Against Racism began to flood Channel 4 with requests to delay transmission. The Chief constable of West Yorkshire, Colin Cramphorn, joined the call, and Channel 4 complied.”
Peter McLoughlin describes how Channel 4 denied their decision to pull the documentary was to prevent the BNP making political gains. Whether one believes this or not might be considered a matter of opinion, but regardless of reasons, the implications are shocking.
Easy Meat is clear and informative book. It lays before the reader the pernicious and poisonous underbelly of the grooming gang scandal – the misogynistic culture of Islam, the political correctness that hid the truth, and in part three of this review, I will look at perhaps the most toxic of them, what these girls had truly fallen victim to… they were, as Peter McLoughlin argues, the victims of multiculturalism.
Anne Marie Waters ,
Deputy Leader , Pegida UK