Eight Days, Just Eight Days – Of Muslim Attacks – Jihad – Upon Jews, In Israel, 1-8 October 2015

Summarised by Gil Ronen in Israel National News.


“Terror Timeline: A Bloody Week, Day after Day’

‘Arab terror onslaught (that should be, “Muslim Terror Onslaught” – CM) has been going on for eight days, with new attacks reported every few hours.

At least in Israel the Tinyminorityofextremists meme is starting to wear pretty thin. – CM

‘The latest Arab (sic: Arab Muslim, or just ‘Muslim’ – CM) terror onslaught has been going on for eight days, with new attacks reported every few hours. Arutz Sheva provides its readers with a roundup of the major attacks.

Nota bene: The major attacks. Not all of the attacks. – CM

‘It should be noted that over 100 smaller-scale violent incidents (all of which involve Arab Muslim aggression against Jews qua Jews – CM) are being reported daily.

100 incidents. Daily.  Meanwhile Australia’s ABC – which has a dedicated foreign correspondent placed within Israel, so it has no excuse – has studiously ignored most of those major attacks, and is ignoring the steady barrage of lesser acts of Muslim aggression. – CM 

‘Thursday October 1.

‘Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin were gunned down in their car near Itamar in Samaria.

That should be: “Muslim assassins murder Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin in their car near Itamar in Samaria” – CM

‘The young parents, who were in their thirties, were residents of Neria in Samaria.  They were murdered in front of the eyes of their four children, aged four months, four years, 7, and 9, who were in the car at the time.

‘A five-man Hamas terror cell (jihad gang – CM) that carried out the attack was arrested several days later.

‘Rabbi Eitam’s parents, who made aliyah from America, are Rabbanit Chana Henkin, founder of the Nishmat Institute for Advance Jewish Studies for Women in Jerusalem, and Rabbi Yehuda Henkin, known posek (halakhic decisor) and author of the four-volume set of responsa, Bnai Banim.

‘Friday, October 2.

‘Israel Police and the IDF arrested Palestinian Arabs (sic: ‘Palestinian’ Arab Muslims – CM) across Israel after hundreds participated in violence against Israeli military forces and civilians.

That is: Hundreds of Muslims in mobs attacked Israeli Jewish soldiers and civilians. – CM

‘the riots took place at Rachel’s Tomb in Beit Lehem (Bethlehem) on Friday afternoon, where Arabs (Arab Muslims; I very much doubt that any of Bethlehem’s terrorised – by Muslims – and rapidly dwindling minority of dhimmified Christians took part in the rioting – CM) threw rocks, firebombs, and burning tyres at the Jewish holy site, in Hevron, and near Beit El in the Binyamin region.

Those familiar with the Bible should know that “Hevron” is Hebron, and “Beit El” is Bethel. – CM

‘Police arrested a 25 year old (a 25 year old Muslim man – CM) from Shuafat in Jerusalem, for attempting a terror attack on a Border Police offficer in the Old City. The suspect tried to throw firebombs at civilians.

A Muslim, trying to throw fire-bombs at Jews. – CM

‘In the coastal town of Lod, Arab gunfire  wounded (that is: ‘An Arab Muslim took a gun and shot and wounded’- CM) a five-year-old child, Maoz Shiloh, as he sat in a sukkah.  The bullet caused a fracture to the young boy’s skull, and he was admitted to intensive care following a complicated surgery.

In other words: a Muslim shot a Jewish child in the head, intending to murder that child, and succeeded in gravely wounding him. – CM

‘A 16 year old girl who slept in her family’s Sukkah in Kokhav Ya’akov in the Binyamin region of Samaria was lightly wounded in the lower body by a bullet which was fired from a nearby Arab village.

In other words: A Muslim in his Muslim village took a gun and shot a 16 year old Jewish girl while she slept in her family’s Sukkah hut.  The intent was surely to murder; by a miracle, that intent was not fulfilled. – CM

‘Saturday, October 3.

‘Rabbi Nehemia Lavi, 41, and Aharon Banita Bennett, 21, were murdered in a stabbing attack in Jerusalem’s Old City.

