Editorial Staff

Rebecca Bynum, Founder of New English Review and Publisher of New English Review Press. She is the author of Allah is Dead: Why Islam is Not a Religion (2011), and The Real Nature of Religion (2014). She currently serves as Secretary for World Encounter Institute. Ms. Bynum formerly served as the Executive Director of the American Mideast Coalition for Democracy, a grassroots NGO designed to give a political voice to Americans of Middle Eastern descent from 2017 -2023. She also served as assistant to Dr. Walid Phares, co-Secretary General of the Trans-Atlantic Group on Counter-Terrorism and who was Foreign Policy Advisor to Presidential Candidate Donald J, Trump, 2016. Mrs. Bynum’s articles are archived here.


Kendra Mallock, Managing Editor for New English Review, and graphic designer for New English Review Press. Kendra has a long background editing scholarly and popular works and is an accomplished artist and graphic designer.  She brings an informed and artistic aesthetic to New English Review.




Esmerelda Weatherwax is managing editor for The Iconoclast and manages our London office. She was born and bred in East London and has lived there all her life so far. Since retiring from the Civil Service, earlier than she anticipated because of the cull of her generation of loyal and competent ‘old school’ officials, she has had time and energy to devote to other matters, of which the creep of Sharia and Islamisation is one.  Mrs Weatherwax blogs at The Iconoclast and her New English Review articles are archived here.



Theodore Dalrymple is New English Review Senior Editor. He is also known as Dr. Anthony Daniels, a recently retired doctor and psychiatrist who worked in a slum hospital and prison in Birmingham, England. A prolific author of numerous essays and opinion pieces carried in the Wall Street Journal, Cato Institute, The Spectator, Daily Telegraph, New Criterion, City JournalNational Review and Takis magazine, he is also the author of Life at the Bottom : The Worldview That Makes the UnderclassSo Little DoneOur Culture, What’s Left of It : The Mandarins and the MassesRomancing Opiates: Pharmacological Lies and the Addiction BureaucracyIn Praise of Prejudice: The Necessity of Preconceived IdeasNot With A Bang, But A Whimper: The Politics and Culture of DeclineThe New Vichy SyndromeAdmirable Evasions, Anything Goes, Farewell Fear, Threats of Pain and Ruin, Out Into The Beautiful World, The Proper Procedures and Other Stories, Grief and Other Stories, The Terror of Existence (with Kenneth Francis) and Neither Trumpets nor Violins (with Kenneth Francis and Samuel Hux).


Ibn Warraq is an independent researcher based at a humanist think tank in the USA, Vice President of World Encounter Institute, and author of Why I am Not a Muslim, and editor of anthologies of Koranic criticism The Origins of the Koran, What the Koran Really Says, and Which Koran?. He also edited an anthology of testimonies of ex-Muslims, Leaving Islam, Defending the West: A Critique of Edward Said’s Orientalism, and Virgins What Virgins?: And Other Essays, Walter Scott’s Crusades and Other Fantasies, and Christmas in the Koran. His most recent book is The Islam in Islamic Terrorism: The Importance of Beliefs, Ideas, and Ideology.

Warraq’s op-ed pieces have appeared in the Wall Street Journal in America and The Guardian in London, and he has addressed distinguished governing bodies round the world, including the United Nations in Geneva on the subject of apostasy. His webpage is hereNew English Review articles are here.


Jerry Gordon is Sr. Vice President of World Encounter Institute and Sr. Editor for New English Review. He is a former Army Intelligence officer who served during the Viet Nam era. Mr. Gordon has published widely in such outlets as FrontPageMagazine, The American Thinker, WorldNetDaily, ChronWatch, New English Review, Israpundit and others. He has been a frequent guest discussing Middle East issues on radio in both the U.S. and Canada. He was a frequent co-host on the weekly Lisa Benson Radio Show on National Security Issues on the Salem Radio Network broadcast on KKNT960 from Phoenix, Arizona. He has been co-host on the periodic International Middle East Roundtable discussions with noted experts broadcast on Northwest Florida’s Talk Radio station, 1330AMWEBY.  Mr. Gordon’s New English Review articles are archived here.   His collection of interviews, The West Speakswas published by the NER Press in 2O12. He is a graduate of both Boston and Columbia Universities.


