F*** Israel, F*** Jews”: Hamas supporting mob hurls flares at Sydney Opera House amid chants of “Allah Hu Akbar”

A chant of “gas the Jewswas also recorded. From OpIndia and elsewhere.

Supporters of the terrorist group Hamas gathered in hundreds in Sydney on October 9th (local time) to march to the Sydney Opera House after it was lit in blue and white in support of Israel. Islamic chants like “Allah Ho Akbar” echoed on the streets of Sydney celebrating the murder of hundreds of Israelis and other foreign nationals.

In a video shared by the Australian Jewish Association on X, formerly Twitter, the mob appears to be attacking the Sydney Opera House with flares following the rally. Subsequently, the lighting up of  of the Opera House in Israeli flag colours was delayed by an hour

The Australian Jewish Association Association tweeted; Police warnNo Jews near Opera house for their own safety as Muslim mobs gather to celebrate death. Why make a tribute to Jewish victims if they can’t even go near