That is: A Muslim with a knife murdered Rabbi Nehemia Lavi and Aharon Banita Bennett in the Old City in Jerusalem. – CM

‘Bennett, along with his wife and two-year-old son, were attacked by the terrorist; his wife was seriously wounded, and the child lightly wounded.

‘Rabbi Lavi, a father of seven, went out of his home with his gun to try to save Bennett and his family, but the terrorist stabbed him and took his weapon.

‘Arab onlookers (that is: Muslim onlookers – CM) laughed [at], spat [on] and kicked Bennett’s wife, who had a knife stuck in her shoulder and was trying to get help.

The testimony of Bennett’s wife, who by a miracle survived, needs to be heard and heeded by all intelligent Infidels.  In my next posting I will reproduce that bleak account of Muslim Jew-hatred and infidel-hatred as expressed not by the Muslim with the knife and then the gun but by the wider ‘community’ whose hatred he put into practice. – CM

‘A 15 year old Jewish teen was stabbed (that is: A knife-wielding Muslim stabbed a 15 year old Jewish teenager – CM) at a gas station near the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem.  He (the victim – CM) was listed in moderate-to-serious condition after being stabbed in the upper body.

‘The attacker (that is: the would-be murderer – CM0 who fled the scene, was shot dead by security forces.

‘Sunday, October 4

‘Shortly after 11.00 PM, two rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israel.

Let’s reword that.  “Shortly after 11.00 PM, jihadis in Gaza fired two rockets into Israel.” – CM

‘The first one missed the target and exploded on the Gazan side of the border.

‘A second rocket exploded in an open area of the Eshkol Regional Council. There were no physical injuries or damage.

However: the jihadis who fired those rockets fully intended death and destruction.  They wanted to frighten, hurt and kill Jews.  Fortunately, they failed of their intent. – CM

‘A terrorist threw a fire-bomb at security forces at the Tomb of Rachel outside Bethlehem.

‘A Border Guard officer was injured in that attack.

‘Tuesday, October 6.

‘A 16 month old baby was lightly wounded when Arab terrorists threw rocks at a car on Highway 60 near Ma’ale Levona in Samaria.

‘Both she and her mother, 32, were brought to a local hospital for treatment, though both are stable and fully conscious.

In other words: Muslims threw large rocks at a car containing a Jewish woman and her small daughter. The intent was to seriously injure or kill.  By a miracle, the Muslim murderers were not able to achieve what they intended. – CM

‘A female Arab terrorist (that is, ‘a Muslim woman jihadist’ – CM) stabbed and moderately wounded a Jewish man, aged 36, at the Lion Gate in the Old City, on the eastern side of the Temple Mount.

‘The man shot the terrorist, who is in serious condition.

‘The stabber (the Muslim attacker – CM) sneaked up from behind the man and stabbed him near the neck.

Back-stabbing, and striking at the neck.  As per the instructions in the Quran 47.4 (Yusuf Ali translation) – “…Therefore, when you meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks…”.  The N Dawood translation puts it rather more strongly – “Strike off their heads”.   – CM

‘He turned around and shot her in self-defence. She tried to run away but nearby Border Police gave chase, pounced on her, and neutralised her.

‘An Arab mob (that is: ‘A Muslim mob” – CM) ambushed a female Jewish motorist with rocks, then  proceeded to kick her and try to wrest her from the car.

Had they succeeded, she would have been lynched, and most likely gang raped as well. Fortunately, they did not succeed. – CM

‘The woman, 38 year old Tekoa resident Rivi Lev-Ohayon, was left wounded by rocks and [from] kicks to her entire body, but managed to escape after other Jewish motorists intervened, with one allegedly shooting and injuring one of her attackers.

‘An Arab (Muslim – CM) terrorist stabbed an IDF soldier and tried to steal his gun, in Kiryat Gat.  The Arab terrorist (the Muslim ghazi terror raider – CM) arrived in Kiryat Gat on a bus, spotted the soldier, and stole his weapon. The soldier fought to regain his gun, at which point he was stabbed in his head.  He suffered moderate injuries.  Police reached the scene within minutes, and rushed into a building to which the terrorist had escaped. They opened fire and eliminated him after he fired at them.