Contributing Editors

Pedro Blas González is Professor of Philosophy in Florida. An essentialist, his professional interests include subjectivity, self-knowledge and existential autonomy, and how essence informs philosophical/literary vocation and man’s appropriation of human reality. His hobbies include: book collecting, Muzak, the music of Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Ten Years After and Humble Pie, classic Lincoln automobiles, and aviation.



Kenneth Francis is a freelance writer and part-time university professor of journalism. He also holds an MA in Theology. Over the past 20 years, he worked in editing roles in various publications and he is the author of The Little Book of God, Mind, Cosmos and Truth and co-author of The Terror of Existence with Theodore Dalrymple (2018) and Neither Trumpets nor Violins (with Theodorre Dalrymple and Samuel Hux (2022).. His New English Review articles are archived here.




G. Murphy Donovan is a former Intelligence officer and veteran of Catholic schools, USAF Intelligence, CIA, DIA, NSA, Vietnam, Korea, and the East Bronx. He usually writes about the politics of national security. However, he occasionally strays into the cultural or culinary because he believes that the only deficits that matter are common sense, hygiene, and a good multi-grain. He has written for most national security journals and a host of other periodicals too where his angst is pirated with abandon. Colonel Donovan’s NER contributions are listed here. Help Yourself.


Robert Gear is a resident of the American southwest, born and brought up in the UK. He left England in 1975 to circumnavigate the globe, but after three years on the road his grandiose plan was stymied when in Mexico he met his future wife. He worked for much of the last thirty years as an English teacher in three different Gulf Arab countries, and has traveled extensively in the Muslim world from Egypt to Afghanistan and beyond. With his wife, he has coauthored several ESL textbooks.


Geoffrey Clarfield is an anthropologist, ethnomusicologist, journalist, film producer, and classically trained musician. He spent twenty years in Africa, the Middle East and Asia as a researcher and project manager having worked for, among others, archaeologist Richard Leakey and primatologist Jane Goodall. Recently he spent three years in Manhattan as an ethnomusicologist, working at the Alan Lomax Archive where he is still a consultant. In addition to scores of proposals and reports he has written more than one hundred articles on anthropology and music for New English ReviewNational Post, The Globe and Mail, New York Post, The Brooklyn Rail and Minerva magazine in England. He is also member of our board of directors. Clarfield believes that Western civilization alone has and may continue to protect the rights of individual under the rule of law, including freedom of speech.


Jeffrey Burghauser, “a master of highly struc­tured, traditional forms of poetry” (Ivan Head, Quadrant) was born in 1980 in Eliza­beth, New Jersey, and was raised in nearby Springfield. Edu­cated at the State University of New York at Buffalo (where he studied under Robert Creeley) and at the University of Leeds (UK), his poems and translations have appeared in many journals, including The Asses of Parnas­susEk­stasisMerion WestNew Eng­lish Re­viewQuad­rant, and The Showbear Family Cir­cus. The author of four collections of verse, his most recent book, The Heavy Lifting: A Boy’s Guide to Writing Poetry, was published by New English Review Press.


Norman Berdichevsky is a native New Yorker who now lives in Bexhill, East Sussex, U.K. He holds a Ph.D. in human geography from the University of Wisconsin-Madison  and is the author of six books; The Danish-German Border Dispute, Nations, Language and Citizenship, Spanish Vignettes: An Offbeat Look into Spain’s Culture, Society & History, An Introduction to Danish Culture, The Left is Seldom Right , and Modern Hebrew: The Past and Future of a Revitalized Language. He is the author of more than 300 articles and book reviews that have appeared in a variety of American, British, Danish,  Israeli and Spanish periodicals such as World Affairs, Journal of Cultural Geography, Ecumene, Ariel, Ethnicity, The World & I, Contemporary Review, German Life, Israel Affairs, and Midstream. He is also a professional translator from Hebrew and Danish to English. He currently lectures on cruises as a Guest Speaker about the destinations and special interest topics. Dr. Berdichevsky’s website is here.

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