Everyone In The U.K., In The World, Worried About Those Three Girls Headed To Syria

It was on the BBC, and CNN, and all the American networks. In the U.K., Prime Minister Cameron has been concerned. It’s all over the place — what oh what can be done to find those three little maids from school, the school itself, Bethnal Green, even being shown on international networks.

This insensate interest in these three girls, who apparently have been so impressed by what they have learned about the works and days of the Islamic State — the kidnappings, the beheadings, the Shari’a-compliance officers, the fun for girls with manly suicide-vested scimitar-wielding heroes for our (Muslim) time — all this is what made them buy tickets from London to Istanbul — amazes. Who cares if they go? Let them go, and let them never come back.

It amazes, and it disgusts, because for years and years thousands of girls, English girls, in Rotherham and a dozen other places, indeed all over the country, have been lured by Muslim men of every age, into becoming sex slaves, subject to every sort of abuse, and not only did no news channel anywhere, even locally, cover the story, but the local police, always and everywhere, tried to cover things up, to look the other way, to minimize matters. And that allowed the fantastic goings-on to continue, and it is only after many years that a true relation of the matter has appeared. 

One hopes that many will note this difference, and in the British newspapers, on the radio, on television, on the Internet, will descant and yet again descant upon it.


7 Responses

  1. I think the reason that the media is making such a fuss about it is because it gives them a chance to publicize the revolting conditions of life over there and to put anti-jehadi properganda out. I don’t think many people beyond their immediate family did a fig for these creatures.

  2. Sue, I hope you’re right- that is, about the lack of real sympathy for these three. and while one would hope they would eventually flee what they think will be the perfect society, the more immediate concern is the brutality they will visit on Christians, Yazhidis or the Muslims who want no part of Islamism.

    But what the coverage seems to say about Britain is deeply disturbing. Where is, where was the outrage about the atrocities committed thousands of innocent British girls over a 15 year period. The police and social services of Rotherham are despicable and yet where is the call for all those responsible to lose their jobs and serve prison time?

  3. But, Sue, much of the coverage has been of the ‘Fears grow …’ variety with the clear implication that we should be concerned for their welfare, what with them being ‘straight-A’ pupils and all. No actual person known to me gives a fig about them or their families. My fervent wish is that they inspire an exodus of many thousands of their ilk and meet a suitably grisly end.

  4. …..natural selection, culling the herd, volenti non fit injuria, our brightest and best, going to the prom with Rasheed, teddy bears and lit candles, belonging to the ages,….

  5. They, that is, the jihad slut 3, are obviously much more highly prized by the media and the nice Mr Cameron precisely because they are ‘straight A’ students from a ‘diverse’ background etc etc, and not some indigenous ‘chavs’.

    How confusing it must be for those who cling to the comfort blankets of ‘enrichment’, ‘diversity’, and ‘liberal progress’ to find that some of those who are blessed with such riches decide to regress back to a state of primal savagery over there in allah’s fractious sandbox.

    I can’t tell you how highly amusing I find this. Cue a gaggle of ‘liberal’ handwringers doing their concerned brow furrowing on our television screens in the next few days.

  6. I don’t think these Muslimas will be killing anyone, if they reach their destination. From what I read today in the Guardian, females are not allowed out of the house except to pray; they are solely there as sexual toys and baby machines. However, they will be servicing the foul Killing machine by keeping house and cooking food for the men. One particular egregious bitch who tweeted messages from Raquaa about how wonderful it all was, came home with her tail between her legs (at least, I assume she was let back in Britain). The truth was rather less wonderful than she had been tweeting. Too many power cuts and not enough pizza takeaways. She didn’t l ike men telling her what to do either.

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