The Jew-hating Muslim jihadist and would-be murderer is dead. Good riddance. – CM

‘An Arab (sic: Arab Muslim – CM) terrorist injured at least one person in a knife attack on passersby (on Jewish passersby – CM) outside Petah Tikvah’s central mall, close to Bellinson Hospital.

‘The attacker drew his knife and ran towards a crowd of civilians (I would hazard the guess “a crowd of mostly-Jewish civilians” – CM) as he and his victim left the city’s #! bus, and succeeded in stabbing at least one of them before security guards opened fire in his direction, and succeeded in overpowering him.

‘Thursday, October 8.

‘A female soldier and four civilians were stabbed and lightly wounded by a terrorist (that is: a Muslim terror raider – CM) in central Tel Aviv’s Begin Street.  An Air Force soldier and policemen who were at the scene chased after the terrorist to nearby Mozes street, where they shot and killed him.

‘Magen David Adom teams evacuated the soldier, 20, to hospital, along with a woman aged about 60, a man aged about 40, and another woman aged about 40.  They are all conscious and were stabbed in the upper body.  A fifth victim was also reported.

‘An Arab terrorist (sic: Arab Muslim terrorist – CM) stabbed a 25 year old Jewish man in Kiryat Arba, in Judea.  The victim was seriously wounded with stab wounds to his back (nota bene: to his back.  In Australia the Muslim terror raider shot Curtis Cheng in the back of the head. – CM), in an attack that took place at the western gate of the town, which opens onto the Arab-majority (and Muslim-dominated – CM) city of Hevron.

That is, Hebron. On the site of Biblical Hebron.  A place known to and lived in by Jews, by the House of Israel, over a thousand years before Islam was ever cooked up out of whole cloth in order to function as the Arab Imperial Cult.  Perhaps it should be called “the Muslim-occupied Israelite city of Hebron”. There were Jews in Hebron until 1929, when Muslims carried out a violent pogrom against its defenceless dhimmi Jews, and the then-governing British, rather than punish the murdering and raping Muslims, removed all the Jews, thus rendering Hebron Judenrein. – CM

‘Medical teams began treating the victim, who apparently is a resident of Kiryat Arba, and after initial treatment they evacuated him to Shaare Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem.

‘Earlier, a 25 year old yeshiva student was seriously injured and another man lightly injured in a terror attack (that is: ‘when attacked by a Muslim terrorist’ – CM) at the Jerusalem Light Rail station in front of national police headquarters near Ammunition Hill.  Magen David Adom teams on scene at Haim Bar Lev Road treated the seriously injured man and brought him to Shaare Zedek Medical Centre, where he arrived in critical condition, was subsequently sedated, and was breathing through a respirator.

‘An initial police investigation revealed that the terrorist, 19 year old Subhi Abu Halifa from Shuafat in eastern Jerusalem, approached the Light Rail station, stabbed the haredi student in the neck (there it is again, Quran 47.4, “smite at their necks” – CM) with a knife, and tried to escape. As he fled, Abu Halifa passed a light rail guard, whom he attacked in an attempt to steal his weapon.  Police SWAT forces chased after the terrorist, arresting him with the assistance of police reinforcements on the scene.

‘A Jewish man in his twenties was stabbed and moderately wounded in an Arab terror attack in the northern city of Afula.

That is: “In the northern Israeli city of Afula an Arab Muslim stabbed a Jewish man in his twenties, intending to kill him.  The victim was moderately wounded.” – CM

‘The young victim was attacked on Arlozorov Street.  Magen David Adom (MDA) and United Hatzalah crews were called to the scene, and provided medical treatment, afterwards evacuating him to Haemek Hospital in the city.

‘Initial reports indicate that the terrorist was apprehended by civilians who happened to be passing by at the time, and then arrested by police.”

So there it is. Attack after attack after attack.  The neverending jihad. And I am sure that when I open up the news from Israel tomorrow and the day after there will be more.  I can also be quite sure that not even ten percent of it will even get a mention from our Aussie ABC, despite their having access to all the Israeli English-language news outlets and blogs to which people like me now have access.  And I can be sure that the common factor shared by  these murderous attacks on Jews in Israel and the murder of Curtis Cheng in Parramatta will never, never be discussed by the ABC or SBS. – CM



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